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HP PDF VIEWER PROBLEM - Printable Version

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HP PDF VIEWER PROBLEM - DaniFlow91 - 02-23-2014 02:21 PM

I've bought an hp prime calculator yesterday.
I want to transfer file as pdf or image on the calculator, so i convert my files on the mViewer app on this site, then i put the files on the folder my calc (in the user document folder), i open the connectivity kit and the section Content/Program, open the prime virtual calculator and send the files to my calculator.
Then, after download them and wait for the exit of the calc from the program catalog, i see the file on the program catalog with the right dimension but i can't display them on the calculator screen, instead of the prime virtual calculator in which i see everything.
I download the latest version of the calculator 2013 11 25 released. What's the problem with my calculator?

RE: HP PDF VIEWER PROBLEM - jebem - 02-23-2014 05:06 PM

Hi Dani,

Well, what I do to read my notes is to just use the HP-Prime Notes Editor.
You can create notes in text as you need, either in the calculator r in the PC and then transfer them to the calculator using the HP CK.

However if you need to display something more elaborate that you can't put in a text file, then I donĀ“t know how to do it natively. This calculator doesn't expose the file system itself, so I don't see a direct way to create folders and files.

So, apparently what some people did was to transfer a HP-PPL program that embeds an image inside the Export-Begin-End program structure.
So one needs to run the program to display the contents.

Can someone enlighten this in a better way, please?