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[VA] New updates available in my HP site [Latest is Update #39, Sep 22]
09-16-2021, 10:27 PM
Post: #15
RE: [VA] New updates available in my HP site [Latest is mega-Update #28, Sep 13]
Hi, all:

Last Sept., 13th I've made available mega-Update #28 at my HP site, namely the following 25 files (this makes 646 files in all which you can see and/or download for free):
  • Note: I'll appreciate it very much if you would please refrain from posting anything to this thread, so that it only contains the update announcements and listings themselves and nothing else. If you want to comment something please create another thread or PM me for any questions or comments you want addressed. Thanks.
2021-09-13:   Update #28   (25 files, including two new Sections; ~ 400 pages, ~ 230 MB in all):

      This one is the first of a series of updates fully dedicated to my new Project HAM, a project to make available online all my 40+ year-old vintage materials from 1976 to 1985, which amounts to over 2,000 pages in all, most from the period 1979-1981. You can read all about Project HAM in this PDF document:

            Introducing Project HAM (Historic Albillo Materials)

      I've scanned all those materials at 300 dpi, resulting in 2,552 x 3,508 PNG images, either greyscale or 24-bit color, which have been kindly and expertly postprocessed by Eric Rechlin himself, and collected into multi-page PDF documents, which also include OCR'd text whenever possible. Some of them additionally contain a text file with my very own Notes detailing the document's background, history and interesting trivia.

      The two new Sections created to better support Project HAM are the following:

      HP Calculator Raw Scans

            This Section features scans I've made of assorted documents other than Pictures or Brochures, such as booklets or bulletins. Most are scans of 40+ year-old vintage documents not authored by me but which were sent to me back then, and due to their perceived rarity (even uniqueness right now) I'm making them available here.

      HP Calculator Selected Letters (ca. 1981)

            This Section features scans I've made of selected letters I exchanged with a number of HP-calc fans or HP-related people, mainly from 1979 to 1981 and a few beyond that period. Due to their possible historic worthiness I'm making them available here for the very first time.

      Project HAM Materials not belonging to those two Sections will be featured in their respective already-existing Sections, e.g.: Brochures, Calculator Programs, Computer Programs, etc. They can be identified as belonging to Project HAM because they'll include "Full Scan" or "Full brochure" in their titles and will always be scanned pages, as described above.

So much for the "Prologue". Let's begin ...

Full Brochures

HP Brochure VA004 - It Tells the Time Too - Full brochure      (6 pages, 9.418.281 bytes, in French)

      HP-01. ... et en plus il donne l'heure !

HP Brochure VA005 - HP-01 Una nueva gran aventura - Full brochure      (12 pages, 9.069.011 bytes, in Spanish)

      El increible HP-01 de Hewlett-Packard. Una nueva gran aventura en el tiempo.

HP Brochure VA011 - Pyramid - Full brochure      (20 pages, 10.405.097 bytes, in Spanish)

      HP vintage line of Pocket Calculators. It features images and full information on the HP-21, HP-22, HP-25, HP-45, HP-55, HP-65 and HP-80.

HP Brochure VA062 - HP-37E-38E Nuevas calculadoras para negocios - Full brochure      (8x2 pages, 10.065.411 bytes, in Spanish)

      Le presentamos la nueva generacion de calculadoras para negocios de Hewlett-Packard. La HP-37E para la Gestion Comercial. La HP-38E Financiera Programable Avanzada.

HP Brochure VA101 - HP-35 - Full brochure      (4 pages, 8.204.171 bytes, in Spanish)

      HP-35. Un nuevo calculador de bolsillo con las funciones matematicas mas complicadas incorporadas. Para el cientifico. Para el ingeniero. Para cualquiera que precise calculos complejos y respuestas rapidas.

HP Brochure VA071 - HP-41C - Full brochure      (12x2 pages, 15.015.490 bytes, in Spanish)

      HP-41C. De Hewlett-Packard. El primer sistema de calculo, personal, flexible, ampliable.

HP Brochure VA108 - HP-55 Nuevo calculador cientifico programable - Full brochure      (8 pages, 15.744.213 bytes, in Spanish)

      El nuevo calculador cientifico programable HP-55.

HP Brochure VA130 - HP-71B Una Genialidad Portatil - Full brochure      (4 pages, 4.896.786 bytes, in Spanish)

      HP-71B. Una Genialidad Portatil. Potente, portatil, ampliable, y ademas, en BASIC.

Other Brochure VA021 - Programmable TI-59 - Full brochure      (4x2 pages, 7.399.308 bytes)

      TI Programmable 59. The super-powerful card programmable with TI's revolutionary plug-in Solid State Software modules. Up to 960 program steps. Or, up to 100 memories.

Other Brochure VA060 - Elektronische Rechner - Full brochure      (16x2 pages, 19.307.531 bytes, in German)

      Elektronische Rechner von Texas Instruments. Für zuhause. Schule. Beruf. Studium... Sie.

      Little Professor, TI-1025, TI-1050, TI-1650, TI-1680, TI-1750, TI-2550-III, TI-5015,
      TI-5200, TI-5050M, TI-5040, TI-30, SR-40, TI-41, SR-51-II, TI-Programmer,
      TI-57, TI-58, TI-59, PC-100A

Calculator Programs

HP Program VA340 - HP-34C Matematica Avanzada (with Notes) (Full Scan)      (78 pages, 26.854.844 bytes, in Spanish)

      This Solutions Book was created to enhance the sales of the then (1980) newly released HP-34C calculator, a fantastic advanced programmable RPN model, which was much more affordable than previous advanced models while providing a plethora of useful features both for using in manual calculations and for writing your own programs.

My friend Fernando del Rey and I set up to create a sufficient number of programs to be collected into a new Hewlett-Packard Spanish-language Solutions Book titled "HP-34C Matemática avanzada". In all, we created and submitted a grand total of 18 programs to HP but they selected for publication just the first 16 and the last two were excluded from the book. Now I've righted that wrong by including them at the very end of the book, where you'll also find some interesting Notes on the back story of this HP Solutions Book and my 2021 scanning of it.

This 76-page book features the following 18 programs for the HP-34C (most will run with minor or no changes on the HP-15C):

      CAMBIOS DE BASE   (Base Conversions)
      FACTORES PRIMOS, MCD, DECIMAL A FRACCION   (Factorization, Least Common Divisor, Decimal to Fraction)
      ECUACION DE 4º GRADO   (4th-degree Polynomial Equations, also 3rd- and 2nd-degree)
      SISTEMAS DE ECUACIONES : f(x,y) =0 and g(x,y) = 0   (Systems of two Non-linear Equations)
      AREAS, LONGITUDES, VOLUMENES   (Areas, Lengths of Arc, Volumes)
      INTEGRALES DOBLES   (Double Integrals)
      SUMACION DE SERIES INFINITAS ALTERNADAS   (Summation of Infinite Alternating Series)
      ECUACIONES DIFERENCIALES : y'= f(x,y)   (1st-Order Differential Equations)
      SISTEMAS DE ECUACIONES DIFERENCIALES   (Systems of two 1st-Order Differential Equations)
      OPERACIONES CON NUMEROS COMPLEJOS   (Complex-number Operations)
      OPERACIONES VECTORIALES   (Vector Operations)
      DETERMINANTE, ECUACION CARACTERISTICA, AUTOVALORES DE UNA MATRIZ 3x3   (3x3 Determinant, Characteristic Equation, Eigenvalues)
      INTERPOLACION   (Data Interpolation)
      AJUSTE DE DATOS   (Data Fitting)
      ANALISIS ARMONICO   (Harmonic Analysis)
      RESOLUCION DE TRIANGULOS   (Triangle Solutions)
      TABLAS DE AMORTIZACION   (Loan Amortization Schedule)
      CALENDARIO   (Date and Calendar Operations)

HP Program VA425 - UPLE Program Submittal - HP-41C Sistemas de Ecuaciones Diferenciales (Full Scan)      (9 pages, 3.232.120 bytes, in Spanish)

      Program Submittal to the HP Users' Program Library Europe. Este programa utiliza un metodo de Runge-Kutta de orden 4 para hallar una solucion numerica aproximada de un sistema de N ecuaciones diferenciales de primer orden. Alternativamente, tambien resuelve una ecuación diferencial de orden N. El valor de N solamente está limitado por la memoria disponible.

HP Program VA426 - UPL Program Submittal - HP-41C Reversi (Full Scan)      (14 pages, 3.613.936 bytes, aka Othello)

      Program Submittal to the HP Users' Library (Corvallis). This program allows the user to play a game of Reversi (also known as Othello) against the HP-41C. The present program includes all features required, plays quite well and will easily defeat a beginner. The program itself runs the same with or without a printer, but if one is present, it will print the board.

HP Program VA672 - UPLE Program Submittal - HP-67 Integrales Dobles (Full Scan)      (8 pages, 3.106.463 bytes, in Spanish)

      Program Submittal to the HP Users' Program Library Europe. Versión española del programa #60376D. Calcula la integral doble de una f(x,y) dada entre limites arbitrarios x0,xm,y0,yn, utilizando un metodo que da valores exactos si f(x,y) es un polinomio de grado 3 (o menos) en x, y y muy buenas aproximaciones en todo caso.

HP Program VA673 - UPLE Program Submittal - HP-67 Sumacion Series Infinitas Alternadas (Full Scan)      (8 pages, 3.424.258 bytes, in Spanish)

      Program Submittal to the HP Users' Program Library Europe. Version española del programa #60582D. Dada una serie infinita alternada cuyo termino general es definido por el usuario, el programa calcula rapidisimamente su suma. Implementa dos metodos: la transformacion de Euler y la transformacion de Hutton. Es posible tratar series divergentes.

HP Program VA674 - UPLE Program Submittal - HP-67 El Juego de los Barquitos (Full Scan)      (11 pages, 6.476.367 bytes, in Spanish)

      Program Submittal to the HP Users' Program Library Europe. A variant of Battleship. Este programa permite al usuario jugar con su HP-67/97 el Juego de los Barquitos. El juego se lleva a cabo en un "mar" 10x10 en el cual la calculadora dispone al azar un cierto numero de barquitos de diversos tamaños. El usuario debe tratar de hundirlos especificando las coordenadas del punto al cual dirige su disparo.


HP Letter 1979-12-01 - Letter from Valentin Albillo to John McGechie (Full Scan)      (3 pages, 1.208.520 bytes)

      This is the very first letter I wrote back in 1979 to John McGechie (Australian PPC Melbourne Chapter) when I was a very young adult and still at High School. At the time, I was but a fledgling HP-calc user with rudimentary self-taught English, but already bitten to the core by the HP bug. Includes Notes.

HP Letter 1979-12-19 - Letter from John McGechie to Valentin Albillo (Full Scan)      (7 pages, 1.769.472 bytes)

      This was John McGechie's handwritten 6-page reply to my very first letter to him, where I unashamedly asked him zillions of questions, as an interested but total newcomer to the 1979 HP calc scene was bound to do. Includes Notes.

Raw Scans

HP Raw Scan - Boletin #0 Club Usuarios Calculadoras HP Barcelona (Full Scan)      (33 pages, 13.177.030 bytes, in Spanish and others)

      This 32-page magazine arrived 1983-10-01 in a big envelope by regular mail sent from Barcelona (Spain). They sent me their #0 issue, which features an interesting mix of programs, routines, hint, tips, articles and even some adds, mostly for the HP-41C in this particular issue, including data sorting, artificial satellites' tracking, synthetics, polynomial arithmetic, "alien" games, special functions and numeric analysis, etc., in both Spanish and other languages. Includes HP-41C barcodes for the programs featured and Notes.

HP Raw Scan - A Blackbox Handbook to Synthetic Programming Techniques (Full Scan)      (16 pages, 3.133.875 bytes)

      A 16-page booklet by Phill Jury (PPC #5484) which was sent to me by John McGechie (PPC Melbourne Chapter) circa 1980, and which I've discovered recently among my 40+ year-old vintage materials so I thought it would be proper to scan it and upload it to this Section as well. Phill says:

      "This book is designed to teach the person who has neither the time nor the inclination to learn how the 41C goes about carrying out various non-standard techniques, but explains in detail (step by step instructions), how to use these techiques". Includes Notes.

HP Raw Scan - HP Advanced Programmable Calculator Survey (Full Scan)      (12 pages, 2.955.836 bytes)

      This arrived as a thick 1977 letter from HP "sent to only a few HP-67 and HP-97 owners", encouraging us to take a very comprehensive survey and then send the completed questionnaire back to them. The large envelope included a one-page letter plus the survey's questionnaire proper, which consisted of 8 pages featuring 36 quite complex and detailed, very specific questions. Oh, and a return envelope as well. Includes Notes.

HP Raw Scan - ENTER contra Igual (Full Scan)      (8 pages, 6.663.984 bytes, in Spanish)

      ENTER contra IGUAL. Calculadoras cientificas de bolsillo - La verdadera historia. Una discusion practica, problema por problema, de los sistemas logicos usados en las actuales (ca. 1977) calculadoras cientificas de bolsillo.

HP Raw Scan - A Guide to Profitable Decision Making (Full Scan)      (28 pages, 37.699.863 bytes)

      A Guide to Profitable Decision Making - Hewlett-Packard’s introduction to basic financial concepts every business manager should know. DECISIONS - the single most important factor facing a manager. This guide is about time and money.

Computer Programs

HP Computer Program VA020 - XLATOR - Convertidor Series 80 a Series 200 (Full Scan)      (21 pages, 5.629.539 bytes, in Spanish)

      This Series 200 BASIC program, XLATOR, was created by me to automate the conversion of Series 80 programs (HP-86/87) to Series 200 (HP 9816/26/36). XLATOR is a 1,179-line Series 200 BASIC program which runs on the HP 9816/26/36, accepts as input a Series 80 BASIC program (which can use a number of binaries) and produces the equivalent Series 200 BASIC program as its output. Includes Notes.

HP Computer Program VA030 - HP-86-87 CMAT - Operaciones Matriciales con Strings (Full Scan)      (12 pages, 3.579.912 bytes, in Spanish)

      The HP-86/87 binary, CMAT 1.0, was created by me ca. 1985. It consists of 644 lines of Capricorn assembler code which I wrote to speed up our engineering programs without requiring our clients to buy the very expensive and hard-to-get Matrix ROM(s). CMAT implements 32 (somewhat ad-hoc) matrix functions and statements using strings (say Vertical_Loads$) instead of array variables. Includes Notes.

... plus some pertinent Maintenance:

\begin{array}{|c|c|} \hline Notice  \\\hline \end{array}
    I'll appreciate it very much if you would please refrain from posting anything to this thread, so that it only contains the update announcements and listings themselves and nothing else. If you want to comment something please create another thread or PM me for any questions or comments you want addressed. Thanks.
Last but not least

Well, as you can see, Project HAM requires a really, really huge amount of effort. Scanning those 2,000 pages in a cheap, slow scanner will take many man-weeks (VA-weeks), as will carefully post-processing them to enhance their fading quality (ER-weeks).

So, though Project HAM will continue whether you show some interest in its materials or not, it would be nice to see a degree of interest on your part, in the form of a significant number of downloads, and/or a significant number of comments (not on this thread, please, create some other !), and/or a number of links/mentions in your own web sites or elsewhere you may refer my site to. Remember, neither me nor Eric make a cent for this.

Else, this time your lurking and your having interest but never taking the effort to do any of the above or posting any kind of feedback (you're just too lazy or too busy, etc. ...) won't do and this would be the last time I take the extra effort to announce any updates. Just see the length and complexity of this very post, if in doubt about the effort required to make detailed, useful announcements.

I sincerely hope that won't be necessary. But if not, well, C'est la vie !


All My Articles & other Materials here:  Valentin Albillo's HP Collection
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RE: [VA] New updates available in my HP site [Latest is mega-Update #28, Sep 13] - Valentin Albillo - 09-16-2021 10:27 PM

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