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Puzzle - RPL and others
04-23-2021, 04:08 PM (This post was last modified: 04-27-2021 11:24 AM by Albert Chan.)
Post: #7
RE: Puzzle - RPL and others
Let most significant digit = first digit (digit 1)
Even digits must be even
Odd digits must be odd
5th digit = 5.

4th digit + 8th digit must be 2 or 6
(Divisible by 4 only if last 2 digits divisible by 4. Example, 14 won't do it)

This filled all even numbers Smile
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
   4     2  5  8     6
   8     6  5  4     2

This is perhaps optimized enough to start coding ...
Brute force for 4! = 24 cases, done in Emu71/DOS

10 DIM O(4),D(8) @ D(5)=5 @ O(1)=1 @ O(2)=3 @ O(3)=7 @ O(4)=9
20 FOR I1=1 TO 4 @ D(1)=O(I1)
30 FOR I2=1 TO 2 @ D(2)=4*I2 @ D(6)=12-D(2)
40 FOR I3=1 TO 4 @ D(3)=O(I3)
50 IF I3=I1 OR MOD(D(1)+D(2)+D(3),3) THEN 140
60 D(4)=2+4*(D(2)=8) @ D(8)=8-D(4)
70 FOR I4=1 TO 4 @ D(7)=O(I4)
80 IF I4=I1 OR I4=I3 THEN 130
90 X=0 @ FOR J=1 TO 7 @ X=10*X+D(J) @ NEXT J
100 IF MOD(X,7) OR MOD(10*X+D(8),8) THEN 130
110 X=100*X+10*D(8)+9 @ X=X-MOD(X,9) @ DISP X
130 NEXT I4
140 NEXT I3
150 NEXT I2
160 NEXT I1



We can solve the puzzle, all by hand (without calculator !)

Digits(123) divisible by 3.
If 2nd digit is 4, top digits must have 1 somewhere (because 4%3=1)
Digits(678) divisisble by 8 → 7th digit cannot be 1.

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
   4     2  5  8  9  6
   8     6  5  4  3  2
   8     6  5  4  7  2

If Digits(1 to 3) divisible by 3, Digits(1 to 7) divisible by 7, we are done.
Note: 9th digit does not matter. If top 8 is correct, we found the solution.

Modulo 7, we have 10≡3, 100≡3*3≡2, 1000≡3*2≡-1

We "remove" 7th digit, and do 2 groups of 3-digits, to test mod 7:
1/10 ≡ 100/1000 ≡ 2/-1 ≡ -2 (mod 7)

258-2*9 ≡ 254 ≡ 2, top 3 digits must be 2 (mod 7)
147 ≡ 0, 741 ≡ 6, all failed

654-2*3 ≡ 654+1 ≡ 4, top 3 digits must be 4 (mod 7)
789 ≡ 5, 987 ≡ 0, 189 ≡ 0, 981 ≡ 1, all failed

654-2*7 ≡ 654 ≡ 3, top 3 digits must be 3 (mod 7)
183 ≡ 1, 381 ≡ 3, 189 ≡ 0, 981 ≡ 1, 1 solution.

Answer (proven unique): soc sec# 381-65-4729
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RE: Puzzle - RPL and others - Albert Chan - 04-27-2021, 12:14 PM
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RE: Puzzle - RPL and others - Albert Chan - 04-28-2021, 03:30 AM
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RE: Puzzle - RPL and others - Albert Chan - 04-29-2021, 03:25 AM
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RE: Puzzle - RPL and others - Albert Chan - 04-29-2021, 05:16 PM
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RE: Puzzle - RPL and others - 3298 - 05-03-2021, 03:43 PM
RE: Puzzle - RPL and others - Albert Chan - 05-04-2021, 03:29 AM
RE: Puzzle - RPL and others - 3298 - 05-04-2021, 06:48 AM
RE: Puzzle - RPL and others - Albert Chan - 05-05-2021, 06:29 PM
RE: Puzzle - RPL and others - 3298 - 05-06-2021, 04:24 PM
RE: Puzzle - RPL and others - Albert Chan - 05-06-2021, 09:09 PM
RE: Puzzle - RPL and others - Albert Chan - 05-07-2021, 10:35 AM
RE: Puzzle - RPL and others - 3298 - 05-07-2021, 04:17 PM
RE: Puzzle - RPL and others - Albert Chan - 05-09-2021, 01:21 AM
RE: Puzzle - RPL and others - 3298 - 05-09-2021, 01:39 PM
RE: Puzzle - RPL and others - Albert Chan - 05-10-2021, 03:57 AM
RE: Puzzle - RPL and others - Albert Chan - 05-07-2021, 02:56 AM
RE: Puzzle - RPL and others - Albert Chan - 05-10-2021, 05:13 PM
RE: Puzzle - RPL and others - 3298 - 05-10-2021, 08:23 PM
RE: Puzzle - RPL and others - Albert Chan - 05-11-2021, 11:58 AM
RE: Puzzle - RPL and others - 3298 - 05-11-2021, 02:14 PM
RE: Puzzle - RPL and others - John Keith - 05-11-2021, 03:55 PM
RE: Puzzle - RPL and others - ijabbott - 05-11-2021, 10:37 PM
RE: Puzzle - RPL and others - Albert Chan - 05-13-2021, 11:38 PM

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