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A few points on the HP Prime wiki - Printable Version

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A few points on the HP Prime wiki - webmasterpdx - 10-17-2017 12:42 PM

I just want to encourage people to use and add to the wiki at http://www.wiki4hp.com/doku.php?id=prime:start

There are many documentation tasks that would be very useful if someone has the tools and time to do it. For example, there is a link to what looks like a great Prime CAS manual in the Programming Documentation section in the wiki, but it's written in French. I've tried to get it translated using every online tool available to me but they all have size limitations that don't allow me to translate to english. If someone has membership in one of those sites and can do it and has the time, please do so. Maybe HP might pay to get it done? It'd be a great document to have in english. It's located here: http://www-fourier.ujf-grenoble.fr/~parisse/calc/hprime2.pdf

The next thing I want to mention is that in the Programming Documentation section of the Prime wiki, I have a page entitled CAS vs Home and another entitled Miscellaneous Tips. Both of these are for tips that can be described in a few lines. The CAS vs Home is for tips related to the differences between CAS and Home (like the fact that in CAS it's preferred to index into lists using [] square brackets, while in Home mode you must use () round brackets). Miscellaneous Tips is a new page I've added for anything general or not CAS vs Home related. Right now there is only one tip there (T:=""+V; does the same as T:=STRING(V); but STRING is faster and uses less RAM). If a tip requires more than a few lines and maybe has a utility function defined, then it can have it's own page created like the POLAR/RECTANGULAR page just added. I just want to encourage people to add tips to these pages or create new ones as appropriate if you have the time and the tips. The idea is to cover subjects that are either undocumented or poorly documented. There are descriptions on the page on how to do all this. All you need to do is register and ask the admin, Bruce Bergman to give you the right permissions. His email is here: http://www.wiki4hp.com/doku.php?id=20b:team-bergman

If you have tips and you just don't have the time, or that translated document, then just email it to me. My email is linked to from the wiki too (at the top of the page).

I just want to encourage others to get involved in this. Maybe you just got done programming a particular function and you encountered a few problems and had to jump through a few hoops to get there. Then share the solutions you used to get over these hoops. We really are interested. The more of us that do this, the better, and the better community we can have for the Prime.

'nuff said :-)

RE: A few points on the HP Prime wiki - pier4r - 10-17-2017 12:55 PM

Nice idea! I support the encouragement!

On my side I have the hands full (*), already updating from time to time the page "resources" is enough.

In the best case (plenty of time and energy and little worries) I would restart the collection of interesting discussion that I built up in around a month in 2013. Here: http://www.wiki4hp.com/doku.php?id=resources:bestofdiscussions

little explorations hp 50g
hp calc torrent (especially searching for useful userRPL source code)
new rpl little contributions on its wiki
list processing hp50g
life gamification hp50g
little explorations hp prime (I will likely use the contents of the wiki)
other hp calcs (for example evaluating free42s vs sharp el506w in terms of practical usability for my pov)

It is already pretty unrealistic to do well all the points mentioned above, they are already too many for the resources that I have.

RE: A few points on the HP Prime wiki - webmasterpdx - 10-17-2017 02:06 PM

Yes of course! I understand that not everyone will have the time. I myself am fortunate to have some time right now, but that won't last forever, but whenever I have the time I'll contribute if I have something. This is all I'm asking of anyone....