I found relatively simple workaround for complex division in CAS,
that is to apply scaling process to Smith's method (1962).
// cdiv(x, y) returns complex division x / y.
// written by Takayuki HOSODA (aka Lyuka) Rev. 0.3.2 (Nov. 25 2020)
// This is a workaround for the dynamic range problem of complex division in CAS.
// Conforms to HP Prime software version 2.1.14433 (2020 01 21).
// This cdiv() uses Smith's method (1962) with scaling process in the following paper.
// "Improved Complex Division in Scilab", Michael Baudin, Robert L. Smith, Jun. 2011
// http://forge.scilab.org/index.php/p/compdiv/downloads/get/improved_cdiv_v0.3.pdf
cdiv(x, y):=
LOCAL r, t, AB, CD, B, S;
LOCAL OV2, eps, UNBeps, Be;
AB := MAX(abs(RE(x)), abs(IM(x)));
CD := MAX(abs(RE(y)), abs(IM(y)));
B := 2;
S := 1;
// Machine dependent constants (for HP Prime)
OV2 := 8.988465674311581E307; // MAXREAL / 2;
eps := 7.105427357601002E-15; // 1 / 2^47;
UNBeps := 6.263026125028041E-294; // MINREAL * B / eps;
Be := B / (eps * eps);
IF (AB >= OV2) THEN x = x / 2; S = S * 2; END; // Scale down x
IF (CD >= OV2) THEN y = y / 2; S = S / 2; END; // Scale down y
IF (AB < UNBeps) THEN x = x * Be; S = S / Be; END; // Scale up x
IF (CD < UNBeps) THEN y = y * Be; S = S * Be; END; // Scale up y
IF abs(RE(y)) < abs(IM(y)) THEN
r := RE(y) / IM(y);
t := (RE(y) * r + IM(y));
z := (RE(x) * r + IM(x)) / t + (IM(x) * r - RE(x)) / t * i;
r := IM(y) / RE(y);
t := (RE(y) + IM(y) * r);
z := (RE(x) + IM(x) * r) / t + (IM(x) - RE(x) * r) / t * i;
return S * z;
This cdiv shown above has passed McLaren's difficult complex division test shown below.
// from Mc Laren's difficult complex divisions test
LOCAL c, x, y, z;
LOCAL g, k;
g := MAXREAL / 2;
FOR k FROM 0.0 TO 2.0 STEP 0.5 DO
x := 1 + i;
y := 1 + i * k;
c := x / y;
z := (x * g) / (y * g); PRINT(k + ":Ref.-> "+c);
z := cdiv(x *g, y * g); PRINT(k+":cdiv-> "+z);
For more information about complex division and implimentation to C99,
The "compdiv_robust" algorithm rewritten for C99 And a comparison with Smith's method (1962) using the scaling process used in it.