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Old HP-71 tapes from the 80's uploaded
05-02-2024, 12:14 PM (This post was last modified: 05-02-2024 12:16 PM by Sylvain Cote.)
Post: #5
RE: Old HP-71 tapes from the 80's uploaded
(05-02-2024 12:36 AM)BitWiz Wrote:  The G12 tape failed partway through with a medium error and there was a 5th tape labeled G14-100 that the directory was unreadable.
Hello Mike,
The following is a small HP-71B BASIC program that I have written for Mark Power three years ago.
Mark needed to dump his mini-cassette content in a raw format, maybe this will help recover your failed tape content.

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 10 ! TAPEDUMP @Copyrights 2021, Sylvain Cote
 11 ! last updated on: 2021-03-20 21h10 EDT
 12 ! Program: do a sector by sector tape dump to a file in main memory (~130KB)
 13 ! Needs  : 71B, 82401A, ~140KB of main RAM

 30 ! A   : DriveAddress       (constant)
 31 ! B   : DriveBusyFlag
 32 ! C   : DriveErrorCode
 33 ! D   : DeviceAccessoryID
 34 ! E   : DriveErrorFlag
 35 ! L   : DriveErrorLevel
 36 ! L0  : InputBufferLength
 37 ! L2  : LogDriveError
 38 ! R0  : ActiveReadTimes
 39 ! R1  : MaxReadTimes       (constant)
 40 ! S   : DriveStatus
 41 ! S0  : TapeSectorActive
 42 ! S1  : TapeSectorNumbers  (constant)
 43 ! S2  : TapeSectorSize     (constant)
 44 ! S3  : TapeSeekFlag       : tell the drive to do a tape seek if set to 1
 45 ! T1  : TapeTrackNumbers   (constant)
 50 ! B0$ : InputBuffer
 51 ! M$  : DriveErrorLevel

100 OPTION BASE 0                                                                         ! array index start at 0
105 DIM B0$[256]                                                                          ! input buffer creation
110 IMAGE #,256A                                                                          ! input format
115 A=1 @ R1=3 @ T1=2 @ S1=256 @ S2=256                                                   ! app constants
120 S=0 @ B=0 @ E=0 @ C=0 @ L=0 @ M$=""                                                   ! init values
125 B0$="" @ L0=0 @ D=0 @ L2=0 @ R0=0                                                     ! init values
130 SFLAG -1 @ PURGE TD @ PURGE TE @ CFLAG -1                                             ! delete old files, disregard error if files are missing
135 CREATE TEXT TD @ CREATE TEXT TE                                                       ! create TapeDump and TapeError files
140 ASSIGN #1 TO TD @ ASSIGN #2 TO TE                                                     ! open TapeDump and TapeError files
145 SFLAG -23                                                                             ! use variable size as tape read length
150 DELAY 0,0                                                                             ! set display and scrolling delays
155 RESET HPIL @ RESTORE IO                                                               ! reset loop
160 GOSUB 'AIDCHECK'                                                                      ! verify that we have a tape drive at specified loop address
165 GOSUB 'REWIND'                                                                        ! rewind tape
170 S3=1                                                                                  ! seek tape to track 0 sector 0
175 FOR T0=0 TO T1-1                                                                      ! track outer loop
180   FOR S0=0 TO S1-1                                                                    !   sector inner loop
185     GOSUB 'READSEC'                                                                   !     read sector from tape
190   NEXT S0                                                                             !   sector inner loop end
195 NEXT T0                                                                               ! track outer loop end
200 GOSUB 'REWIND'                                                                        ! rewind tape
205 ASSIGN #1 TO * @ ASSIGN #2 TO *                                                       ! close files
210 CFLAG -23 @ DELAY 1,1/8                                                               ! restore environment
215 DISP "DUMP DONE"                                                                      ! warn
220 END                                                                                   ! end of program

500 ! device accessory id check                                                           !
505 'AIDCHECK': ! IN: A / UPD: D / OUT: -                                                 ! sub check device type at loop address
510 ! D=DEVAID(A) @ IF D DIV 16#1 THEN DISP "Err: Invalid Device" @ STOP                  !   get accessory id and if device type is a mass storage then stop the program
515   D=DEVAID(A) @ IF D#16       THEN DISP "Err: Invalid Device" @ STOP                  !   get accessory id and if device is not a 82161A then stop the program
520 RETURN                                                                                ! end sub

525 ! loop until drive is ready                                                           !
530 'BUSYWAIT': ! IN: A / UPD: S / OUT: -                                                 ! sub wait until drive is ready
535   'BW': S=SPOLL(A) @ IF BIT(S,5)=1 THEN GOTO 'BW'                                     !   loop until drive is no longer busy
540 RETURN                                                                                ! end sub

545 ! reset drive status variables                                                        !
550 'RSETSTAT': ! IN: A / UPD: S,B,E,C,L / OUT: -                                         ! sub reset status variables
555   S=0 @ B=0 @ E=0 @ C=0 @ L=0                                                         !   set drive status related variables to 0
560 RETURN                                                                                ! end sub

565 ! read & decode drive status byte                                                     !
570 'READSTAT': ! IN: A / UPD: - / OUT: S,B,E,C,L                                         ! sub read and decode drive status
575   S=SPOLL(A) @ B=BIT(S,5) @ E=BIT(S,4) @ C=BINAND(S,15)                               !   read drive status and get busy flag, error flag and error code
580   IF E=0 AND B=0 THEN L=0 @ RETURN                                                    !   if drive not in error and not busy -> set error level to normal  and return
585   IF E=0 AND B=1 THEN L=1 @ RETURN                                                    !   if drive not in error but is busy  -> set error level to warning and return
590   IF C=9 OR C=10 THEN L=1 ELSE L=2                                                    !   if drive error is recoverable      -> set error level to warning otherwise set error level to
595 RETURN                                                                                ! end sub

600 ! build status message                                                                !
605 'BUILDMSG': ! IN: B,E,C,L / UPD: - / OUT: M$                                          ! sub build drive status message
610   IF E=0 AND B=0 THEN M$=""             @ RETURN                                      !   drive is normal, return
615   IF E=0 AND B=1 THEN M$="Drive Busy"   @ GOTO 'BM'                                   !   drive is busy
620   IF C=9         THEN M$="Rec Number"   @ GOTO 'BM'                                   !   unexpected record number, tape read failed, try to re-read the sector
625   IF C=10        THEN M$="Rec Checksum" @ GOTO 'BM'                                   !   invalid record checksum, tape read failed, try to re-read the sector
630   IF C=7         THEN M$="New Tape"     @ GOTO 'BM'                                   !   new tape has been inserted in the drive and need to be seeked
635   IF C=4         THEN M$="No Tape"      @ GOTO 'BM'                                   !   there is no tape in drive
640   IF C=8         THEN M$="Time Out"     @ GOTO 'BM'                                   !   no data record has been found on the tape
645   IF C=3         THEN M$="Tape:EOT+TS"  @ GOTO 'BM'                                   !   unexpected end of tape has been reached AND tape has stalled
650   IF C=1         THEN M$="End of Tape"  @ GOTO 'BM'                                   !   unexpected end of tape has been reached
655   IF C=2         THEN M$="Tape Stalled" @ GOTO 'BM'                                   !   tape has stalled
660   IF C=5 OR C=6  THEN M$="Device"       @ GOTO 'BM'                                   !   generic device error
665   IF C=12        THEN M$="Tape Size"    @ GOTO 'BM'                                   !   track number greather than 1 has been requested
670                       M$="Unknown"                                                    !   unknown error (covers code=0, 11, 13, 14 & 15)
675   'BM': ! build message                                                               !   build message
680   IF L=1 THEN M$="Wrn:"&STR$(C)&":"&M$                                                !   warning message
685   IF L=2 THEN M$="Err:"&STR$(C)&":"&M$                                                !   error message
690 RETURN                                                                                ! end sub

695 ! verify that drive is ready and not in error                                         !
700 'PRECHECK': ! IN: A / UPD: S,B,E,C,L,M$ / OUT: -                                      ! sub pre-check before doing a drive operation
705   GOSUB 'BUSYWAIT' @ GOSUB 'READSTAT' @ M$=""                                         !   wait for drive to be ready, then read current status and decode it
710   IF L=2 THEN GOSUB 'BUILDMSG' @ DISP M$ @ STOP                                       !   if error level is error then display error message then stop the program
715 RETURN                                                                                ! end sub

720 ! rewind drive tape                                                                   !
725 'REWIND': ! IN: A / UPD: S,B,E,C,L,M$ / OUT: -                                        ! sub rewind tape
730   GOSUB 'PRECHECK'                                                                    !   pre-check drive for readyness
735   DISP "Rewinding Tape ..."                                                           !   tell user the action to be taken
740   SEND UNT UNL LISTEN A DDL 7                                                         !   rewind tape
745   GOSUB 'BUSYWAIT'                                                                    !   wait for drive to be ready
750 RETURN                                                                                ! end sub

755 ! position drive head to the specified track & sector                                 !
760 'SEEK': ! IN: A,T0,S0 / UPD: S,B,E,C,L,M$ / OUT: -                                    ! sub seek track:record
765   GOSUB 'PRECHECK'                                                                    !   pre-check drive for readyness
770   DISP "Seek: T="&STR$(T0)&" S="&STR$(S0)                                             !   tell user the action to be taken
775   SEND UNT UNL MTA LISTEN A DDL 4 DATA T0 DATA S0                                     !   seek tape and wait for drive to be ready
780   GOSUB 'BUSYWAIT'                                                                    !   wait for drive to be ready
785 RETURN                                                                                ! end sub

790 ! Set Drive in Read Mode - Drive Fill Buffer 0 with Current Sector                    !
795 'READMODE': ! IN: A / UPD: - / OUT: -                                                 ! sub activate data transfert mode
800   DISP "Read mode activated"                                                          !   tell user the action to be taken
805   SEND UNT UNL TALK A DDT 2                                                           !   drive set in read mode, trigger the drive to fill buffer 0 with current sector
810 RETURN                                                                                ! end sub

815 ! Read Sector                                                                         !
820 'READSEC': ! IN: A,R1,T0,S0,S2,S3,#1,#2 / UPD: R0,S,B,E,C,L,M$,B0$,L0,S3 / OUT: -     ! sub read sector
825   FOR R0=1 TO R1                                                                      !   read times loop
830     IF S3=1 THEN GOSUB 'SEEK' @ GOSUB 'READMODE' @ S3=0                               !     activate data transfer from tape drive
835     DISP "Read T:"&STR$(T0)&" S:"&STR$(S0)&" #"&STR$(R0)                              !     tell user the action to be taken
840     ENTER :A USING 110;B0$ @ L0=LEN(B0$)                                              !     get drive buffer 0, trigger the drive to fill buffer 0 with next sector
845     GOSUB 'BUSYWAIT' @ GOSUB 'READSTAT'                                               !     wait for drive to be ready & get drive status
850     IF L=0 AND L0=S2 THEN PRINT #1;B0$ @ RETURN                                       !     if no error and record length is valid then save record and return
855     IF L=0 THEN DISP "Wrn: Inv.Rec.Length" @ PRINT #2;B0$ @ BEEP 440,1 @ RETURN       !     if no error and record length is invalid then log data and return
860     IF L=1 THEN GOSUB 'BUILDMSG' @ DISP M$ @ BEEP 523,1 @ S3=1                        !     there was an problem reading the tape, warn user
865     IF L=2 THEN GOSUB 'BUILDMSG' @ DISP M$ @ STOP                                     !     if error level is error then display error message then stop the program
870   NEXT R0                                                                             !   end loop
875   PRINT #2;":T="&DTH$(T0)[5]&":S="&DTH$(S0)[4,5]&":E="&DTH$(S)[5]&":"                 !   too many retry, log error (ex.: ":T=1:S=A8:E=A:")
880   DISP "Wrn: Skipped Bad Rec." @ BEEP 440,1 @ S3=1                                    !   warn user, next record will be seeked
885 RETURN                                                                                ! end sub

Sylvain Côté
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RE: Old HP-71 tapes from the 80's uploaded - Sylvain Cote - 05-02-2024 12:14 PM

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