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Adhesive/tabbed overlays - C47 & WP43 (DM42), WP3xS, DB48X, newRPL variants!
02-21-2024, 08:34 AM
Post: #108
RE: Adhesive vinyl overlays - C47 & WP43 (DM42), WP3xS, DB48X, newRPL variants ava...
Hi @spiff72

As I started working on key assignment, I noticed that there is a minor bug on the overlay for the “USER” feature (yellow shift for key 2). It is a function and not a menu.

It is correct in my version (the one on the web site)

It is marked as a menu in your overlay.

Now, I see two ways out of this: fix it on my side, or fix it on yours. And that’s where the “thinking about key assignment” came into play.

Remember our past email discussion about the label for the “CONST” menu, which you thought was the “CST” (custom) menu of the HP48? Well, maybe we can combine user mode and custom menu, and then we don’t need to change your overlays. And that's where I'm calling other people on the forum to share their opinion.

Here are the options that I am considering, (where "CustomMenu" is the menu invoked by the CST key on the HP48, UserMode is an HP48-like user mode with custom key assignments for any key, and USER is the feature activated by shift-2):

1/ Get CustomMenu by pressing twice on VAR key when VariablesMenu is shown (i.e. VAR toggles between VariablesMenu and CustomMenu), USER toggles UserMode. This option would require an overlay change on your side.

2/ Get CustomMenu by pressing SHIFT 2 (labelled "USER"), UserMode is a flag under the ModesMenu. This option would require an overlay change on my side.

3/ Like option (2), but relabel ASN as USR and make it toggle UserMode. I don't think ASN is a frequent-enough feature, it could be moved to a softkey in the UserInterfaceMenu.

I'm also considering having key assignments be defined/saved in a CONFIG/KEYS.CSV file that could override any key with any feature. This would save the ASN state, and could be used to edit custom keyboard layouts more comfortably.

I must admit that I've never been a heavy user of key assignments on the HP48. It always felt "dangerous" to me. But maybe others have a different opinion?

As an aside, 0.7.0 should also feature a file-based ConstantsMenu, very much like the file-based UnitsMenu.
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