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HP Prime Programming: An Introduction
12-23-2013, 05:24 AM (This post was last modified: 09-24-2014 01:23 PM by Han.)
Post: #1
HP Prime Programming: An Introduction
Last Update: JAN-24-2014 Fixed major error regarding "non-exported variables"

This introduction will assume that the user does all programming on the calculator. That said, any source file may be written completely on a computer and transferred to the calculator or emulator, completely bypassing the built-in Program Editor.

Part I: Editor, Compiler, Program Execution

1. Program Editor and Compiler

Press the [Shift] key followed by the [1] key to view the Program Catalog. At the very top will always the source file for the current app. Below the source file for the current app are the source files of user programs. To create a new program, press New from the menu at the bottom of the screen. You will then be presented with a new input screen titled "New Program" and be required to enter in the name of the "new program."

[Image: attachment.php?aid=60]

For this example, type in MYPROG. After pressing OK you will be presented with the Program Editor with a default template as shown below:


To exit the Program Editor, simply press the [ESC] key. All changes are automatically saved. Additionally, the source code is parsed to check for syntax errors and, if no errors are found, compiled. If an error was found, the first error is displayed in a message box after exiting (and no compilation occurs). To validate the source code without exiting the Program Editor, press Check on the menu at the bottom of the screen. If an error is found, the cursor (and screen) will be moved to the location of the first error found. If no errors are found, a message box saying "No errors in the program" will be displayed. Moreover, the source code is also compiled (even while still inside the Program Editor).

When source code is compiled, a binary is created separate from the source code along with a pointer to the binary and a header consisting of exported variable/function names and argument information. At runtime, the header is used to enable access to exported functions or variables. Functions are called by their pointers. The header remains even after a reboot (warmstart) whereas the binary does not. If a function is called and its binary does not exist, then the binary will be compiled as needed without requiring user intervention.

Remark: The phrase "new program" as used by the New menu option in the Program Catalog is misleading. The name specified in the input screen is the name of the source file. It is used by the system to create a template procedural function (i.e. a program, similar to -- but different from -- a mathematical function). However, the procedural function need not have the same name as the source file. That is, the user is free to change MYPROG() to something completely different from the source file name MYPROG. Moreover, one may even create several procedural functions within the same source file. In fact, one may even use a single source file to create all the programs and variables that will ever be used on the calculator! So "new program" should really be "new project" (conceptually speaking).

2. A word about upper and lower case

One of the underlying principles in programming the HP Prime is that programs are essentially written as if commands will be executed in the Home view. One of the features of the Home view is that the command line parses commands without distinguishing upper and lower case. For example, print("Hello"); is parsed as PRINT("Hello"); -- even pRiNt("Hello"); is parsed the same way. However, inconsistent upper/lower case usage in source code is bad practice. Moreover, there are commands which behave differently when typed in upper case vs. lower case (i.e. they are different commands). That said, since programs are essentially a sequence of commands executed in the Home view, one may type the source code completely in lower case (while accounting for the few instances in which COMMAND() has counterpart named command()). This feature enables program creation on a computer without having to have CAPS LOCK enabled.

3. Adding lines of code

In the code block above, we have a procedural function (i.e. a program) named MYPROG that does absolutely nothing. Rename the program PROG1, so that the source file MYPROG is distinct from the program contained within. Programs are simply sequences of commands separated by a semicolon (;) -- assuming default settings. Commands may be separated by carriage returns for legibility, though one is free to place all commands on a single line. Spaces and carriage returns are ignored by the compiler. That said, be careful as not all spaces are the same! The HP Prime uses Unicode, which means what appears as a space may not be the same character as an actual space! For this introduction, we will create a simple "hello world" program and then modify it to explore other programming options. A simple method for displaying a string is to use the MSGBOX command.

  MSGBOX("Hello world!");
Exit the Program Editor to compile the program.


Comments may be inserted using two forward slashes (basically, two "division" symbols). Comments are ignored by the compiler. We may add comments to either annotate the source code or to debug the program by temporarily "disabling" a particular line of code.

// This is an example of a "Hello world" in HP PPL
  MSGBOX("Hello world!");

5. Running the program.

There are two options for running a program. One is to use the Run menu option from the Program Catalog. Highlight the source name MYPROG and press Run. The other is to type the program's name into the command line. Press the [Home] key and type: PROG1() into the command line to see what the program does. A shortcut to actually typing out the program name is available through the toolbox key. Press the Toolbox key, and then select "User" from the menu. Selecting the desired source file and then program from the menu will place its name into the command line. Notice the difference between the two methods (in particular, running MYPROG vs. running PROG1. We will touch upon their differences in Part II.)

Part II: Arguments and Local Variables

1. Passing arguments

A procedural function (program) can be made to behave very much like a mathematical function in that arguments may be passed at runtime. Functional notation in mathematics takes the form \( f(x) \) where \( f\) is the name of the function and \( x \) is its argument (input). A procedural function is similar in that it also uses the name(argument) syntax. We will modify PROG1() so that it can take input at runtime. Suppose we wish to enable the user to type PROG1("Name") and have PROG1 display "Hello Name!" instead of "Hello world!". The modified source code would look like:

  MSGBOX("Hello " + name +"!");
Now, if we run this program from the command line, we can call it with, say, PROG1("Bob") and the program will produce a message box that says: Hello Bob! The input "Bob" is temporarily stored in a local variable called name. The variable name is merely a dummy variable and its contents are discarded once PROG1 ends. The HP Prime has the ability to concatenate two strings, and this operation is overloaded into the addition operation.

Currently, programs can have up to 16 arguments. Each argument variable name is separated by a comma -- assuming default settings. The argument variables belong to the class of local variables. The template for such a function is as follows:

EXPORT NameOfFunction(var1, var2, ..., var16)
  // source code here
No checks are made on the type of variable for each input. In fact, we could have type PROG1({1, 2}) to pass a list of two numbers, and the program would produce a message box showing: Hello {1,2}! This can be both useful and annoying. We can make use of overloaded operations such as addition to combine strings with non-string objects (among many other combinations). Thus PROG1 is versatile in that it can actually handle many types of input with a single argument variable. However there is no built-in argument checking as a result, should we want to restrict the input type to just a string of characters.

Using a list is also a means of bypassing the 16 argument limit. Since lists may contain just about any type of object, we may even place all our arguments in a list and use only one argument variable name. The contents of the list are extracted using the syntax: listname(position). That is, if list is the variable name of a list, then list(2) is a "name" for the second object within list.

Remark: When a program which takes arguments is executed from the Run menu option in the Program Catalog, then the argument variables are initialized to real numbers, and have a default value of 0. While this feature is nice in that it allows users to enter their arguments in a nice input form, the input form will only accept real-valued inputs and produce input errors otherwise. So while PROG1 was designed to expect a string of characters as its input, executing it from the Run menu option prevents users from actually using a string as an argument!

2. Local variables

As mentioned above, input variables are a form of local variables. However, should our program need more variables that are distinct from those passed to the program, then they must be declared using the LOCAL declaration. While these declarations can be made anywhere within a program, most programmers tend to place all local variable declarations toward the top of the program block. Below are acceptable ways of declaring local variables for use within a program block.

LOCAL var1, var2; // creates two local variables named var1 and var2
LOCAL var1=1, var2="Charlie"; // creates two local variables and sets their initial values
LOCAL var1:=1, var2:="Charlie"; // same as above
In the current firmware, up to 8 local variables may be declared with a single LOCAL statement in which the variables (and optionally, their initial values) are separated by a comma.

We now modify our code so that PROG1 will actually display some additional information stored in local variables.

  LOCAL var1=1; // declare var1 as local and initialize to 1

  MSGBOX("Hello" + name + "!");

  // use either := or ▶ to assign values to a variable
  var1:=var1 + 1; // var1 now has value 2
  var1 * 2 ▶ var1; // var1 now has value 4

  // here is an example of declaring a local variable "as needed"
  // rather than placing it up at the top like var1
  LOCAL var2:="Reminder #" + var1 + ": Alice called today.";


3. Scope of local variables

When local variables are created by declaring them either as arguments of a program, or within a program block, then their scope is limited to that program only. In the example immediately above, the local variables var1 and var2 are only available to commands that are both within the definition of the program MYPROG1 and which come AFTER the declaration of each variable (e.g. the MSGBOX() command).

It is possible to create a local variable whose scope is much wider -- covering the entire source file. In a previous edition, these local variables were mislabeled as "non-exported global variables." They have been confirmed to be local variables that are declared using a shorthand declaration style. But to get to the point, a local variable that is declared OUTSIDE of any program block is considered to be "global" to all programs within the source file as any programs defined after such a variable declaration may use that variable. However, it is local not only because it is normally declared with LOCAL, but that its scope is limited to within the source file. The following examples show how this type of local variable can be declared and used:


LOCAL var1, var2, var3; // declares var1, var2, and var3 as local to this source file; can be used by all programs defined below this line of code
var4, var5, var6; // essentially the same as above; i.e., LOCAL is optional when declaring local variables for use within the entire source file


  LOCAL var7; // this local variable can only be used within SUBROUTINE()

The local variables var1 through var6 may be used by any program defined later in the source file. Unlike local variables declared inside a program block, such as var7, local variables declared outside of any program block retain their values even after program execution reaches completion and up until the source is recompiled. This is the only effective difference. They are still not accessible to programs defined in a separate source file, or the user.

Part III: Global Variables and Calling Programs within a Program

For this part, we will start with a completely new source file and create something useful, as opposed the the "Hello world" type of program in the previous parts. Begin by creating a new source file named PROJECT. Erase the default template that is created, and create the following program:


1. Returning a value

The program above simply takes a numerical value, presumably representing an angle in radians, and returns the angle as if measured in degrees. The code could be further shortened to simply have RETURN(a/PI*180) in between the BEGIN/END pair. The main concept here is the RETURN command. This command is used to end program execution as well as return a value back to the user (i.e. placed on the history in the Home screen). Even programs which do not have an explicit RETURN statement will still return a value -- namely the value of the very last command executed prior to the program reaching its end. Thus, we can accomplish the same goal of returning the value of a the angle in degrees to the Home screen by omitting the RETURN command!

In the "Hello world" example, we simply displayed a message on the screen. After the program ended, a 1 appeared on the history in the Home view. This is what was returned by the MSGBOX command. However, if we had run the program from the Run menu option, then after pressing OK another dialogue box shows up with the message PROG1 1. Again, the value after PROG1 what was returned by the MSGBOX command.

The RETURN command serves one additional purpose: returning program execution back to any calling programs. This will be explained later.

2. Calling a program within a program

Now suppose that we want to create another program that needs to do angle conversion (from radians to degrees). In the example that follows, we will create a program that takes two angles (assumed to be in radians) of a triangle, and return the third angle in degrees. Within the same source file PROJECT we can add a second program so that the source file looks like the following:

// program declarations

// THIRDANG(a, b)
// Takes two angles a and b (in radians) of a triangle and
// returns the third angle (in degrees)
  LOCAL angle1, angle2;


// ANG(a)
// Takes an angle a (in radians) and returns the same angle in degrees
Below is an explanation of the source code above:
  1. Within the single source file name PROJECT we have created two programs: THIRDANG and ANG. These become new "commands" which we can use in the Home view command line.
  2. At the top of the file are the program declarations. These are only needed if we plan to use the programs listed there as subroutines. In this example, ANG() is called (as a subroutine) from within THIRDANG() and therefore must be declared "in front of" (i.e. above, in terms of source code location) the source code for the THIRDANG() program. We went ahead and added THIRDANG() up at the top as well. However, as it is not called by any other program, its inclusion is unnecessary. (We did this because we may actually need THIRDANG() as a subroutine later on, and because it is a good way to track all the programs created within this source file.) In general, subroutines must be declared before they are called within a program. Optionally, we could have placed the source code of ANG() above the source code of THIRDANG() to avoid have to declare any subroutines whatsoever (as defining a program is equivalent to declaring it for use). However, this is not good a programming technique because there will be cases when two programs call pass program execution back and forth, and therefore a declaration statement must be made for at least one of them. I personally suggest placing all such declarations at the top of the source file so that one never has to deal with the ordering of the actual source code for each program.
  3. Subroutine declarations require the parenthesis after the name of the program. If the parentheses are left out, then the names will be interpreted as global variables! (More on those in a bit.) However, the arguments of those programs are excluded. That is, we declared ANG() for use as a subroutine, but leave out its arguments until we actually define the program via source code.
  4. The value returned by ANG() can be saved in the program calling it. For example, angle1:=ANG(angle1);.
  5. For most types of variables, self-referencing is not an issue. That is, in a statement such as angle1:=angle1-1; the right hand side is evaluated first before overwriting the value stored in angle1 with the new value.
  6. The return statement in THIRDANG() written as is allows us to avoid having to use another local variable.
  7. When selecting Run from the Program Catalog, users are now presented with a choice of whether to run THIRDANG or ANG.

To use the THIRDANG program, simply type: THIRDANG(PI/3, PI/2); and the result is 30.

3. Global variables

If you have not already read up on the various types of variables, it is recommended that you at least skim through this article about variable types and their priorities. In this section, we will only cover how to create global variables and their scope.

In this current project, we have two programs which each use local variables for temporary data storage. We can replace the local variables with global variables so that the two programs can make use of the same variable without have to pass any sort of arguments from one to the other. For example, consider the following modification to the code above:

// program declarations

// global variables
EXPORT angle1, angle2;

// THIRDANG(a, b)
// Takes two angles a and b (in radians) of a triangle and
// returns the third angle (in degrees)

// ANG()
// Converts angles stored in global variables angle1 and angle2 to degrees
Some brief comments about this modified code:
  1. Global variables CANNOT be defined/declared inside a program block!
  2. Local variables are no longer used except for those passed as arguments to THIRDANG.
  3. Global variables angle1 and angle2 are declared in the same fashion as subroutines (previously explained).
  4. ANG() no longer requires any arguments when called.
  5. The global variables now appear in the Memory Browser and behave no differently from built-in global variables A through Z. That is, a user may type: angle1:=2; at the command line to change the value of angle1. Notice that there is no prompt to "create" angle1 as a new variable.
  6. The global variables angle1, angle2, and the programs THIRDANGLE() and ANG() may be used as subroutines in programs defined in a different source file.

4. Exporting vs. not exporting variables and programs

The EXPORT command that appears in front of global variables and program definitions in the code above make the respective variables and programs visible to the entire system: the user, other programs, apps, etc. Sometimes it is necessary to "hide" such variables and programs from the user (or the Memory Browser to prevent clutter) so that their values are not altered, or to prevent other programs from other source files from tampering with the values or calling the programs.

By removing the EXPORT command, all programs become invisible to the user, and to other programs from a different source file. And what was once a global variable becomes a local variable. Consider the following slight modification (the only changes are the removal of EXPORT from the global variable declaration section and from ANG()):

// program declarations

// global variables are now local
angle1, angle2;

// THIRDANG(a, b)
// Takes two angles a and b (in radians) of a triangle and
// returns the third angle (in degrees)

// ANG()
// Converts angles stored in global variables angle1 and angle2 to degrees
The effects are:
  1. ANG() is no longer accessible to the user, and does not appear as an option to Run in the Program Catalog.
  2. The global variables angle1 and angle2 are no longer visible in the Memory Browser. Users attempting to access these variables via the command line will be given error messages. They have now become local variables are accessible by programs within the same source file, from the point of declaration of those variables to the end of the source file.
  3. The variables angle1 and angle2 are no longer accessible by other programs defined in other source files.
  4. The program ANG() is can no longer be called by programs from other source files. However, ANG() may still be used as a subroutine in all programs created in the same source file in which ANG() is defined (i.e. within our PROJECT source file).

Remark: The scope of exported global variables is system-wide. Just like the built-in system variables L0 through L9 may be used for list operations from anywhere in the system, exported variables may also be accessed from anywhere in the system. The scope of non-exported (local) variables is limited to the source file.

Part IV: Block statements and control structures

This is the final part to this introduction. We will explore some basic control structures below.


If a particular command should only be executed if a certain condition is met, then the IF THEN END structure is a simple way to execute a sequence of commands only if the condition(s) are met. The syntax is

IF expression THEN
  // here is where we place commands which are executed if 'expression' is true
A very simple but useful example of such a control block is shown below. Suppose we wish to solve a simple problem: determine the angle of a right triangle whose two shorter legs are \( a\) and \( b\). Further suppose that we always want the result in degrees. Mathematically, the solution is simply \( \arctan(\frac{b}{a}) \). The issue is that the value of the \( \arctan(x) \) function depends on the angle mode. The ATAN function returns a number -- and the interpretation of that number is based on the user's angle settings. The system keeps track of this setting via the HAngle global variable. Some programmers may prefer to code in "radian mode" in the sense that all angles are assumed to be in radians even though the system itself may be set to degree mode. This example demonstrates how to create code that is independent of a user's settings, such as the angle mode without altering the user's settings.


// FINDANG(a,b) 
// determines the angle of a right triangle whose leg opposite of the angle
// is b and whose leg adjacent to the angle is a; result is always in degrees
  a:=ATAN(b/a); // re-use local variable a


  // if angle mode is radian, then the value of HAngle is 0
  // otherwise HAngle is 1 for degree mode
  IF HAngle==0 THEN
    a:=a/PI*180; // the value of a is interpreted to be in radians; convert to degrees
In the code above, the ANG() program has been redefined to use an IF THEN END statement that converts an angle only if the system angle mode is set to radian. Otherwise, ANG() does nothing. Do note that the local variable a for ANG() is distinct from the local variable a used in FINDANG().

Example: Angle mode independence. The really nice thing about this simple little program ANG() is that with a tiny modification, we can now create any program that always use angles in radians by having ANG() handle any conversions for us based on the user's settings. Consider ANG() modified to be:

  // notice the slight change from HAngle==0 to simply HAngle (equivalent to HAngle==1)
  IF HAngle THEN
    a:=a/PI*180; // the value of a is interpreted to be in radians; convert to degrees
Now, we can use: COS(ANG(PI/6)) in our code (perhaps because we prefer to use values associated with radian measure), and always expect the result to be 1/2 regardless of the angle mode. The alternative would be to set the user's angle mode to radians and then reset the mode after the program finishes -- though this can easily be broken.

Remark: HAngle (home angle) is a global variable which reflects the system angle mode. If its value is 0, then the angle mode is radian. And if 1, then the angle mode is degree. There is yet another system variable which tracks the angle mode: AAngle (app angle). If AAngle is 0, then the app angle mode defaults to HAngle. If AAngle is 1, then the app angle mode is in radian, and 2 for degree. The app angle has higher priority than the system angle since an app is always in view.

The second variation of conditional branching is

IF expression THEN
  // code for when 'expression' is true (non-zero)
  // code for when 'expression' is false (zero)
The expression in either form of an "IF THEN" branch need not be a boolean test. All that matters is whether the expression is non-zero (true) or zero (false). If the expression is itself a command or a call to another function, then the command/call should not end in a semicolon. For example,

// notice the lack of the semicolon ";" after MYPROG1()
  // code for which MYPROG1 returns a non-zero value


If a program consists of several branches, of which only one will be executed based on certain conditions, then the CASE branch should be used. The syntax is

  IF expression1 THEN 
    // code if expression1 is true
    // then resume execution at the end of the CASE structure
  IF expression2 THEN
    // code if expression2 is true
    // then resume execution at the end of the CASE structure

    // ... 

  IF expressionN THEN
    // code if expressionN is true
    // then resume execution at the end of the CASE structure

    // code for when all previous cases fail
    // the "DEFAULT" keyword is optional as well as any commands which follow it
Remember that a CASE branch behaves much like a piecewise function in that only one of the embedded IF THEN END conditional branches will ever be executed. On the other hand, having a sequence of multiple IF THEN END statements (without using CASE) would result in each individual IF THEN END branch being tested.

Example: Basic Key/Touchscreen Handler. Below is a skeleton for a basic keyboard and touchscreen handler using the WAIT(-1) command. By passing -1 as the argument, WAIT will essentially pause the program and wait for input from either the keyboard or the touchscreen. If no input is received after a minute, then -1 is returned. Otherwise, either the key number (for a keypress) or a "mouse" list (for touchscreen gestures) will be returned. Due to the different types of objects (integer vs list) returned by this command, and the fact that mis-matched object types in a branch (such as an IF THEN END statement) will cause run-time errors, we must carefully parse the value(s) returned by WAIT. (Note that the touchscreen events MUST be parsed first in this implementation and that only part of the handler is shown; the necessary subroutines would need to be added accordingly.)

  LOCAL run:=1, key;

  // change run to 0 to exit the while loop
    IF TYPE(key)==6 THEN
      // we have touchscreen events
        IF key(1)==0 THEN kmMouseDown(); END;
        IF key(1)==1 THEN kmMouseUp(); END;
        // ... more mouse events
        IF key(1)==7 THEN kmMouseLongClick(); END;

        kmMouseEvent(); // default handler
    END; // end of touch events

    // at this point, all touch events were handled due to the
    // TYPE(key)==6 check; so only key-presses are left
    // and if a touch event occurred, these tests below are
    // never reached

    IF key==0 THEN kmDoAppsKey(); END;
    // ... more key definitions here
    IF key==50 THEN kmDoPlusKey(); END;

    kmOtherEvents(); // handle all remaining undefined keys


Remark: The way WAIT(-1) processes a mouse event is not the way one might expect. That is, a mouse click generates three separate events, so that three consecutive instances of WAIT(-1) are required to finally capture the mouse click. So when a mouse click occurs, the first instance of WAIT(-1) returns a mouse-down event, the second instance of WAIT(-1) returns a mouse-up event, and finally the third instance of WAIT(-1) returns a mouse-click. The same goes for long clicks and other types of events. Please keep this in mind when creating a mouse/keyboard handler.

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