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I'm tired of all the gripes...
04-11-2019, 07:40 PM (This post was last modified: 04-11-2019 07:44 PM by smp.)
Post: #1
I'm tired of all the gripes...
Hi folks,

I am quite tired of all the gripes against the HP Prime here.


"My 48 whatever could do this..." "The 50 whatever could do that..." Well, the Prime is NOT a 48 whatever, or a 50 whatever. It is its own machine. If you like using your 48 or 50, terrific, go ahead and use it. Please do not gripe that the Prime is not like it.

Then there seem to be another bunch of folks who seem intent on finding *very* complex equations that the Prime "cannot solve." Most often, another smart person here will then demonstrate how to get the solution using the Prime in a different fashion. Sometimes, all that has to be said is that the Prime warned you that the solution it provided might be incorrect, so what do you want?

Folks, can we please stop all the Prime bashing?

I have no problem with folks who (like I have in the past) are simply asking how to get something accomplished with the Prime. I fully agree that the Prime manual is quite sadly way out of date, and I fervently wish that HP would publish a new, up-to-date one. Even better, I wish that any reputable publisher would publish a book describing the Prime and how to use it, just like the old days for any calculator, computer, or piece of significant software. There were always folks publishing books on how to use them.

If you don't own a Prime, but come here to complain about it, could you please refrain? What is the sense in that? It's only aggravating to others here on the Forum.

If you own a Prime but you don't like it, I guess I can understand your point. I'm sorry that you feel you wasted your money and time. But endlessly complaining about it won't really make things any different. Endlessly demanding that HP make a different calculator is quite fruitless.

Finally, if you are using the FREE virtual Prime, and come here to complain about the Prime, can you please give it up? Again, if someone is asking a valid question about how to accomplish something, that is what this Forum is for. Ask away. But, once again, working hard to find some obscure or complex equation that fails in a certain manner, and quite often can be handled a different way just seems to me to be a waste of your time and energy, and it's quite tedious to others here.

Yes, I have the latest G2 version Prime, purchased from overseas, risking a warrantee issue (but there have been none). I have owned the original version with the low contrast colors, as well as the updated version with the higher contrast colors. I use only the Home side of the Prime. I have written some programs for my Prime, and I've shared some here in the library. I'm not a great programmer - many others here are far, far better than me. Many times I still use my 41CL because RPN is easier for me to bang out some quick calculations. I would have loved to have RPN as in the 41 in the Prime, but I understand the market that HP is selling the Prime to, and those are the breaks.


I am not a troll. I am not attempting to start any sort of flame war. I finally got up enough gumption to say my piece. I will not answer any responses, because I have stated how I feel. Moderators, if this breaks the rules here, please feel free to erase this post.

Thanks for listening...

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Messages In This Thread
I'm tired of all the gripes... - smp - 04-11-2019 07:40 PM
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RE: I'm tired of all the gripes... - ji3m - 08-23-2019, 01:39 AM

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