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Fast remainder
05-09-2021, 08:48 PM (This post was last modified: 05-12-2021 11:46 PM by Albert Chan.)
Post: #1
Fast remainder
This thread is inspired by thread: Puzzle - RPL and others

We extended the search not just to decimal, but base n, and allowed diigts 1 .. n-1
One of the hot spot is the expensive (mod k) operation.

Updated code unroll loops to reduce expensive modulo.
(this cut down modulo to 1/6th, with reduce n domain, 0 < n ≤ 190)

d = ((((((d*n + X[i])*n + X[i+1])*n + X[i+2])*n + X[i+3])*n + X[i+4])*n + X[i+5]) % k

I just learned another way, by replacing modulo with 2 multiply and shift.
(Python infinite precision integer need masking M step; C code get this for free.)

It go straight for remainder, and not waste time computing quotient.
Below setup is for 0 ≤ x ≤ 2**16 = 65536

>>> M = 0xffffffff
>>> def mod17(x, c = M//17+1): return (x*c & M) * k >> 32
>>> print mod17(12345), 12345 % 17
3 3

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>

// note: with 32-bits c, x and k really limited to 16-bits
static uint32_t fastmod(uint32_t x, uint64_t k, const uint32_t c)
    return (x * c * k) >> 32;   // = x % k

uint32_t gcd(uint32_t a, uint32_t b)
    for(;;) {
        if (b == 0) return a;
        a %= b;
        if (a == 0) return b;
        b %= a;

void printx(uint32_t *x, uint32_t n)
    printf("{ ");
    for(uint32_t i=1; i<n; i++) printf("%d ", x[i]);

void recurse(uint32_t *a, uint32_t n, uint32_t k, uint32_t *x)
    if (k==n) return printx(x, k);
    uint32_t c = a[2*n+k], d = 0, step = k+k;
    for(uint32_t i=1; i < k; i++) {
        d = fastmod((d + x[i])*n, k, c);

    d = k - d;                          // valid (mod k)
    if (k%2) {  // odd k
        if (d%2 == 0) d += k;           // k = d = 1 (mod 2)
    } else {    // even k
        if (k%4 == 0) step = k;         // step  = 0 (mod 4)
        else if ((n+d)%4 == 0) d += k;  // n+d+k = 0 (mod 4)

    for(uint32_t bucket = a[n+k]; d < n; d += step) {
        if (a[d] && a[n+d] == bucket) {
            x[k] = d;
            a[d] = 0;                   // mark taken
            recurse(a, n, k+1, x);
            a[d] = d;                   // restore

void puzzle(uint32_t n) {       // polydivisible number, base n
    if (n%2) return;            // n must be even
    uint32_t a[3*n], x[n], i;
    for(i=1; i < n; i++) {
        a[i] = i;               //   +1 to  n-1 = duplicate check
        a[n+i] = gcd(n,i);      //  n+1 to 2n-1 = gcd buckets
        a[2*n+i] = (~0U)/i + 1; // 2n+1 to 3n-1 = fastmod factor
    recurse(a, n, 1, x-1);      // arrays all 1-based

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    uint32_t n = 0;
    if (argc > 1) n = atoi(argv[1]);
    if (n-1 < 181) {puzzle(n); return 0;}
    return printf("Usage %s n, 0 < n <= 181\n", argv[0]);

>polydivisible 2
{ 1 }

>polydivisible 4
{ 1 2 3 }
{ 3 2 1 }

>polydivisible 6
{ 1 4 3 2 5 }
{ 5 4 3 2 1 }

>polydivisible 8
{ 3 2 5 4 1 6 7 }
{ 5 2 3 4 7 6 1 }
{ 5 6 7 4 3 2 1 }

>polydivisible 10
{ 3 8 1 6 5 4 7 2 9 }

>polydivisible 12

>polydivisible 14
{ 9 12 3 10 5 4 7 6 11 8 1 2 13 }

For n=60 (no solution): % take 114 sec., fastmod take 58 sec, 114/58 = 2.0X

Faster remainders when the divisor is a constant: beating compilers and libdivide
And, for finer points, More fun with fast remainders when the divisor is a constant

Update: I messed up the code (now fixed)
I had forgotten fastmod required very wide bits to work.
For 64-bits machine, fastmod arguments is limited to 16-bits.

This prevented any unrolling (and still use 1 fastmod per loop)
2*(n-1)*n < 2^16 → Base n ≤ 181
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Messages In This Thread
Fast remainder - Albert Chan - 05-09-2021 08:48 PM
RE: Fast remainder - Albert Chan - 05-10-2021, 02:44 PM
RE: Fast remainder - Albert Chan - 05-12-2021, 12:05 AM
RE: Fast remainder - Albert Chan - 05-12-2021, 03:10 PM
RE: Fast remainder - Albert Chan - 05-12-2021, 11:03 PM
RE: Fast remainder - Albert Chan - 05-12-2021, 04:12 PM
RE: Fast remainder - Albert Chan - 05-14-2021, 06:15 PM

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