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Classic Vector Sumnations on TI nSpire
04-08-2014, 04:44 PM
Post: #1
Classic Vector Sumnations on TI nSpire
Hello all,

As I've translated my TI know how to RPN and RPL, I've also been translating my old HP know-how for examples on using the TI nSpire CX CAS.

One thing I'm trying now is the Vector Additions section of the old HP-25, 67 manuals.

I've tried putting the expression [25 /_150°] + [45 /_75°] into the CX CAS but, I'm not certain if this is the proper translation of that HP-25/67 routine combining the Polar/Rectangular conversion and statistical summation process.

Please steer me in the right direction as to the correct process for the nSpire CX CAS.

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