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G1/G2 Unit to Unit issues - Low Power msg & G1 cannot send to G2
06-08-2020, 06:33 AM
Post: #5
RE: G1/G2 Unit to Unit issues - Low Power msg & G1 cannot send to G2
(06-07-2020 03:21 PM)cahlucas Wrote:  Hi all,
The first problem concerns the battery status. When I connect a G1 to a G2, I get a message on the G2 that the battery is low, and that I have to recharge it as soon as possible. This is despite the fact that the G2 has recently been charged, and the battery indicator shows 100% when the calculator is not connected. Both the G1 and G2 have the latest firmware update. The second issue concerns some apps that are on the G1, not the G2. This concerns the Linear Explorer, Quadratic Explorer, the Elements and the Trigonometric apps. I would also like to have it on my G2. Unfortunately that did not work with the special cable from HP. The "SEND" button flashes briefly, but then disappears. What can I do about these problems? Have there ever been reports of these issues on this forum? I would like to hear from you what can be done about this. Sincerely, Karel.


Les programmes sont écrits en langage évolué HP PPL et sont donc compatibles, les applications intégrées sont écrites en C ou en assembleur et G1 et G2 n'ont pas le même microprocesseur donc incompatibles.
Les applications écrites en HP PPL par les utilisateurs elles, devraient être compatibles.


The programs are written in HP PPL advanced language and are therefore compatible, the embedded applications are written in C or assembler and G1 and G2 do not have the same microprocessor and are therefore incompatible.
Applications written in HP PPL by users should be compatible.
I think so.

Sorry for my english
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RE: 2 Problems - rprosperi - 06-07-2020, 05:43 PM
RE: G1/G2 Unit to Unit issues - Low Power msg & G1 cannot send to G2 - Tyann - 06-08-2020 06:33 AM

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