single tone during 41cx program execution, error?
08-20-2016, 11:22 PM
Post: #1
single tone during 41cx program execution, error?
I have a short program which is doing some elaborate parsing of an alpha extended memory file and I am getting a single tone repeatedly intermittently during one of the loops. Before I transcribe the FOCAL, can anyone deduce an explanation? Is this an error signal? Program execution does not halt. Interestingly subsequent/random executions of the program run off the end of the file and require me to ED it and move the file pointer to the beginning, so likely I am doing something very wrong. Thanks! |
08-21-2016, 04:25 PM
Post: #2
RE: single tone during 41cx program execution, error?
(08-20-2016 11:22 PM)twdeckard Wrote: I have a short program which is doing some elaborate parsing of an alpha extended memory file and I am getting a single tone repeatedly intermittently during one of the loops. Is this the same tone as the one you get after entering 24 characters in Alpha? (08-20-2016 11:22 PM)twdeckard Wrote: Before I transcribe the FOCAL, can anyone deduce an explanation? Obviously it's the other way round: post the program here and, important, mark the exact line where the tone occurs. This way an explanation may be possible. Dieter |
08-21-2016, 10:24 PM
Post: #3
RE: single tone during 41cx program execution, error?
Dieter wins, by counting the tones I have deduced it is likely because the EM records are longer than the alpha register. This is as designed.
08-22-2016, 09:51 PM
Post: #4
RE: single tone during 41cx program execution, error?
(08-21-2016 10:24 PM)twdeckard Wrote: Dieter wins, by counting the tones I have deduced it is likely because the EM records are longer than the alpha register. This is as designed. Hmmm... in a running program there usually is no warning tone. Try this: Code: "ABCDE" The 20 "X"es will push the initial "A" out of ALPHA, but there is no tone. On the other hand you will hear it if you enter "ABCDEXXXXXXX..." manually. So I wonder if this is different with some X-Memory related commands. What about a program listing now? Dieter |
08-23-2016, 03:38 PM
Post: #5
RE: single tone during 41cx program execution, error?
CF 26
Here's an (approximate) code listing Dieter but I don't think its worth the energy to crawl thru it. I'll be proud to post it when completed. The crime is committed early on and you are exactly correct -- its because I am reading an EM record longer than 24 characters into alpha. It took me a bit to puzzle it out because I have never heard the unit "beep" like this. This is going to be software to compute the approximate location of a low earth orbiting satellite from its "two line element" and point an antenna at it. It is very approximately derived from a program called PLAN-13 and designed to mimic an Arduino package I developed that actually drives a motorized antenna mount. Candidly this has no useful purpose other than I am have become very enamored with the Advantage ROM. Fascinated to see if I can reduce the coordinate transformations to the simplest set of matrix and vector operations. I am also trying to force myself to go thru the math as there is a practical goal to try to derive the TLE from an observation and it would be handy if the calculator could help. Also the 'beeping' program in the calculator is quite a bit different :^) I alternate between thinking in the calculator and transcribing the results to a file that I can comment and preserve. I'm in the calculator right now. The key is that the EM file is: 1 25544U 98067A 16236.07226056 .00002996 00000-0 50758-4 0 9991 2 25544 51.6434 84.2663 0001968 150.4193 345.4817 15.55080854 15392 Variables: ;; move down by 3 for vector scratchpad 00 OBJECT 01 EPYEAR 1:19-20 02 EPTIME 1:21-32 03 INCLIN 2:09-16 04 ECCENT 2:27-33 05 PERIGE 2:35-42 06 MEANAN 2:44-51 07 MMDOT1 1:34-43 08 MMDOT2 1:45-52 09 DECAYR 1:54-61 10 ORBITN 11 OBSLAT 12 OBSLON 13 LAMBDA 14 SATRNG 15 DOPPLR 16 SATLAT 17 SATLON 18 TEMP01 19 TEMP02 20 TEMP03 21 TEMP04 EXTENDED MEMORY FILES ISS ALPHA TWO-LINE-ELEMENTS SATREG ALPHA REGISTER MNEMONICS SATTRK SATELLITE TRACKING PROGRAM HP41 DISTLE DISPLAY TLE STORED IN EXTENDED MEMORY GETTLE READ ORBITAL PARAMETERS FROM TLE IN EXTENDED MEMORY INPORB PROMPT USER FOR ORBITAL PARAMETERS INPSTA PROMPT USER FOR STATION PARAMETERS KEPLER COMPUTE LAMBDA SATPOS COMPUTE SATELLITE LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE AZELEV COMPUTE AZIMUTH AND ELEVATION SATRNG COMPUTE RANGE TO SATELLITE DOPPLR COMPUTE DOPPLER SHIFT OUTPUT AZIMUTH AND ELEVATION EVRY20 ACTIVATE TIMER ROUTINE TO COMPUTE AND DISPLAY EVERY TWENTY SECONDS UPDATE COMPUTE SATPOS AND OUTPUT AZIMUTH AND ELEVATION NEXT24 AZIMUTH AND ELEVATION OVER NEXT 24 HOURS NEXT12 AZIMUTH AND ELEVATION OVER NEXT 12 HOURS DISPLA PRINT OUT REGISTERS WITH MNEMONICS DEORBI END PROGRAMd LBL "SATTRK" LBL "PLAN13" LBL "DISTLE" RTN LBL "GETTLE" 1 0.0017018 XEQ "*GETEL" XEQ "*PARSE" 2 0.019031 XEQ "*GETEL" XEQ "*PARSE" 3 1.007015 XEQ "*GETEL" XEQ "*PARSE" 4 1.016024 XEQ "*GETEL" XEQ "*PARSE" 5 1.025032 XEQ "*GETEL" >"." -1 AROT ; LEADING DECIMAL PRESUMED RDN XEQ "*PARSE" 6 1.033041 XEQ "*GETEL" XEQ "*PARSE" 7 1.042050 XEQ "*GETEL" XEQ "*PARSE" 8 0.032042 XEQ "*GETEL" XEQ "*PARSE" 9 0.043051 XEQ "*GETEL" XEQ "*PARSE" 10 0.052060 XEQ "*GETEL" XEQ "*PARSE" RTN LBL "*GETEL" CLA ARCL 00 SEEKPT GETREC RTN LBL "*PARSE" FRC 1000 * ENTER INT X<>Y FRC 1000 * X<>Y - 2 + 42 XEQ "SC" ANUM STO IND T RTN LBL "SC" X<>Y AROT -1 AROT RDN ATOX CLX RDN X<>Y XTOA X<>Y CHS AROT CHS X<>Y RTN XEQ "INPORB" RTN LBL "INPSTA" RTN LBL "KEPLER" RTN LBL "SATPOS" RTN LBL "AZELEM" RTN LBL "SATRNG" RTN LBL "DOPPLR" RTN LBL "OUTPUT" RTN LBL "NEXT24" RTN LBL "NEXT21" RTN LBL "DISPLA" .02001 STO 22 LBL 46 RCL 22 INT XEQ 47 ISG 22 GTO 46 RTN LBL 47 "SATREG" SEEKPTA GETREC +":" RCL IND X ATOX ASTO Z X<>Y FIX 0 XEQ IND Y AVIEW RTN LBL 48 ARCL X RTN LBL 49 FIX 0 ARCL X RTN LBL 50 FIX 1 ARCL X RTN LBL 51 FIX 2 ARCL X RTN LBL 52 SCI 2 ARCL X RTN LBL 53 CLK24 FIX 4 ATIME RTN LBL 54 FIX 4 HMS ATIME RTN LBL "*RAAN" "RAAN" 3.003 MATDIM BUILD A ROTATION MATRIX ABOUT Z 0 MSIJ (COLLAPSE TO SUBROUTINE LATER) RCL 04 RAAN ENTER RAAN,RAAN SIN SIN(RAAN),RAAN X<>Y RAAN, SIN(RAAN) COS COS(RAAN),SIN(RAAN) MSR+ X<>Y MSR+ 0 0, SIN(RAAN), COS(RAAN) MSR+ RND SIN(RAAN), COS(RAAN) CHS MSR+ X<>Y MSR+ 0 MSR+ MSR+ MSR+ 1 MS LBL "*IN" "IN" 3.003 MATDIM BUILD A ROTATION MATRIX ABOUT X 0 MSIJ DOH, SHOULD BE A GENERAL FUNCTION 1 MSR+ 0 MSR+ MSR+ MSR+ RCL 03 ENTER SIN X<>Y COS COS(I), SIN(I) MSR+ X<>Y MSR+ 0 MSR+ RDN CHS MSR+ X<>Y MS LBL "*AP" "AP" 3.003 ANOTHER ROTATION ABOUT Z MATDIM 0 MSIJ RCL 06 ENTER SIN X<>Y COS MSR+ X<>Y MSR+ 0 MSR+ RDN CHS MSR+ X<>Y MSR+ 0 MSR+ MSR+ MSR+ 1 MS LBL "CELEST" [RAAN]*[IN]*[AP] 3.003 "C" MATDIM "B" MATDIM "RAAN,IN,B" XEQ M*M "B,AP,C" XEG M*M "RAAN" PURFL "IN" PURFL "AP" PURFL "B" PURFL RTN END ; BUILD A SET OF ROTX/ROTY/ROTZ matrices and redo this. 10 T$="PLAN13": REM OSCAR-13 POSITION, SUN + ECLIPSE PLANNER 20 REM 30 IS$="v2.0": REM Last modified 1990 Aug 12 by JRM 40 REM 50 REM (C)1990 J.R. Miller G3RUH 60 REM 70 REM Proceeds from the sale of this software go directly to the 80 REM Amateur Satellite Programme that helped fund AO-13. 90 REM If you take a copy PLEASE also send a small donation to: 100 REM AMSAT-UK, LONDON, E12 5EQ. 110 120 MODE 3: REM Screen 80 columns 130 PROCinit: REM Set up constants 140 150 INPUT "Enter start date (e.g. 1990, 12, 25) ";YR,MN,DY 160 INPUT "Enter number of days for printout ";ND 170 DS = FNday(YR,MN,DY): REM Start day No. 180 DF = DS + ND - 1: REM Finish day No. 190 FOR DN = DS TO DF 200 FOR HR = 0 TO 23 210 FOR MIN = 0 TO 45 STEP 15 220 TN = (HR+MIN/60)/24 230 PROCsatvec 240 PROCrangevec 250 PROCsunvec 260 IF EL > 0 THEN PROCprintdata 270 NEXT:NEXT:NEXT 280 END 1000 DEF PROCinit 1010 REM SATELLITE EPHEMERIS 1020 REM ------------------- 1030 SAT$="OSCAR-13" 1040 YE = 1990 : REM Epoch Year year 1050 TE = 191.145409: REM Epoch time days 1060 IN = 56.9975 : REM Inclination deg 1070 RA = 146.4527 : REM R.A.A.N. deg 1080 EC = 0.6986 : REM Eccentricity - 1090 WP = 231.0027 : REM Arg perigee deg 1100 MA = 43.2637 : REM Mean anomaly deg 1110 MM = 2.09695848: REM Mean motion rev/d 1120 M2 = 1E-8 : REM Decay Rate rev/d/d 1130 RV = 1585 : REM Orbit number - 1140 ALON = 180 : REM Sat attitude, deg. 180 = nominal ) See bulletins 1150 ALAT = 0 : REM Sat attitude, deg. 0 = nominal ) for latest 1160 1170 REM Observer's location + North, + East, ASL(m) 1180 LOC$="G3RUH": LA = 52.21: LO = 0.06: HT = 79: REM Cambridge, UK 1190 1200 LA = RAD(LA): LO = RAD(LO): HT = HT/1000 1210 CL = COS(LA): SL = SIN(LA): CO = COS(LO): SO = SIN(LO) 1220 RE = 6378.137: FL = 1/298.257224: REM WGS-84 Earth ellipsoid 1230 RP = RE*(1-FL): XX = RE*RE: ZZ = RP*RP 1240 D = SQR(XX*CL*CL + ZZ*SL*SL) 1250 Rx = XX/D + HT: Rz = ZZ/D + HT 1260 1270 REM Observer's unit vectors UP EAST and NORTH in GEOCENTRIC coords. 1280 Ux =CL*CO: Ex =-SO: Nx =-SL*CO 1290 Uy =CL*SO: Ey = CO: Ny =-SL*SO 1300 Uz =SL : Ez = 0: Nz = CL 1310 1320 REM Observer's XYZ coords at Earth's surface 1330 Ox = Rx*Ux: Oy = Rx*Uy: Oz = Rz*Uz 1340 1350 REM Convert angles to radians etc. 1360 RA = RAD(RA): IN = RAD(IN): WP = RAD(WP) 1370 MA = RAD(MA): MM = MM*2*PI: M2 = M2*2*PI 1380 1390 YM = 365.25: REM Mean Year, days 1400 YT = 365.2421874: REM Tropical year, days 1410 WW = 2*PI/YT: REM Earth's rotation rate, rads/whole day 1420 WE = 2*PI + WW: REM ditto radians/day 1430 W0 = WE/86400: REM ditto radians/sec 1440 1450 VOx=-Oy*W0: VOy=Ox*W0: REM Observer's velocity, GEOCENTRIC coords. (VOz=0) 1460 1470 REM Convert satellite Epoch to Day No. and Fraction of day 1480 DE = FNday(YE,1,0)+INT(TE): TE = TE-INT(TE) 1490 1500 REM Average Precession rates 1510 GM = 3.986E5: REM Earth's Gravitational constant km^3/s^2 1520 J2 = 1.08263E-3: REM 2nd Zonal coeff, Earth's Gravity Field 1530 N0 = MM/86400: REM Mean motion rad/s 1540 A0 = (GM/N0/N0)^(1/3): REM Semi major axis km 1550 B0 = A0*SQR(1-EC*EC): REM Semi minor axis km 1560 SI = SIN(IN): CI = COS(IN) 1570 PC = RE*A0/(B0*B0): PC = 1.5*J2*PC*PC*MM: REM Precession const, rad/Day 1580 QD = -PC*CI: REM Node precession rate, rad/day 1590 WD = PC*(5*CI*CI-1)/2: REM Perigee precession rate, rad/day 1600 DC = -2*M2/MM/3: REM Drag coeff. (Angular momentum rate)/(Ang mom) s^-1 1610 1615 REM *** Please see end of listing for newer values; use old ones for test. *** 1617 1620 REM Sidereal and Solar data. Rarely needs changing. Valid to year ~2015 1630 YG = 2000: G0 = 98.9821: REM GHAA, Year YG, Jan 0.0 1640 MAS0 = 356.0507: MASD = 0.98560028: REM MA Sun and rate, deg, deg/day 1650 INS = RAD(23.4393): CNS = COS(INS): SNS = SIN(INS): REM Sun's inclination 1660 EQC1=0.03342: EQC2=0.00035: REM Sun's Equation of centre terms 1670 1680 REM Bring Sun data to Satellite Epoch 1690 TEG = (DE-FNday(YG,1,0)) + TE: REM Elapsed Time: Epoch - YG 1700 GHAE = RAD(G0) + TEG*WE: REM GHA Aries, epoch 1710 MRSE = RAD(G0) + TEG*WW + PI: REM Mean RA Sun at Sat epoch 1720 MASE = RAD(MAS0 + MASD*TEG): REM Mean MA Sun .. 1730 1740 REM Antenna unit vector in orbit plane coordinates. 1750 CO=COS(RAD(ALON)): SO=SIN(RAD(ALON)) 1760 CL=COS(RAD(ALAT)): SL=SIN(RAD(ALAT)) 1770 ax = -CL*CO: ay = -CL*SO: az = -SL 1780 1790 REM Miscellaneous 1800 @%=&507: REM 5 decimals, field 7 1810 OLDRN=-99999 1820 PRINT T$;" ";IS$;" SATELLITE PREDICTIONS" 1830 PRINT STRING$(35,"-") 1840 ENDPROC 2000 DEF PROCsatvec 2010 REM Calculate Satellite Position at DN,TN 2020 T = (DN - DE) + (TN-TE):REM Elapsed T since epoch, days 2030 DT = DC*T/2: KD = 1+4*DT:KDP= 1-7*DT: REM Linear drag terms 2040 M = MA + MM*T*(1-3*DT): REM Mean anomaly at YR,TN 2050 DR = INT(M/(2*PI)): REM Strip out whole no of revs 2060 M = M - DR*2*PI: REM M now in range 0 - 2pi 2070 RN = RV + DR: REM Current Orbit number 2080 2090 REM Solve M = EA - EC*SIN(EA) for EA given M, by Newton's Method 2100 EA = M: REM Initial solution 2110 REPEAT 2120 C = COS(EA): S = SIN(EA): DNOM=1-EC*C 2130 D = (EA-EC*S-M)/DNOM: REM Change to EA for better solution 2140 EA = EA - D: REM by this amount 2150 UNTIL ABS(D) < 1E-5: REM Until converged 2160 2170 A = A0*KD: B = B0*KD: RS = A*DNOM: REM Distances 2180 2190 REM Calc satellite position & velocity in plane of ellipse 2200 Sx = A*(C-EC): Vx=-A*S/DNOM*N0 2210 Sy = B*S: Vy= B*C/DNOM*N0 2220 2230 AP = WP + WD*T*KDP: CW = COS(AP): SW = SIN(AP) 2240 RAAN = RA + QD*T*KDP: CQ = COS(RAAN): SQ = SIN(RAAN) 2250 2260 REM Plane -> celestial coordinate transformation, [C] = [RAAN]*[IN]*[AP] 2270 CXx=CW*CQ-SW*CI*SQ: CXy=-SW*CQ-CW*CI*SQ: CXz= SI*SQ 2280 CYx=CW*SQ+SW*CI*CQ: CYy=-SW*SQ+CW*CI*CQ: CYz=-SI*CQ 2290 CZx=SW*SI: CZy= CW*SI: CZz= CI 2300 2310 REM Compute SATellite's position vector, ANTenna axis unit vector 2320 REM and VELocity in CELESTIAL coordinates. (Note: Sz=0, Vz=0) 2330 SATx=Sx*CXx+Sy*CXy: ANTx=ax*CXx+ay*CXy+az*CXz: VELx=Vx*CXx+Vy*CXy 2340 SATy=Sx*CYx+Sy*CYy: ANTy=ax*CYx+ay*CYy+az*CYz: VELy=Vx*CYx+Vy*CYy 2350 SATz=Sx*CZx+Sy*CZy: ANTz=ax*CZx+ay*CZy+az*CZz: VELz=Vx*CZx+Vy*CZy 2360 2370 REM Also express SAT,ANT and VEL in GEOCENTRIC coordinates: 2380 GHAA = GHAE + WE*T: REM GHA Aries at elapsed time T 2390 C = COS(-GHAA): S = SIN(-GHAA) 2400 Sx=SATx*C - SATy*S: Ax=ANTx*C - ANTy*S: Vx=VELx*C - VELy*S 2410 Sy=SATx*S + SATy*C: Ay=ANTx*S + ANTy*C: Vy=VELx*S + VELy*C 2420 Sz=SATz: Az=ANTz: Vz=VELz 2430 ENDPROC 3000 DEF PROCsunvec 3010 MAS = MASE + RAD(MASD*T): REM MA of Sun round its orbit 3020 TAS = MRSE + WW*T + EQC1*SIN(MAS) + EQC2*SIN(2*MAS) 3030 C = COS(TAS): S=SIN(TAS): REM Sin/Cos Sun's true anomaly 3040 SUNx=C: SUNy=S*CNS: SUNz=S*SNS: REM Sun unit vector - CELESTIAL coords 3050 3060 REM Find Solar angle, illumination, and eclipse status. 3070 SSA = -(ANTx*SUNx + ANTy*SUNy + ANTz*SUNz):REM Sin of Sun angle -a.h 3080 ILL = SQR(1-SSA*SSA): REM Illumination 3090 CUA = -(SATx*SUNx+SATy*SUNy+SATz*SUNz)/RS: REM Cos of umbral angle -h.s 3100 UMD = RS*SQR(1-CUA*CUA)/RE: REM Umbral dist, Earth radii 3110 IF CUA>=0 THEN ECL$=" +" ELSE ECL$=" -": REM + for shadow side 3120 IF UMD <= 1 AND CUA>=0 THEN ECL$=" ECL": REM - for sunny side 3130 3140 REM Obtain SUN unit vector in GEOCENTRIC coordinates 3150 C = COS(-GHAA): S = SIN(-GHAA) 3160 Hx=SUNx*C - SUNy*S 3170 Hy=SUNx*S + SUNy*C: REM If Sun more than 10 deg below horizon 3180 Hz=SUNz: REM satellite possibly visible 3190 IF (Hx*Ux+Hy*Uy+Hz*Uz < -0.17) AND (ECL$ <> " ECL") THEN ECL$=" vis" 3200 3210 REM Obtain Sun unit vector in ORBIT coordinates 3220 Hx = SUNx*CXx + SUNy*CYx + SUNz*CZx 3230 Hy = SUNx*CXy + SUNy*CYy + SUNz*CZy 3240 Hz = SUNx*CXz + SUNy*CYz + SUNz*CZz 3250 SEL = ASN(Hz): SAZ= FNatn(Hy,Hx) 3260 ENDPROC 4000 DEF PROCrangevec 4010 REM Compute and manipulate range/velocity/antenna vectors 4020 Rx = Sx-Ox: Ry = Sy-Oy: Rz = Sz-Oz: REM Rangevec = Satvec - Obsvec 4030 R = SQR(Rx*Rx+Ry*Ry+Rz*Rz): REM Range magnitude 4040 Rx=Rx/R: Ry=Ry/R: Rz=Rz/R: REM Normalise Range vector 4050 U = Rx*Ux+Ry*Uy+Rz*Uz: REM UP Component of unit range 4060 E = Rx*Ex+Ry*Ey: REM EAST do (Ez=0) 4070 N = Rx*Nx+Ry*Ny+Rz*Nz: REM NORTH do 4080 AZ = DEG(FNatn(E,N)): REM Azimuth 4090 EL = DEG(ASN(U)): REM Elevation 4100 4110 REM Resolve antenna vector along unit range vector, -r.a = Cos(SQ) 4120 SQ = DEG(ACS(-(Ax*Rx + Ay*Ry + Az*Rz))): REM Hi-gain ant SQuint 4130 4140 REM Calculate sub-satellite Lat/Lon 4150 SLON = DEG(FNatn(Sy,Sx)): REM Lon, + East 4160 SLAT = DEG(ASN(Sz/RS)): REM Lat, + North 4170 4180 REM Resolve Sat-Obs velocity vector along unit range vector. (VOz=0) 4190 RR = (Vx-VOx)*Rx + (Vy-VOy)*Ry + Vz*Rz: REM Range rate, km/s 4200 ENDPROC 4220 DEF FNatn(Y,X) 4230 IF X <> 0 THEN A=ATN(Y/X) ELSE A=PI/2*SGN(Y) 4240 IF X < 0 THEN A=A+PI 4250 IF A < 0 THEN A=A+2*PI 4260 =A 4280 DEF PROCmode 4290 M=INT(M*128/PI) 4300 REM Mode switching MA/256 4310 MD$="-" 4320 IF M >= 0 THEN MD$="B" 4330 IF M >= 100 THEN MD$="L" 4340 IF M >= 130 THEN MD$="S" 4350 IF M >= 135 THEN MD$="B" 4360 IF M >= 220 THEN MD$="-" 4370 ENDPROC 5000 DEF FNdate(D) 5010 REM Convert day-number to date; valid 1900 Mar 01 - 2100 Feb 28 5020 D=D+428: DW=(D+5)MOD7 5030 Y=INT((D-122.1)/YM): D=D-INT(Y*YM) 5040 MN=INT(D/30.61): D=D-INT(MN*30.6) 5050 MN=MN-1: IF MN>12 THEN MN=MN-12: Y=Y+1 5060 D$=STR$(Y)+" "+MID$("JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec",3*MN-2,3) 5070 =D$+" "+STR$(D)+" ["+MID$("SunMonTueWedThuFriSat",3*DW+1,3)+"]" 5080 5090 DEF FNday(Y,M,D) 5100 REM Convert date to day-number 5110 IF M<=2 THEN Y=Y-1: M=M+12 5120 =INT(Y*YM) + INT((M+1)*30.6) + D-428 6000 DEF PROCprintdata 6010 REM Construct time as a string 6020 HR$=STR$(HR): MIN$=STR$(MIN) 6030 IF LEN(HR$) < 2 THEN HR$="0"+HR$ 6040 IF LEN(MIN$) < 2 THEN MIN$="0"+MIN$ 6050 TIM$=HR$+MIN$+" " 6060 6070 PROCmode: REM Get AO-13 mode. Now round-off data 6080 R=FNrn(R): EL=FNrn(EL): AZ=FNrn(AZ): SQ=FNrn(SQ): RR=FNrn(RR*10)/10 6090 HGT=FNrn(RS-RE): SLON=FNrn(SLON): SLAT=FNrn(SLAT) 6100 IF RN <> OLDRN THEN OLDRN=RN: PROCheader 6110 PRINT TIM$;STR$(M);" ";MD$,R,EL,AZ,SQ,RR,ECL$,HGT,SLAT,SLON 6120 ENDPROC 6130 6140 DEF PROCheader 6150 RAAN=FNrn(DEG(RAAN)): AP=FNrn(DEG(AP)): SAZ=FNrn(DEG(SAZ)) 6160 SEL=FNrn(DEG(SEL)): ILL=FNrn(100*ILL) 6170 PRINT: PRINT 6180 PRINT SAT$;" - "LOC$;SPC(16);"AMSAT DAY ";STR$(DN-722100);SPC(12);FNdate(DN) 6190 PRINT "ORBIT: ";RN;" AP/RAAN: ";AP;"/";RAAN;" ALON/ALAT:";ALON;"/";ALAT; 6200 PRINT" SAZ/SEL: ";SAZ;"/";SEL;" ILL: ";ILL;"%" 6210 PRINT 6220 PRINT " UTC MA MODE RANGE EL AZ SQ RR ECL? "; 6230 PRINT "HGT SLAT SLON" 6240 PRINT STRING$(77,"-") 6250 ENDPROC 6260 6270 DEF FNrn(X) = INT(X+0.5) *** Astronomical data for 2014 onwards 1620 REM Sidereal and Solar data. Valid to year ~2030 1630 YG = 2014: G0 = 99.5828: REM GHAA, Year YG, Jan 0.0 1640 MAS0 = 356.4105: MASD = 0.98560028: REM MA Sun and rate, deg, deg/day 1650 INS = RAD(23.4375): CNS = COS(INS): SNS = SIN(INS): REM Sun's inclination 1660 EQC1=0.03340: EQC2=0.00035: REM Sun's Equation of centre terms *** |
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