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newRPL: [UPDATED April 27-2017] Firmware for testing available for download
11-24-2016, 06:00 PM
Post: #491
RE: newRPL: [UPDATED November-08-16] Firmware for testing available for download
Hi Claudio,

Just did the update, no problems.

All my variables were preserved, however my directories are gone. Not very stressfull as they were only test directories. I "think" all variables in those directories were preserved and transfered in the home directory­ but I am not sure.

Also couple of new variables magically apeared in "home" alongside my variable. They all look like system variables. Maybe they were ment to be hidden ? The variables are:

Locale - containing a list of item namely the string ".," and a series of numbers.
NumFmt - with a value of 1
.NNNNAAA - containing a list of integer


(11-24-2016 03:47 AM)Claudio L. Wrote:  Thanksgiving update! EDIT: For those outside the US, it's just another update!
A new ROM update. Like always, use the link in the first post of this thread.

A few annoyances were eliminated in this release, and quite a few new features were introduced:

* Submenus of the main menu can now be open in the "other" menu by using a shift. This allows to make good use of the 2 menu system.
* Stack menu was added
* Binary operations menu was added
* VERSION command was added
* Some refinements in the alarms
* The calculator now stays in the editor if turned off while editing text.
* Hiding the second menu is now permanent across OFF, error messages and command help, so the calculator can actually be used with a "classic" single menu, although you lose the status area annunciators and features like autocomplete.
* "Back" menu key is at UNDO (M). Use it with right-shift for the first menu, and right-shift-hold for the second menu. There's a 10 level menu UNDO.
As usual, please test and report! The first "official" ROM release (still Alpha grade, but official release) is planned by mid December, so we need to clean up bugs before then and need your help.
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RE: newRPL: [UPDATED November-08-16] Firmware for testing available for download - Francois Lanciault - 11-24-2016 06:00 PM

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