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Dice probabilities
04-29-2024, 04:23 PM
Post: #1
Dice probabilities
So I came across this question while playing a new board game at the weekend.

This board game has multiple dice which are unusual - they have 2 blank faces, 2 'one dot' faces and 2 'two dot' faces. I.e. a 1/3rd chance to roll a zero, one or two.

In this game we roll multiple dice and then sum the number of dots to score that roll.

What is the probability of rolling a score of more than or equal to 7 when I have 5 of these dice in my hand?

Does anyone know of a good way to calculate this?

I've thought of two approaches, both of which are a bit inelegant. I'm curious to see if there is a neater way especially for the general case, and whether a program could be written to calculate it.
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04-29-2024, 04:55 PM
Post: #2
RE: Dice probabilities
(x^2+x+1)^5 &= x^{10} + 5 x^9 + 15 x^8 + 30 x^7 + 45 x^6 + 51 x^5 + 45 x^4 + 30 x^3 + 15 x^2 + 5 x + 1 \\
p &= \frac{1 + 5 + 15 + 30}{3^5} \\
&= \frac{51}{243} \\
&= \frac{17}{81} \\
&\approx 0.20988
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04-29-2024, 05:49 PM
Post: #3
RE: Dice probabilities
That looks good to me, but can you explain for someone who is not so bright?
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04-29-2024, 06:07 PM
Post: #4
RE: Dice probabilities
We might rather write it: \(x^2+x^1+x^0\)
Thus for an ordinary die we would use: \(x^6+x^5+x^4+x^3+x^2+x^1\)
If these terms get multiplied, their exponents are added.
We're using the distributive law.
Every possible case gets combined with all the others.
And the exponents are added up for us.

I assume that the reason we add up the coefficients of \(x^{10} \cdots x^7\) is clear.
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04-29-2024, 07:14 PM
Post: #5
RE: Dice probabilities
Oh that is fascinating.

So you are using the powers of x and the distributive law to 'add up' the powers of x and therefore essentially generate the crossing of 0, 1, 2.

Are you just using the convenience of this in order to calculate that - because I don't think there is anything inherently 'squared' about a die with two dots, or I may be missing something.

Also I imagine it took a while to expand out?
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04-29-2024, 07:22 PM
Post: #6
RE: Dice probabilities
This was my simple method simply generating every possible roll using the function `expand.grid` in R, then summing, and finding the number with scores >= 7 (and other scores as well as other number of dice).



faces <- c(0, 1, 2)
max_dice_needed <- 8
max_score_needed <- 12

results <- 
data.frame(dice = numeric(),
           score_needed = numeric(),
           prob = numeric()) 

for(k in 1:max_dice_needed){

  ndice <- k
  dice <- list()

  # add number of dice to list
  for (i in 1:ndice){
    dice <- append(dice, list(faces))

  # find every permutation of dice faces
  rolls <- expand.grid(dice)

  # calculate total score for the throw
  scores <-
  rolls %>%
    rowwise %>%
    mutate(score = sum(c_across(starts_with("Var")))) %>%

  message("dice:", ndice, " scores:", length(scores))

  # calculate probability of getting >= required score
  for(j in 0:max_score_needed){

    score_needed <- j

    results <- 
    data.frame(dice = ndice,
               score_needed = j,
               prob = mean(scores >= score_needed)

# plot results
results %>%
  mutate(dice = factor(dice)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = score_needed, y = prob, colour = dice))+
  geom_label(aes(label = dice))+
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = scales::pretty_breaks(n = 12))+
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = scales::pretty_breaks(n = 10),
                     labels = scales::percent)+
  labs(y = "probability", x = "score needed")+
  theme(legend.position = "none")


Another method I had was to consider the number of combinations of dice that made up 7 or higher, i.e.:

7: 2, 2, 2, 1, 0 - 5!/3!
7: 2, 2, 1, 1, 1 - 5!/(2! x 3!)
8: 2, 2, 2, 2, 0 - 5!/4!
8: 2, 2, 2, 1, 1 - 5!(2! x 3!)
9: 2, 2, 2, 2, 1 - 5!/4!
10: 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 - 1

then (5!/3! + 5!/(2! x 3!) + 5!/4! + 5!(2! x 3!) + 5!/4! + 5!/4! + 1) / 3^5 = 20.99%
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04-29-2024, 09:22 PM
Post: #7
RE: Dice probabilities
Dice = (x^2 + x^1 + x^0) / 3 = 100%      // see Probability-generating function
Dice^5 = 100% probability too.

From this distribution, just pick what we needed.

>10101^5                     // (x^2+x+1)^5, for x=100
>(1+5+15+30)/3^5      // P(sum >= 7)
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04-29-2024, 10:36 PM (This post was last modified: 04-29-2024 11:37 PM by Gil.)
Post: #8
RE: Dice probabilities
For a program with HP50G

Just simulate, one time, the case of having such 5 dice:
\<< 0. 0. 1. 5.
  START RAND \-> n
      CASE n 3. INV \<=
        THEN 0.
        END n 3. INV 2. * \<=
        THEN 1.
        END 2.
    \>> +
  NEXT 7. \>=
  THEN 1. +
and call that subroutine P.

Just simulate now the above subroutine P, not once, but 10000 times as follows:
\<< 0. 1. 10000.
NEXT 10000. /

and you should find about 0.21.

To speed up the subroutine P, you can change the code into:
\<< 0. 0. 1. 5.
    CASE 3. INV \<=
      THEN DROP 0.
      END 3. INV 2. * \<=
      THEN 1.
      END 2.
    END +
  NEXT 7. \>=
  THEN 1. +
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04-30-2024, 12:27 AM
Post: #9
RE: Dice probabilities
(04-29-2024 07:14 PM)dm319 Wrote:  Also I imagine it took a while to expand out?

Not really: (x^2+x+1)^5

(04-29-2024 04:23 PM)dm319 Wrote:  (…) whether a program could be written to calculate it.

Here's a program for the HP-42S:
00 { 43-Byte Prgm }
01 1
02 3
04 1
05 +
06 ×
07 STO "A"
08 DIM?
09 +
11 DIM "A"
12 RCL "A"
14 STO "A"
15 DIM?
16 1
17 -
18 DIM "A"
19 RCL "A"
22 END


1 +

x: [ 3×1 Matrix ]



x: [ 5×1 Matrix ]


x: [ 7×1 Matrix ]


x: [ 9×1 Matrix ]


x: [ 11×1 Matrix ]

The result is:

1 \\
5 \\
15 \\
30 \\
45 \\
51 \\
45 \\
30 \\
15 \\
5 \\
1 \\

We can now also ask:
  • What about dice with 1 blank faces, 2 'one dot' faces and 3 'two dot' faces?
  • What about dice with 3 blank faces, 2 'one dot' faces and 1 'two dot' faces?
Can you come up with similar formulas for their corresponding probabilities?
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04-30-2024, 12:40 AM
Post: #10
RE: Dice probabilities
Also the following links might be of interest:
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04-30-2024, 06:43 AM
Post: #11
RE: Dice probabilities
Here's a slightly improved program for the HP-42S:
00 { 52-Byte Prgm }
01 STO 00
02 R↓
03 STO "A"
04 GTO 01
05▸LBL 00
06 RCL "A"
08 ×
09 STO "_"
10 DIM?
11 +
13 DIM "_"
14 RCL "_"
16 STO "_"
17 DIM?
18 1
19 -
20 DIM "_"
21 RCL "_"
24▸LBL 01
25 DSE 00
26 GTO 00
27 END

It allows to use an arbitrary [ k×1 Matrix ] and an integer exponent \(n > 0\).


Use matrix [ 1 2 3 ] and exponent \(n = 5\).

1 →
2 →



x: [ 11×1 Matrix ]

The result is:

1 \\
10 \\
55 \\
200 \\
530 \\
1052 \\
1590 \\
1800 \\
1485 \\
810 \\
243 \\

Compare this to: (x^2+2x+3)^5
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04-30-2024, 08:06 AM (This post was last modified: 04-30-2024 09:22 AM by Thomas Klemm.)
Post: #12
RE: Dice probabilities
To illustrate the program, here's an example of a single execution of the loop:


1 \\
4 \\
10 \\
12 \\
9 \\
1 & 2 & 3
1 & 2 & 3 \\
4 & 8 & 12 \\
10 & 20 & 30 \\
12 & 24 & 36 \\
9 & 18 & 27 \\

STO "_"
DIM "_"

1 & 2 & 3 \\
4 & 8 & 12 \\
10 & 20 & 30 \\
12 & 24 & 36 \\
9 & 18 & 27 \\
0 & 0 & 0 \\
0 & 0 & 0 \\
0 & 0 & 0 \\

RCL "_"
STO "_"

1 & 4 & 10 & 12 & 9 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
2 & 8 & 20 & 24 & 18 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
3 & 12 & 30 & 36 & 27 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\

DIM "_"

1 & 4 & 10 & 12 & 9 & 0 & 0 \\
0 & 2 & 8 & 20 & 24 & 18 & 0 \\
0 & 0 & 3 & 12 & 30 & 36 & 27 \\

RCL "_"

1 & 0 & 0 \\
4 & 2 & 0 \\
10 & 8 & 3 \\
12 & 20 & 12 \\
9 & 24 & 30 \\
0 & 18 & 36 \\
0 & 0 & 27 \\


1 \\
6 \\
21 \\
44 \\
63 \\
54 \\
27 \\

Compare this to: \((x^4+4x^3+10x^2+12x+9)(x^2+2x+3)\) \(= x^6 + 6 x^5 + 21 x^4 + 44 x^3 + 63 x^2 + 54 x + 27\)
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04-30-2024, 10:59 AM
Post: #13
RE: Dice probabilities
Instead of multiply to expand polynomial, we could also do division.

(x^2+x+1)^5 = (x^3-1)^5 / (x-1)^5

Numerator coefficients is simply 5th row of pascal triangle, with alternate sign:

x^15 - 5x^12 + 10x^9 - 10x^6 + 5x^3 - 1

Synthetic Division, (x-1) 5 times, we get the expanded polynomial needed.
With symmetry, we only need 2 terms. (for exponent >= 7, we don't even need last 2 columns)

1> 1   0   0   -5    0    0 
1> 1   1   1   -4   -4   -4
1> 1   2   3   -1   -5   -9
1> 1   3   6    5    0   -9
1> 1   4   10  15   15    6 
   1   5   15  30   45   51

P(sum >= 7) = (1+5+15+30)/3^5 = 17/81 ≈ 0.2099

Or, we skip synthetic divisions, and go straight for answer

P(sum >= 7) = (1+5+T5+(Te5-5))/3^5 = (1+T5+Te5)/3^5 = (1+comb(6,2)+comb(7,3))/3^5 = 17/81
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04-30-2024, 11:19 AM
Post: #14
RE: Dice probabilities
(04-29-2024 04:55 PM)Thomas Klemm Wrote:  \(
(x^2+x+1)^5 &= x^{10} + 5 x^9 + 15 x^8 + 30 x^7 + 45 x^6 + 51 x^5 + 45 x^4 + 30 x^3 + 15 x^2 + 5 x + 1 \\
p &= \frac{1 + 5 + 15 + 30}{3^5} \\
&= \frac{51}{243} \\
&= \frac{17}{81} \\
&\approx 0.20988

@dm If you like this kind of wizardy with counting, which Mr. Klemm and others here are simply world-class at doing on any platform, may I suggest A book called "Generatingfunctionology" by Wilf ( HTML page with terms)?

Related (unevaluated) Youtube lectures.

17bii | 32s | 32sii | 41c | 41cv | 41cx | 42s | 48g | 48g+ | 48gx | 50g | 30b

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04-30-2024, 12:00 PM (This post was last modified: 04-30-2024 12:06 PM by Dave Britten.)
Post: #15
RE: Dice probabilities
Here's a short Python program I wrote a long time ago for generating probability tables:

Roughly half of it is just processing the user input! Enter one die at a time, and enter a blank line to terminate input.

EDIT: It's so old, in fact, that I just realized it's for Python 2! Here's a quick update to Python 3:

import re

dice = [] #Input dice as polynomial coefficients    

print("Enter face values as non-negative integers, separated by spaces, commas, or semicolons. (e.g. \"1,2;3 4 5 6\")")
while True:
    rawdie = [] #List of face values
    qty = 1 #Quantity of a single die spec

    inp = input("Die " + str(len(dice) + 1) + "? ")
    if inp == "":
    #rawdie = [int(face) for face in inp.split(" ")]
    rawdie = [int(face.strip()) for face in re.split(" |,|;", inp) if face.strip()]
    qty = input("Quantity? [1] ")

    if qty == "":
        qty = 1
        qty = int(qty)

    die = [0] * (max(rawdie) + 1)
    for i in rawdie:
        die[i] += 1

    dice += [die for i in range(qty)]

    print(str(rawdie) + " x " + str(qty))

lastresult = dice[0]

for current in dice[1:]:
    result = [0] * (len(lastresult) + len(current) - 1)
    for x, v1 in enumerate(lastresult):
        if v1 == 0:
        for y, v2 in enumerate(current):
            result[x + y] += v1 * v2
    lastresult = result

skipzero = True
p = 0.0
fcum = 0.0
for i in lastresult:
    p += i

print("Permutations: {:.0f}".format(p))
print("{:<6} {:<12} {:>10} {:>10} {:>10}".format("Total","Freq","Prob", "p>=", "p<="))
for i, f in enumerate(lastresult):
    fcum += f
    if f == 0 and skipzero:
    skipzero = False
    print("{:<6} {:<12} {:>10.3%} {:>10.3%} {:>10.3%}".format(i, f, f / p, (p - fcum + f) / p, fcum / p))
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04-30-2024, 05:11 PM
Post: #16
RE: Dice probabilities
I took the liberty to refactor your Python program:
import re

def input_dice_as_polynomial_coefficients():
    dice = []

        'Enter face values as non-negative integers, separated by spaces, commas, or semicolons. (e.g. "1,2;3 4 5 6")'
    while inp := input("Die " + str(len(dice) + 1) + "? "):
        # List of face values
        raw_die = [
            int(face.strip()) for face in re.split(r"[ ,;]", inp) if face.strip()
        # Quantity of a single die spec
        raw_qty = input("Quantity? [1] ")
        qty = 1 if raw_qty == "" else int(raw_qty)
        die = coefficients(raw_die)
        dice += [die] * qty
        print(f"{raw_die} x {qty}")
    return dice

def coefficients(raw_die):
    die = [0] * (max(raw_die) + 1)
    for i in raw_die:
        die[i] += 1
    return die

def calculate_frequencies(dice):
    previous, *rest = dice

    for current in rest:
        result = [0] * (len(previous) + len(current) - 1)
        for i, u in enumerate(previous):
            if u == 0:
            for j, v in enumerate(current):
                result[i + j] += u * v
        previous = result
    return previous

def print_permutations(frequencies):
    skip_zero = True
    p = sum(frequencies)
    f_cum = 0.0

    print(f"Permutations: {p:.0f}")
    print(f"{'Total':<6} {'Freq':<12} {'Prob':>10} {'p>=':>10} {'p<=':>10}")
    for i, f in enumerate(frequencies):
        f_cum += f
        if f == 0 and skip_zero:
        skip_zero = False
            f"{i:<6} {f:<12} {f / p:>10.3%} {(p - f_cum + f) / p:>10.3%} {f_cum / p:>10.3%}"

if __name__ == "__main__":
    dice = input_dice_as_polynomial_coefficients()
    frequencies = calculate_frequencies(dice)
  • extract method to break the program into smaller pieces
  • this allows to write unit-tests for some of the functions
  • use the __name__ == "__main__" check
  • this allows to import the file as module without running it
  • use f-strings
  • use the walrus-operator :=
  • rename some variables
  • use black to format the code


Enter face values as non-negative integers, separated by spaces, commas, or semicolons. (e.g. "1,2;3 4 5 6")
Die 1? 0 1 2
Quantity? [1] 5
[0, 1, 2] x 5
Die 6? 
Permutations: 243
Total  Freq               Prob        p>=        p<=
0      1                0.412%   100.000%     0.412%
1      5                2.058%    99.588%     2.469%
2      15               6.173%    97.531%     8.642%
3      30              12.346%    91.358%    20.988%
4      45              18.519%    79.012%    39.506%
5      51              20.988%    60.494%    60.494%
6      45              18.519%    39.506%    79.012%
7      30              12.346%    20.988%    91.358%
8      15               6.173%     8.642%    97.531%
9      5                2.058%     2.469%    99.588%
10     1                0.412%     0.412%   100.000%

Enter face values as non-negative integers, separated by spaces, commas, or semicolons. (e.g. "1,2;3 4 5 6")
Die 1? 0 0 0 1 1 2
Quantity? [1] 5
[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2] x 5
Die 6? 
Permutations: 7776
Total  Freq               Prob        p>=        p<=
0      243              3.125%   100.000%     3.125%
1      810             10.417%    96.875%    13.542%
2      1485            19.097%    86.458%    32.639%
3      1800            23.148%    67.361%    55.787%
4      1590            20.448%    44.213%    76.235%
5      1052            13.529%    23.765%    89.763%
6      530              6.816%    10.237%    96.579%
7      200              2.572%     3.421%    99.151%
8      55               0.707%     0.849%    99.859%
9      10               0.129%     0.141%    99.987%
10     1                0.013%     0.013%   100.000%
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04-30-2024, 05:58 PM
Post: #17
RE: Dice probabilities
(04-30-2024 05:11 PM)Thomas Klemm Wrote:  I took the liberty to refactor your Python program:
import re

def input_dice_as_polynomial_coefficients():
    dice = []

        'Enter face values as non-negative integers, separated by spaces, commas, or semicolons. (e.g. "1,2;3 4 5 6")'
    while inp := input("Die " + str(len(dice) + 1) + "? "):
        # List of face values
        raw_die = [
            int(face.strip()) for face in re.split(r"[ ,;]", inp) if face.strip()
        # Quantity of a single die spec
        raw_qty = input("Quantity? [1] ")
        qty = 1 if raw_qty == "" else int(raw_qty)
        die = coefficients(raw_die)
        dice += [die] * qty
        print(f"{raw_die} x {qty}")
    return dice

def coefficients(raw_die):
    die = [0] * (max(raw_die) + 1)
    for i in raw_die:
        die[i] += 1
    return die

def calculate_frequencies(dice):
    previous, *rest = dice

    for current in rest:
        result = [0] * (len(previous) + len(current) - 1)
        for i, u in enumerate(previous):
            if u == 0:
            for j, v in enumerate(current):
                result[i + j] += u * v
        previous = result
    return previous

def print_permutations(frequencies):
    skip_zero = True
    p = sum(frequencies)
    f_cum = 0.0

    print(f"Permutations: {p:.0f}")
    print(f"{'Total':<6} {'Freq':<12} {'Prob':>10} {'p>=':>10} {'p<=':>10}")
    for i, f in enumerate(frequencies):
        f_cum += f
        if f == 0 and skip_zero:
        skip_zero = False
            f"{i:<6} {f:<12} {f / p:>10.3%} {(p - f_cum + f) / p:>10.3%} {f_cum / p:>10.3%}"

if __name__ == "__main__":
    dice = input_dice_as_polynomial_coefficients()
    frequencies = calculate_frequencies(dice)

Cool! There's definitely plenty of room to fancy it up, especially with the 9 or so years of Python feature additions since I wrote it.

I also did a Turbo Pascal 5.5 port if anybody needs to do this on a 200LX. Wink
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04-30-2024, 06:04 PM
Post: #18
RE: Dice probabilities
(04-30-2024 05:11 PM)Thomas Klemm Wrote:  
  • this allows to write unit-tests for some of the functions

Here's an example of parametrized tests using pytest:
import pytest
from dice import calculate_frequencies, coefficients

    "raw_die, expected",
        ([0, 1, 2], [1, 1, 1]),
        ([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2], [3, 2, 1]),
def test_coefficients(raw_die, expected):
    assert coefficients(raw_die) == expected

    "dice, expected",
        ([[1, 1, 1]] * 5, [1, 5, 15, 30, 45, 51, 45, 30, 15, 5, 1]),
        ([[3, 2, 1]] * 5, [243, 810, 1485, 1800, 1590, 1052, 530, 200, 55, 10, 1]),
def test_calculate_frequencies(dice, expected):
    assert calculate_frequencies(dice) == expected

To run the tests, pip install pytest into the virtual environment and execute:


================================================================================​============================================ test session starts ===========================================================================​==================================================
platform darwin -- Python 3.12.2, pytest-8.2.0, pluggy-1.5.0
rootdir: /Users/whatever
collected 4 items ....                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      [100%]

================================================================================​============================================= 4 passed in 0.01s ===========================================================================​===================================================
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04-30-2024, 06:25 PM
Post: #19
RE: Dice probabilities
(04-30-2024 12:00 PM)Dave Britten Wrote:  Here's a short Python program I wrote a long time ago for generating probability tables:

Look what I found: Calculating odds of rolling a given total with a specified number of dice
Cf. Post #14
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04-30-2024, 07:24 PM
Post: #20
RE: Dice probabilities
(04-30-2024 06:25 PM)Thomas Klemm Wrote:  
(04-30-2024 12:00 PM)Dave Britten Wrote:  Here's a short Python program I wrote a long time ago for generating probability tables:

Look what I found: Calculating odds of rolling a given total with a specified number of dice
Cf. Post #14

Ah ha! There's that thread I wasn't coming up with the right combination of search terms to find. Big Grin
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