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(HP-65) Gentamicin
10-03-2020, 12:19 PM
Post: #1
(HP-65) Gentamicin
An extract from Analysis of Gentamicin Blood Levels for the Purpose of Establishing the Potential of Pharmacist Assisted Gentamicin Dosing, Michael Eugene Millard, THESIS - Master of Science (Oregon State University), JUL 1977, 50 pgs.


          Data Development

Creatinine Clearance
     A programmable hand held calculator was used to calculate the creatinine clearances from patients' lean body mass, age, sex and serum creatinine, using a recently developed program by Foster and Bourne,22 based on the method of Siersbak-Nielsen.23
     The parameters of age, lean body weight, sex and serum creatinine were entered into the program and creatinine clearance read in ml/minute … for each patient, a chronological creatinine clearance profile was generated …

          Determining the Calculated Gentamicin Blood Level
     For calculation of predicted blood levels to compare gentamicin doses empirically derived and doses determined by the use of the dosing chart, a pharmacokinetic model was constructed which would allow prediction of gentamicin serum levels that would result from each dosage regimen. A program was written for a Hewlett-Packard HP 65 programmable calculator and was used to calculate the predicted gentamicin levels (Appendix 2) …

     The use of these methods programmed on a calculator allows the prediction of peak and trough gentamicin levels for each dose which the patient actually received (D) and for each dose which the patient would have received if the pharmacist had adjusted the dose for renal function (PAD).

APPENDIX 1: Program steps and instructions for estimating creatinine clearances for HP-65

APPENDIX 2: Program steps and instructions for the pharmacokinetic model of gentamicin …

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10-06-2020, 06:58 PM
Post: #2
RE: (HP-65) Gentamicin
The appendices would have been better if they had shown the program card and the corresponding four labels A, B, C, and D. It appears that the program author was only somewhat familiar with the HP-65. Despite that, this was probably a very useful program.
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