I see that NIST has a new list of CODATA 2014 recommended values of physical constants.
As such, I propose that compile_consts.c be edited to include the new values.
struct _constsml constsml[] = {
//from CODATA 2014 recommended values 25 June 2015
CONSTANT("#", "ZERO", "0"), // Zero & placeholder for small integers
CONSTANT("a", "PC_a", "365.2425"), // Days in a Gregorian year
CONSTANT("a\270", "PC_a0", "5.2917721067E-11"), // Bohr radius
CONSTANT("c", "PC_C", "299792458"), // Speed of light in a vacuum
CONSTANT("c\271", "PC_C1", "3.741771790E-16"), // First radiation constant
CONSTANT("c\272", "PC_C2", "1.43877736E-2"), // Second radiation constant
CONSTANT("F", "PC_F", "96485.33289"), // Faraday's constant
CONSTANT("g", "PC_g", "9.80665"), // Standard Earth acceleration
CONSTANT("G", "PC_G", "6.67408E-11"), // NIST 2010, IAU 2009 gives 6.67428E-11
CONSTANT("G\270", "PC_Go", "7.7480917310E-5"), // Conductace quantum
CONSTANT("g\274", "PC_Ge", "-2.00231930436182"), // Lande's electon g-factor
CONSTANT("k", "PC_k", "1.38064852E-23"), // Boltzmann constant
CONSTANT("Kj", "PC_Jk", "483597.8525E9"), // Josephson constant
CONSTANT("N\327", "PC_Na", "6.022140857E23"), // Avogadro's number
CONSTANT("p\270", "PC_atm", "101325"), // Standard atmospheric pressure
CONSTANT("R", "PC_R", "8.3144598"), // Molar gas constant
CONSTANT("R\367", "PC_Rk", "25812.8074555"), // von Klitzing's constant
CONSTANT("R\233", "PC_Rinf", "10973731.568508"), // Rydberg constant
CONSTANT("T\270", "PC_t", "273.15"), // 0 degree celcus, standard temperature
CONSTANT("V\033", "PC_Vm", "22.413962E-3"), // Molar volume of an ideal gas at STP
CONSTANT("Z\270", "PC_Zo", "376.73031346177065546819840042031930826862350835241865523"), // Characteristic impedance of vacuum
CONSTANT("\240", "PC_alpha", "7.2973525664E-3"), // Fine-structure constant
CONSTANT("\242\276", "PC_gamP", "2.675221900E8"), // Proton gyromagnetic ratio
CONSTANT("\244\270", "PC_eps0", "8.8541878176203898505365630317107502606083701665994498E-12"), // Electric constant, vacuum permittivity
CONSTANT("\253\270", "PC_mu0", "12.566370614359172953850573533118011536788677597500423E-7"), // Magnetic constant
CONSTANT("\253\230", "PC_muB", "927.4009994E-26"), // Bohr's magneton
CONSTANT("\253\277", "PC_mu_u", "5.050783699E-27"), // Nuclear magneton
CONSTANT("\261\230", "PC_sigma", "5.670367E-8"), // Stefan Boltzmann constant
CONSTANT("\224\270", "PC_phi0", "2.067833831E-15"), // Magnetic flux quantum
/* Plank related constants */
CONSTANT("h", "PC_PLANK", "6.626070040E-34"), // Planck's constant
CONSTANT("\236", "PC_hon2PI", "1.054571800E-34"), // Planck's constant over 2 pi.
CONSTANT("l\276", "PC_PlanckL", "1.616229E-35"), // Base Planck unit of length
CONSTANT("M\276", "PC_PlanckM", "2.176470E-8"), // Base Planck unit of mass
/**/ CONSTANT("q\276", "PC_PlanckQ", "1.8755460e-18"), // Base Planck unit of charge
CONSTANT("T\276", "PC_PlanckTh", "1.416808E32"), // Base Planck unit of temperature
CONSTANT("t\276", "PC_tp", "5.39116E-44"), // Base Planck unit of time
/* Atomic constants */
CONSTANT("e", "PC_eV", "1.6021766208E-19"), // Electron Charge
CONSTANT("r\274", "PC_Re", "2.8179403227E-15"), // Classical electron radius
CONSTANT("m\274", "PC_me", "9.10938356E-31"), // Electron mass
CONSTANT("m\275", "PC_mn", "1.674927471E-27"), // Neutron mass
CONSTANT("m\276", "PC_mp", "1.672621898E-27"), // Proton mass
CONSTANT("m\277", "PC_mu", "1.660539040E-27"), // Atomic mass unit
CONSTANT("m\231", "PC_mMu", "1.883531594E-28"), // Muon mass
// CONSTANT("m\274c\232", "PC_mec2", "8.18710565E-14"), // Electron mass by c^2
// CONSTANT("m\275c\232", "PC_mnc2", "1.505349739E-10"), // Neutron mass by c^2
// CONSTANT("m\276c\232", "PC_mpc2", "1.503277593E-10"), // Proton mass by c^2
CONSTANT("m\277c\232", "PC_muc2", "1.492418062E-10"), // Atomic mass unit by c^2
// CONSTANT("m\231c\232", "PC_mMuc2", "1.692833774E-11"), // Muon mass by c^2
CONSTANT("\252\273", "PC_lamC", "2.4263102367E-12"), // Compton wavelength of the electron
CONSTANT("\252\273\275","PC_lamCn", "1.31959090481E-15"), // Compton wavelength of the neutron
CONSTANT("\252\273\276","PC_lamCp", "1.32140985396E-15"), // Compton wavelength of the proton
CONSTANT("\253\274", "PC_muE", "-928.4764620E-26"), // Electron magnetic moment
CONSTANT("\253\275", "PC_mun", "-0.96623650E-26"), // Neutron magnetic moment
CONSTANT("\253\276", "PC_muP", "1.4106067873E-26"), // Proton magnetic moment
CONSTANT("\253\231", "PC_mumu", "-4.49044826E-26"), // Muon magnetic moment