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HP-12c 'comma' variant (?brazil)
06-28-2024, 09:56 AM
Post: #2
RE: HP-12c 'comma' variant (?brazil)
I just had a quick look on, and complaints are easily found:

Quote:Comprei essa calculadora e descobri que há um lote deste produto sendo vendido no mercado apresentando alguns defeitos, há vários relatos de outros compradores que também descobriram durante o uso da HP, a calculadora não muda de ponto para virgula e vice-versa e não executa taxa de retorno "tir" apresentando "error 7" ao invés de mostrar o resultado, ja efetuei a troca com o representante da marca e mesmo assim mandaram outra calculadora com defeito e pelo jeito a HP não está querendo retirar o lote do mercado e nem fazer um recall das calculadoras, quem comprar procure fazer alguns testes para ter certeza que a mesma não veio com defeito.

With google translate:

Quote:I bought this calculator and discovered that there is a batch of this product being sold on the market with some defects, there are several reports from other buyers who also discovered while using the HP, the calculator does not change from dot to comma and vice versa and does not perform rate return "tir" showing "error 7" instead of showing the result, I already exchanged it with the brand's representative and they still sent another defective calculator and apparently HP doesn't want to remove the batch from the market or do anything a recall of calculators, whoever buys it should try to do some tests to make sure it didn't come with a defect.

and another:

Quote:comprei uma hp 12 c com lote CIGP328 e não estava conseguindo calcular a Taxa Interna de retorno IRR e nem trocar ponto por virgula no separador de milhar, vi na internet que é um lote com defeito, gostaria de substituir.

Quote:I bought an HP 12 c with batch CIGP328 and I was unable to calculate the Internal Rate of Return IRR or change the dot for a comma in the thousands separator, I saw on the internet that it was a defective batch, I would like to replace it.

I wonder what happened. Did someone somewhere just completely re-implement the HP-12c ROM, or accidently made a batch with an experimental ROM. The devices look well made, and it seems like HP are exchanging them for calculators with the same issue.
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HP-12c 'comma' variant (?brazil) - dm319 - 06-28-2024, 09:28 AM
RE: HP-12c 'comma' variant (?brazil) - dm319 - 06-28-2024 09:56 AM

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