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HP Prime Graphing Calculator for iOS. - Printable Version

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HP Prime Graphing Calculator for iOS. - pgyore - 08-16-2016 08:15 PM


I purchased the HP Prime Graphing Calculator for iOS. Questions:

- Is it possible to update the HP Prime Graphing Calculator for iOS to '2016.04.14 r10077'? If so, how? If not, is it necessary for HP to update our software via iTunes / App Store. Is it coming?

- I have noticed the keyboard (graphics) are crystal clear, but the virtual display seems low resolution. I suppose what we are seeing is exactly what is written for the actual HP Prime 320x240 frame buffer? What would it take to increase the output for our retina iPhones / iPad / iPod? Am I asking too much? Has it already been discussed? Is it coming?

Thank you,
P Gyore

RE: HP Prime Graphing Calculator for iOS. - Eddie W. Shore - 08-19-2016 05:06 AM

So far I have not seen any upgrades to the iOS version of the Prime. The latest version is 9069 (11/2/2015).

RE: HP Prime Graphing Calculator for iOS. - Tim Wessman - 08-19-2016 04:13 PM

(08-16-2016 08:15 PM)pgyore Wrote:  If so, how? If not, is it necessary for HP to update our software via iTunes / App Store.

Yes, that is necessary. It isn't an "emulator" that runs the binary from the calculator, but is an actual platform specific build for each location it runs.

Quote:- I have noticed the keyboard (graphics) are crystal clear, but the virtual display seems low resolution. I suppose what we are seeing is exactly what is written for the actual HP Prime 320x240 frame buffer?

Yes, that is correct. It is the same size and resolution.

Quote:What would it take to increase the output for our retina iPhones / iPad / iPod?

There are a lot of changes internally in the code to support that type of thing. Think about something simple like drawing a line. When you are on a high resolution screen, should that be a 1 pixel thick line? Or should it be thicker so you can see it easier?

As for any future looking statements regarding when or if, I cannot make those at all. The resolution independence issue is a known problem and we'd definitely like to address it at some point.

RE: HP Prime Graphing Calculator for iOS. - pgyore - 08-19-2016 06:31 PM


Thank you for your response. I look forward to updates and am already impressed with the Prime. I will most likely buy one now that I have had a chance to use the software version.

Best regards,
P Gyore