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HP41CL update
07-26-2022, 08:49 PM (This post was last modified: 07-26-2022 08:56 PM by Sylvain Cote.)
Post: #19
RE: HP41CL update
Hello Uli,

... or should I say Majesty Big Grin

Great news!

Here is the procedure to update the OS Flash block.
I am skipping some intermediate output.

Assuming the same 41CL configuration
Command       Description
------------  ---------------------------------------------------
MMUDIS        Disable memory management unit
MMUCLR        Clear MMU configuration
"YFNX"        41CL Extreme Functions ROM image identifier
PLUG1L        Map YFNS ROM image to page 8 (port 1 low page)
"YUPS"        41CL Update Functions ROM image identifier
PLUG1U        Map YUPS ROM image to page 9 (port 1 high page)
MMUEN         Activate MMU configuration

From the command line:
cd folder-where-clupdate-and-rom_files-are-located
java -jar clupdate-1.1.0.jar --update COMx 4800

You should see something like this on your computer: (I use a Mac so my serial port name is different than the ones on Windows)
hh:mm:ss --update   [fileName:] [portName: /dev/tty.usbserial-AQ01D0DE] [baudRate: 4800]
hh:mm:ss File loading ... done
hh:mm:ss Serial     /dev/tty.usbserial-AQ01D0DE opened at 4800 baud.
hh:mm:ss Waiting    for 41CL commands ...

On the 41CL
Command       Description
------------  ---------------------------------------------------
CMOPEN        Open serial port
OSUPDT        Disable OS Flash block protection
"000>007"     Pages range to be scanned/updated
FLCHK?        Scan Flash ranged specified in ALPHA
FLUPD         Update Flash Memory
CDBEXP        Export CFLDB ROM image

On your computer, you should see the updated FLDB (called CFLDB) being uploaded to your computer and the updated report.
HH:MM:SS Receiving  2183 2186 2186 1637 = 8192 bytes received
HH:MM:SS File       CFLDB.ROM saved
HH:MM:SS Report     Outdated ROM images [BoardGeneration: third]
HH:MM:SS Report     0 outdated pages, out of 1024 pages, spread over 0 Flash blocks, estimated update time: 00h 00m 00s

On the 41CL
Command       Description
------------  ---------------------------------------------------
OSPROT        Enable OS Flash block protection
CMCLOSE       Close serial port
CDBDEL        To clear the CFLDB location in your 41CL.
FDBVER?       Get current FLDB version of your 41CL

The output is the FLDB date currently installed in your 41CL. Date format respect MDY/DMY mode.
You should see 06/29/2022 for June 29th, 2022.



Edit: typos
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RE: HP41CL update - Sylvain Cote - 07-26-2022, 02:36 PM
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RE: HP41CL update - Sylvain Cote - 07-26-2022 08:49 PM
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RE: HP41CL update - Sylvain Cote - 07-27-2022, 02:32 PM
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RE: HP41CL update - Chr Yoko - 07-27-2022, 02:38 PM
RE: HP41CL update - Sylvain Cote - 07-27-2022, 03:06 PM

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