RPN83P: RPN calculator for TI-83+ TI-84+ inspired by HP-42S
[Updated on 2024-07-19 for v1.0.0]
RPN83P is an RPN calculator app for the TI-83 Plus series and TI-84 Plus series calculators, inspired mostly by the HP-42S, with significant features from the HP-12C and HP-16C. RPN83P also hopes to be the easiest and cheapest gateway app that introduces new users to the beauty and power of RPN calculators.
RPN83P is a flash application written in Z80 assembly language that consumes 3 pages (48 kiB) of flash memory. Since it is stored in flash, it is preserved if the RAM is cleared.
Project Home:
- Download the rpn83p.8xk file from the RPN83P Releases page.
- Upload the file to the TI-83 Plus or TI-84 Plus calculator.
- Run the program using the APPS button and selecting "RPN83P".
- Quit app: 2ND QUIT
- Turn off device: 2ND OFF
Features [Updated for v1.0.0]:
- traditional RPN stack (X, Y, Z, T) with LASTX register, resizable from 4 to 8 levels
- input edit line with scrollable cursor using arrow keys
- 8-line display showing 4 stack registers
- hierarchical menu system similar to HP-42S
- quick reference HELP menu
- storage registers
- store and recall:STO nn, RCL nn
- storage arithmetics: STO+ nn, STO- nn, STO* nn, STO/ nn, RCL+nn, RCL- nn, RCL* nn, RCL/ nn
- up to 100 storage registers: nn = 00..99, resizable between 25 and 100
- 27 single-letter variables (nn = A..Z,Theta)
- support for all math functions with dedicated buttons on the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus
- arithmetic: /, *, -, +
- algebraic: 1/X, X^2, SQRT
- transcendental: ^ (i.e. Y^X), LOG, 10^X, LN, E^X
- trigonometric: SIN, COS, TAN, ASIN, ACOS, ATAN
- constants: PI and E
- additional menu functions:
- arithmetic: %, %CH, GCD, LCM, PRIM (prime factor), IP (integer part), FP (fractional part), FLR (floor), CEIL (ceiling), NEAR (nearest integer), ABS, SIGN, MOD, MIN, MAX
- rounding functions: RNDF, RNDN, RNDG
- algebraic: X^3, 3ROOTX
- transcendental: XROOTY, 2^X, LOG2, LOGB, E^X- (e^x-1), LN1+ (log(1+x))
- trigonometric: ATN2
- probability: PERM, COMB, N!, RAND, SEED
- hyperbolic: SINH, COSH, TANH, ASNH, ACSH, ATNH
- angle conversions: >DEG, >RAD, >HR, >HMS, >REC, >POL
- unit conversions: >C, >F, >hPa, >inHg, >km, >mi, >m, >ft, >cm, >in, >um, >mil, >kg, >lbs, >g, >oz, >L, >gal, >floz, >kJ, >cal, >kW, >hp, >Lkm, >mpg, >kPa, >psi, >ha, >acr
- statistics and curve fitting, inspired by HP-42S
- statistics: Sigma+, Sigma-, SUM, MEAN, WMN (weighted mean), SDEV, SCOV, PDEV, PCOV
- curve fitting: Y>X, X>Y, SLOP (slope), YINT (y intercept), CORR (correlation coefficent)
- curve fit models: LINF (linear), LOGF (logarithmic), EXPF (exponential), PWRF (power)
- base conversion and bitwise operations, inspired by HP-16C and HP-42S
- base conversions: DEC, HEX, OCT, BIN
- bitwise operations: AND, OR, XOR, NOT, NEG, REVB (reverse bits), CNTB (count bits)
- integer arithmetics: B+, B-, B*, B/, BDIV (divide with remainder)
- shift and rotate: SL, SR, ASR, RL, RR, RLC, RRC, SLn, SRn, RLn, RRn, RLCn, RRCn
- carry flag and bit masks: CCF, SCF, CF?, CB, SB, B?
- word sizes: 8, 16, 24, 32 bits
- time value of money (TVM), inspired by HP-12C HP-17B, and HP-30b
- N, I%YR, PV, PMT, FV, P/YR, C/YR, BEG, END, CLTV (clear TVM)
- complex numbers, inspired by HP-42S and HP-35s
- stored in stack registers (X, Y, Z, T, LastX), storage registers (R00-R99), and storage variables (A-Z,Theta)
- computation modes: RRES (real results), CRES (complex results)
- display modes: RECT, PRAD (polar radians), PDEG (polar degrees)
- linking/unlinking: 2ND LINK (convert 2 reals to 1 complex, same as COMPLEX on HP-42S)
- number entry: 2ND i (rectangular), 2ND ANGLE (polar degrees), 2ND ANGLE 2ND ANGLE (polar radians)
- extended regular functions: +, -, *, /, 1/X, X^2, SQRT, Y^X, X^3, 3ROOTX, XROOTY, LOG, LN, 10^X, E^X, 2^X, LOG2, LOGB
- complex specific functions: REAL, IMAG, CONJ, CABS, CANG
- unsupported: trigonometric and hyperbolic functions (not supported by TI-OS)
- date functions
- date, time, datetime, timezone, and hardware clock
- add or subtract dates, times, datetimes
- convert datetime to different timezones
- convert between datetime and epochseconds
- support alternative Epoch dates (Unix, NTP, GPS, TIOS, Y2K, custom)
- set and retrieve datetime from the hardware clock (84+/84+SE only)
- display time and date objects in RFC 3339 (ISO 8601) format
- various modes (MODE)
- floating display: FIX, SCI, ENG
- trigonometric computation: RAD, DEG
- complex computation: RRES, CRES
- complex display: RECT, PRAD, PDEG
- SHOW (2ND ENTRY): display all 14 internal digits
Missing features (partial list):
- vectors and matrices
- keystroke programming