RE: HP48-HP50G : Error functions ERF(z), FRESNEL integrals, PROBIT, etc.
11-16-2023, 11:26 PM
Post: #33
RE: RE: HP48-HP50G : Error functions ERF(x or z), ERFC (x or z) & iERF/iERFc —>x
I changed the way of calculating erf,
now with the corresponding integral (much longer, of course), instead of using the UTPN command. Reason : Try 0. 5 1E-9 UTPN —> .499999999436 × 2 —> .999999998872 erf=1-.999999998872 =.000000001128. Some digits got logically lost by this procedure. Now, with integral from -x to x gives the expected answer in our case : 1.12837916709E-9. When executing .000000001 ERF¦c We get two results: "ERFc (.000000001)" .999999998872 "ERF (.000000001)" 1.12837916709E-9 No more necessary to use ERFc, but of course you should not delete it, as it is used in ERF¦C. The input can be a real or a COMPLEX number. Note that iERFc will, logically, not give back the initial value x ERF¦c \\<< \"1 Arg .real x or .complex (a b)\" DROP DUP DUP DUP TYPE 1. == IF THEN \"ERF \" SWAP + ELSE \"ERF (\" SWAP + \")\" + END DUP \"F\" \"Fc\" SREPL DROP 4. ROLLD SWAP DUP DUP IM SWAP RE \\-> im re \\<< im 0. == re ABS .01 \\<= AND IF THEN DROP 0. re 'e^-X^2.' X \\.S 2. * \\pi \\v/ / \\->NUM ELSE im 0. == re 0. \\<= AND IF THEN -1. ELSE 1. END SWAP im 0. == IF THEN ABS END ERFc 1. SWAP - * END im 0. == IF THEN ROT ERFc UNROT ELSE ROT DROP DUP 1. SWAP - UNROT END \\>> 'IERR' PURGE \\>> iERF \\<< \"1 Arg .a real a, |a| < 1 (not a complex !)\" DROP DUP IM 0. == IF THEN RE ELSE \"Complex with IM\\=/0: NOT allowed for INV\" DOERR END DUP ABS 1. \\>= IF THEN \"|a| must be < 1\" DOERR END DUP \"iERF (\" SWAP + \")\" + SWAP '\\.S(-A,A,e^-X^2.,X)/\\v/\\pi' - 'A' 2. ROOT { A IERR } PURGE \\>> iERFc \\<< \"1 Arg .a real a, a < 2 (not a complex !)\" DROP DUP IM 0. == IF THEN RE ELSE \"Complex with IM\\=/0: NOT allowed for INV\" DOERR END DUP ABS 2. \\>= IF THEN \"|a| must be < 2\" DOERR END DUP \"iERF (\" SWAP + \")\" + SWAP 1. - NEG '\\.S(-A,A,e^-X^2.,X)/\\v/\\pi' - 'A' 2. ROOT { A IERR } PURGE \\>> ERFc \\<< \"1 Arg .real x or .complex (a b)\" DROP DUP IM 0. == IF THEN RE 0. .5 ROT UTPN 2. * ELSE C\\->R SWAP DUP 0. == IF THEN .00000000001 SWAP ELSE 1. END \\-> y x z \\<< 0. .5 x UTPN 2. * 'e^-x^2./(2.*\\pi*x)*(1.-COS(2.*x*y)+i*SIN(2.*x*y))' \\->NUM '2./\\pi*e^-x^2.' \\->NUM '\\GS(k=1.,30.,e^(-k^2./4.)/(k^2.+4.*x^2.)*(2.*x*(1.-COS(2.*x*y)*COSH(k*y))+k*SIN(2.*x*y)*SINH(k*y)+i*(2.*x*SIN(2.*x*y)*COSH(k*y)+k*COS(2.*x*y)*SINH(k*y))))' \\->NUM * + - z 0. == IF THEN C\\->R SWAP DROP 1. SWAP R\\->C END \\>> END \\>> |
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