I could probably make a much larger enumeration, but let me make a short one for now (hastily written):
Visuals or Better Printing
- more distinction for the { and } symbols (especially horizontally);
- better distinction for superscript symbols (e.g. in cases of ^ and nsqrt);
- if fount size sufficiently large, maybe have small founts for ^nd symbols, but generally find a way to make it look more like a textbook form (you usually use smaller symbols in some cases);
- give option to choose mathematical symbols (e.g. a · or × instead of *, etc.);
- give options to choose statistical symbols in stats overview;
- don't replace my calculation/line with something it was not (e.g. you insert a * after I press Enter); keep it like I put it, if valid.
Operation, Control
- press and release template button once to immediately make fraction template;
- hold template button to popup template menu (normally done with one press);
- press template button once to make fraction with already entered information;
- better detection and standard settings for the () button and contexts, if possible;
- hold () button shortly to place opening (, and hold longer to place closing );
- give template popup menu shortcut buttons to more quickly choose one;
- give better standard templates, e.g. an already entered letter for product notation, the cursor starting at the placeholder to its right, and quicker navigation (sometimes Up moves the curdor from =... to the right);
- all templates accept fitting already entered info (like a number) immediately, if applicable.
That's my suggestions list for now. Please, HP, heed a caring customer. Even better, hire me and give me money to bring you ideas to implement