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Test of Large Code Attachment
12-07-2013, 05:05 PM
Post: #1
Test of Large Code Attachment
Attached is the BASIC-like code from one of my projects......

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12-07-2013, 06:39 PM
Post: #2
RE: Test of Large Code Attachment
Here is the same thing posted directly into a code block

' =========================================================================
'   File...... hp97-clock.SXB
'   Purpose... HP-97 interface with clock
'   Author.... Katie Wasserman
'   Started... 08/22/09
'   Updated... 09/24/09
'   Compiler.. SX/B Version 2.00.30
' =========================================================================

' -------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Program Description
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------

' Interface to an HP-97 Calculator -- no pod needed.

' Makes use of the following control lines available on the 97S header 
' (or on any 97 by attaching to the right connection points).

' Control Line     Header Pin #    Description
'--------------    ------------  --------------------------------------------------
'     GND            1 and 16    ground

'     +V             9 and 10    +V (nominal 4.8 volts from battery in calculator)

'    DATA            13          serial data -- normally low.  When this line is low
'                                with no pulses it means that the calculator is idle and
'                                showing zero on the display.  This code can use this
'                                to indicate that the calculator is read for input.

'    RCD             5          keyboard scan reset -- normally high.  When pulsed low it
'                               resets the 1 of 14 counter that scans the keyboard matrix.
'                               This happens continuously at about 218Hz.

'    STR             11         keyboard scan clock -- normally low.  When pulsed high the
'                               1 of 14 keyboard row counter advances on the positive going edge.
'                               (this clocks at roughly 14 x RCD = 3.1khz)
'    KBA             6          keyboard column line A -- normally high.  Pressing a key in
'                               column A will generate a low pulse when the 1 of 14 counter
'                               selects the matching row.

'    (there is no KBB)

'    KBC             7          keyboard column line C -- normally high.  (as above)

'    KBD             8          keyboard column line D -- normally high.  (as above)

'    KBE             12         keyboard column line E -- normally high.  (as above)

'    The following pins on the header are not used:

'    SYNC            15         serial address line sync (?)
'    IS/IA           14         serial address line
'    phi-1           3          calculator internal clock line phase 1
'    phi-2           4          calculator internal clock line phase 2
'    n/c             2          (no connection to this pin)

'  This program allows the user to display a clock as HH.MM  SS on the calculator by feeding
'  keystrokes using the above interface lines to simulate key presses.  It can do this 
'  continuously or only when requested (by displaying zero and halting the calculator with R/S).
'  It also allows the user to set the clock when needed.  In addition, this program can read
'  any key press on the keyboard -- in fact it mirrors the calculator keyboard scanning routine
'  and act on the key press.  For example, the sequence 'f', 'f', 'RND' will be interpreted by
'  program as a required to generate a 10-digit number from 0 to .9999999999 on the display.

'  Whenever this code prompts the user for calculator input it will first clear the display to 
'  indicate that it is ready for input (except in the special key code reporting mode -- see 
'  below).

'  To set the clock press: 'f', 'f', '+' key followed by the time
'  in 24-hour format.  18.3724 would set the clock to 06:37:24 pm, for example.

'  To set the clock for 12-hour format (no am/pm indicated) press 'f', 'f' '-'
'  followed by the time in 12-hour format. 
'  To switch to 24-hour format press 'f', 'f', 'x' (multiply).

'  To set the clock refresh interval in seconds press 'f', 'f', '8' follow by the number of 
'  seconds -- always 2 digits.  E.g., 05 will set the display to update every 5 seconds.

'  To start the clock with continuous updates press: 'f', 'f', '7'

'  To start with clock with updates only when requested -- calculator halted (with R/S) and zero
'  on the display press: 'f', 'f', '4'.  The time will be entered as HH.MMSS followed by
'  a R/S.

'  To stop the clock press 'f', 'f, '1'.  The clock display stop whenever you set the time
'  to avoid confession.

'  Execution of each command occurs when the key pressed is
'  released.  When the clock is displayed and changing rapidly it is
'  necessary to press and hold 'f' and command keys for 1 second or so
'  to overcome any interference from the microcontroller trying to update
'  the display.

' Other stuff:

'  To put the calculator in keystroke monitor and report column.row mode press: 'f', 'f', 'DSP'
'  From this point on every key you press will show the scanning col.row once you release it.  
'  You need to switch off the calculator to exit this mode.

' The RTC has 31 bytes of battery-back RAM. The first 4 of these are used to save the state variables
' so that the calculator will resume in the last state (e.g., clock running) when powered up.  The 
' remaining 27 bytes can be used to store startup keystrokes (a macro) for anything that can be
' entered from the calculator keyboard.  Press 'f', 'f', '5' followed by up to 26 keystrokes.  
' to end entry turn of the calculator off.  When you turn the calculator back on those keystrokes
' will run with 0.4 second pauses between them.  To clear this macro, just turn off the calculator 
' after entering 'f', 'f', '5'. Note:  The special functions implemented by this code
' (using the 'f', 'f' prefix) are not available for use in macros.

' Power for the Parallax/SX28 and DS1302 (RTC) comes from the calculator Vb line.  The RTC
' has it's own CR1225 timekeeping battery that should last many years.  

' The following connections are made to the chips, GND is common to all.

' Parallax SX-28 (DIP):

'           -1    28-  +V-calc          
'   +V-calc -2    27-
'           -3    26-
'     GND   -4    25-RC7 (CE on DS1302)
'           -5    24-RC6 (I/O on DS1302)
'           -6    23-RC5 (SCLK on DS1302)
'           -7    22-
'           -8    21-
'           -9    20-
' RB0 (KBA) -10   19-
' RB1 (KBC) -11   18-
' RB2 (KBD) -12   17-
' RB3 (KBE) -13   16- RB6 (DATA)
' RB4 (STR) -14   15- RB5 (RCD)

' DS1302 (8-pin DIP)

'   +V-calc -1    8- +V (3 volt lithium battery -- CR1225)
'      Xtal -2    7- SCLK (RC5 on SX)
'      Xtal -3    6- I/O  (RC6 on SX)
'      GND  -4    5- CE   (RC7 on SX)

' -------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Device Settings
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------

FREQ            4_000_000

' -------------------------------------------------------------------------
' IO Pins
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------
_KBA         PIN     RB.0 INPUT
_KBC         PIN     RB.1 INPUT 
_KBD         PIN     RB.2 INPUT 
_KBE         PIN     RB.3 INPUT 

_DATA         PIN     RB.6 INPUT SCHMITT 'needed because this a tri-state line with lots of noise

RTC_CE          PIN     RC.7 OUTPUT

' available pins -- set to input and pullup
_RA0            PIN     RA.0 INPUT PULLUP
_RA1            PIN     RA.1 INPUT PULLUP
_RA2            PIN     RA.2 INPUT PULLUP
_RA3            PIN     RA.3 INPUT PULLUP
_RC0            PIN     RC.0 INPUT PULLUP
_RC1            PIN     RC.1 INPUT PULLUP
_RC2            PIN     RC.2 INPUT PULLUP
_RC3            PIN     RC.3 INPUT PULLUP
_RC4            PIN     RC.4 INPUT PULLUP

' -------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Constants
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------

' value for _mode
cont_clock con 1
req_clock con 2
keycode con 3

' -------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Variables
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------

idle_count var word ' used for requested clock update
_rand var word ' used for f,f,RND function

i var byte ' temp
j var byte
k var byte

_i var byte ' temp for subs
_j var byte
_k var byte

row var byte ' passed between subs and main
col var byte
value var byte

f_count var byte  ' count the number of 'f' key presses

_mode var byte  ' Current mode of calculator, initially 0
save_mode var byte

temp var byte(16) 'temporary main code variables
rtc_address var temp(0)
rtc_data var temp(1)
p var temp(4)
q var temp(5)

time var byte(16) ' clock-related variables
s0 var time(0)
s1 var time(1)
m0 var time(2)
m1 var time(3)
h0 var time(4)
h1 var time(5)
mode_24 var time(6)
refresh_seconds var time(7)
last_sec var time(8)
last_min var time(9)
force_show_clock var time(10)

' -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 INTERRUPT NOPRESERVE ' not currently used
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------

' =======================================================================
' =========================================================================
' declare subroutines and functions
enter sub
wait_for_row sub
read_a_key sub
gen_random sub
set_clock sub
get_a_number func 1
rtc_read func 1,1,1
rtc_write sub 2,2
rtc_set sub
show_hours_minutes sub
show_seconds sub
set_refresh_seconds sub
mod_10 func 1,1,1
div_10 func 1,1,1
record_macro sub
pause_200 sub

' row, column lookup for entry
DATA 11,3 '0
DATA 8,0  '1
DATA 3,0  '2
DATA 5,0  '3
DATA 8,1  '4
DATA 3,1  '5
DATA 5,1  '6
DATA 8,2  '7
DATA 3,2  '8
DATA 5,2  '9
eex con 10
DATA 1,0  'EEX
dot con 11
DATA 3,3  '.
clx con 12
DATA 1,3  'CLX
prt con 13
ent con 14
r_s con 15
DATA 12,3  'R/S
f con 16
DATA 6,0   'f
x_y con 17
DATA 5,3   'swap

' decode uses a 15* col + row lookup and returns the number or a special code as follows:
' $FF - n/a
' $DD - DSP 
' $1F - 'f'
' $11 - '-'
' $12 - 'x'
' $13 - '+'
' $22 - 'RTN' (RND)
' $DD - '.'
DATA  $EE,$FF,$02,$0E,$03,$1F,$FF,$01,$0B,$0D,$FF,$0A,$0C,$DD
DATA  $12,$11,$05,$FF,$06,$FF,$13,$04,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF
DATA  $FF,$FF,$08,$FF,$09,$FF,$FF,$07,$FF,$FF,$FF,$22,$FF,$FF
DATA  $FF,$FF,$DD,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF

' Program Code
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------

' initial conditions

_mode = 0 ' clock is off (overridden by RAM read)
mode_24 = 0 ' initially 12-hour format (overridden by RAM read)
refresh_seconds = 5 ' clock refresh interval (overridden by RAM read)
force_show_clock=1 ' force a clock update initially
f_count = 0

' Read the first non-volatile RAM memory location.  If it contains a 233 then we
' assume that it has valid data.  If not, it's likely that the battery has been replaced or
' is dead so do nothing.  When the clock is set this location is set to 233.

i=rtc_read $C1
if i=233 then ' 233 is the key we use to indicate valid state variables in non-volatile RAM

  ' Check if there are saved macro keystrokes and play them
  j=rtc_read $C9
  if j>0 then 
    pause_200 ' wait for calculator to start
    for i=1 to j
     k=$C9 + k
     p=rtc_read k
     row=p & $0F
     col=p >> 4
     enter $FF ' special raw entry with row and col set already
     pause 300
    next i

  ' Check if there are valid stored state variables 

  _mode=rtc_read $C3
  if _mode=keycode then ' make sure keycode mode is never set on power up.
  mode_24=rtc_read $C5
  refresh_seconds=rtc_read $C7

random _rand ' keep calling random to help improve randomization

if _mode = keycode then
  read_a_key ' sets row and col
  if col<>$FF then
    p=div_10 row
    q=mod_10 row
    enter clx
    enter k
    enter dot
    enter p
    enter q
if _mode=cont_clock then
  rtc_data = rtc_read $81 ' seconds
  if rtc_data<>last_sec then
    s0=rtc_data & $0F
    s1=rtc_data >> 4
    i =10 * s1
    i=i // refresh_seconds
    if force_show_clock=1 then 
    rtc_data=rtc_read $83 ' minutes
    if i=0 then
      if force_show_clock=1 then ' this was a forced refresh so update HH.MM 
      if rtc_data <> last_min then ' only update HH.MM if needed
        enter clx
        enter eex

if _mode=req_clock then
   idle_count = 0
   count _DATA, 100,idle_count
  if idle_count=0 then ' no activity on DATA line 
   enter clx
   enter r_s

' Look for 'f' key if found and last key pressed was 'f' too then look for next key and act on it
if _mode<>keycode then
  if col<>$FF then
    _i = col * 15
    _i = _i + row
    read decode+_i , value

    if f_count = 2 then ' already 2 'f' presses so act on the next key, maybe

      if     value=$22 then ' 'RTN' (RND) key
      elseif value=$07 then ' '7' key
         _mode=cont_clock ' turn on continuous update clock
         force_show_clock=1 ' force an immediate clock display
      elseif value=$13 then ' '+' key
         save_mode = _mode
         _mode=0 ' turn off clock display
         _mode = save_mode
      elseif value=$11 then ' '-' key
         force_show_clock=1 ' force an immediate clock display
      elseif value=$12 then ' '+' key
         force_show_clock=1 ' force an immediate clock display
      elseif value=$08 then ' '8' key
         save_mode = _mode
         _mode=0 ' turn off clock display
         _mode = save_mode
      elseif value=$04 then ' '4' key
         _mode=req_clock ' turn on clock in requested time mode
      elseif value=$DD then ' 'DSP' key
      elseif value=$01 then ' '1' key
          _mode=0 ' turn clock off
      elseif value=$05 then ' '5' key
          _mode=0 'turn clock off
      rtc_write $C2, _mode
      rtc_write $C4, mode_24
      rtc_write $C6, refresh_seconds
      rtc_write $C0, 233 ' mark them valid


      if value=$1F then
        f_count=f_count + 1 ' 'f' kep pressed



goto top_loop

' Subs
sub enter  ' number or symbol constant (if $FF then expect row and col to be set)
' Simulate a key press by pulling the needed column to ground when the row is 
' being scanned by the calculator.
  _j = __PARAM1
  if _j<>$FF then
    _j = _j * 2
    read encode+_j , row , col
  _i = 1 << col ' make the needed pin an output
  _i = not _i
  tris_b = _i
  RB = 0 ' and set it low
  pause 50 ' for 50 ms (typical key press time)
  input RB ' make it an input
  pause 50

sub wait_for_row  
' Sync with the keyboard scan routine in the calculator and wait until it's on the needed row.
' Call with row set.

  do ' wait for counter reset
  loop while _RCD = 0
  loop while _RCD = 1

' loop until the needed row is being scanned
  do while _i<row
    loop while _STR = 1
    loop while _STR = 0

sub read_a_key 

' Sync with the calculator key board scanning routine and return row and column
' when the key is released.  Return col=$FF if no key is pressed.
' This should work exactly the same way as the 97 does, or keys will be missed.


  do ' wait for counter reset
  loop while _RCD = 0
  loop while _RCD = 1

  do ' loop through the rows in tandem with the calculator looking for any key press
    loop while _STR = 1
    loop while _STR = 0
    _k = RB & %1111
    if     _k=%1110 then
    elseif _k=%1101 then
    elseif _k=%1011 then
    elseif _k=%0111 then

    if col<>$FF then ' have a key press so wait for key up
        _i= RB & %1111
      loop until _i=%1111
  loop until row=15

sub gen_random 
'   generate a random number between 0 and 1
'   feed the keystrokes to the calculator staring with a CLX and ending with swap, swap
'   to act as a non-stack-lift entry (like the pi key would produce)
  enter clx
  enter dot
  for i=1 to 10
    random _rand
    k= mod_10 _rand_MSB
    enter k
  next i
  enter x_y
  enter x_y

sub set_clock
'  Set the clock using 12-hour format
'  Read HH.MMSS from the keyboard and set the DS1302 time accordingly at 00 seconds.
  enter clx
  _i=get_a_number ' and ignore it -- it should be a decimal point

  rtc_write $8F, 0 'enable writes

  rtc_data=s1 << 4
  rtc_data=rtc_data | s0
  rtc_write $80, rtc_data ' set seconds

  rtc_data=m1 << 4
  rtc_data=rtc_data | m0
  rtc_write $82, rtc_data 'set minutes

  rtc_data=h1 << 4
  rtc_data=rtc_data | h0
  rtc_write $84, rtc_data ' set hours

  enter clx


func get_a_number
  loop until col<>$FF
  _i = col * 15
  _i = _i + row
  read decode+_i , value
  if value>9 then
    value=1 ' return something that is allows legal in any time format
  return value

sub rtc_write 'address, data
  RTC_CE = 1 ' enable the RTC
  RTC_CE = 0 ' disable the RTC

func rtc_read ' address
' Call the rtc_address return rtc_data set
  RTC_CE = 1 ' enable the RTC
  _i = __PARAM1
  rtc_set _i
  shiftin RTC_IO, RTC_SCLK, LSBPRE, rtc_data
  RTC_CE = 0 ' disable the RTC
  return rtc_data

sub rtc_set
  shiftout RTC_IO, RTC_SCLK, LSBFIRST, _i

sub show_hours_minutes

  rtc_data = rtc_read $85
  j=rtc_data & $0F        
  k=rtc_data >> 4
  if mode_24=0 then ' 12-hour mode time correction
    if k>=13 then           
    if k=0 then
  j= div_10 k
  enter j
  j = mod_10 k
  enter j
  enter dot
  rtc_data = rtc_read $83
  j= rtc_data >> 4
  j=j & $07
  enter j
  j = rtc_data & $0F
  enter j

sub show_seconds
  rtc_data=rtc_read $81
  j= rtc_data >> 4
  j=j & $07
  enter j
  j = rtc_data & $0F
  enter j

sub set_refresh_seconds
  enter clx
  if refresh_seconds > 60 then
  if refresh_seconds < 1 then
  enter clx

func mod_10
  _i = __PARAM1
  _i = _i // 10
  return _i

func div_10
  _i = __PARAM1
  _i = _i / 10
  return _i

sub pause_200
  pause 200

sub record_macro
  enter clx
  rtc_write $C8, 0
  for j=1 to 26
    loop until col<>$FF
    i = col << 4
    i = i | row
    rtc_write $C8, j ' total number of key strokes -- max=26
    rtc_write k, i
   next j

Do you like the way the code block scrolls or should it just get very very large for cases like this?
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12-07-2013, 06:54 PM
Post: #3
RE: Test of Large Code Attachment
Quote:Do you like the way the code block scrolls or should it just get very very large for cases like this?

The scroll box is the way to go for any size code, but I like to use attachments better for large code examples becasue it will open a new window and you can see more code in it.

However there's a reply issue.... Even though I turn off quoting when I post a reply, I still get the entire message quoted. This isn't a big deal to edit unless there's a big code box in there, then it's a pain. Also, I think that code boxes, images, attachments, etc. should not be included when quoting as the default. If people want to comment on code by changing it that can copy manually.


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12-07-2013, 07:15 PM
Post: #4
RE: Test of Large Code Attachment
The small "reply" buttons on each post quote that post.

The big "New Reply" buttons on the top and bottom right of each thread quote nothing.

Next to the the little "reply" buttons are the "multi-quote" buttons. With those, you could click on them for (for example) 3 posts, then push the big reply button and you'll have quotes for all three of those in the post.

All these options confused me at first but now I think they are pretty cool.
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12-07-2013, 07:40 PM
Post: #5
RE: Test of Large Code Attachment

I like that too, now, but it's sure not obvious how that works.


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12-08-2013, 01:20 AM
Post: #6
RE: Test of Large Code Attachment
(12-07-2013 07:40 PM)Katie Wasserman Wrote:  Thanks!!!

I like that too, now, but it's sure not obvious how that works.

I've made a new button that says Quote for the small ones instead of Reply. You'll probably need to press reload to see it. That should reduce confusion I think.
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12-08-2013, 05:01 AM
Post: #7
RE: Test of Large Code Attachment
That's better. Also, maybe change the hover-over message on the +/- button to read "quote this message in a New Reply".


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12-08-2013, 09:13 PM
Post: #8
RE: Test of Large Code Attachment
The new software is starting to grow on me. If i ever learn it it'll be good to have a choice of how to format an idea clearly.
A very good addition is to be able to see all the posts in a thread while replying. That saves opening multiple tabs and switching back an forth.
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12-08-2013, 10:47 PM (This post was last modified: 12-08-2013 10:48 PM by Katie Wasserman.)
Post: #9
RE: Test of Large Code Attachment
(12-08-2013 09:13 PM)db(martinez ca.) Wrote:  A very good addition is to be able to see all the posts in a thread while replying.

They're there. Just keep scrolling down the page.

Hmm, only second reading, perhaps that what you meant.... it is a very good addition.....


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12-09-2013, 03:28 AM
Post: #10
RE: Test of Large Code Attachment
Yep. That's what I meant, but in some other language. I've always thought that would be a cool possibility and now we have it automatically.
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12-09-2013, 06:06 PM
Post: #11
RE: Test of Large Code Attachment
(12-08-2013 05:01 AM)Katie Wasserman Wrote:  That's better. Also, maybe change the hover-over message on the +/- button to read "quote this message in a New Reply".

I'm struggling with what the tool tip should be on that one. It should be short and simple and indicate that all marked posts will be quoted - oh and it works with either the quote button - adding the marked ones to the current post where you clicked quote or with the New Reply button.

So easy to use yet so hard to describe in a tiny tool tip...
  • Include quote when replying
  • Add this to quote when replying
  • Mark to be quoted (may mark multiple)
  • Mark this as one to be quoted
  • Mark/Unmark to be quoted
  • Quote this (along with any others marked)
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12-09-2013, 06:30 PM
Post: #12
RE: Test of Large Code Attachment
i like the last one on you list the best.


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12-11-2013, 06:52 PM
Post: #13
RE: Test of Large Code Attachment
Copying the code block to clipboard (to e.g. save it locally) is quite difficult, but I think there's no way around the scroll box.
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12-11-2013, 07:12 PM
Post: #14
RE: Test of Large Code Attachment
(12-11-2013 06:52 PM)Thomas Radtke Wrote:  Copying the code block to clipboard (to e.g. save it locally) is quite difficult, but I think there's no way around the scroll box.

Dave, if you're reading this -- is it possible to place an option on code blocks to "COPY TO CLIPBOARD" like in a few other similar-looking forum software?

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12-11-2013, 08:30 PM
Post: #15
RE: Test of Large Code Attachment
I have a significant display issue on my Slate 7 with the Android default browser. See the attached screen shot for more details.
Note that I don't have this issue with the Chrome browser.


(I has to put a link as the image size is above the 200KB limit allowed for pictures ... :-( )
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12-11-2013, 08:37 PM
Post: #16
RE: Test of Large Code Attachment
Can you see if there are any updates available?

On a Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 with the default browser, it looks fine.
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12-11-2013, 08:45 PM
Post: #17
RE: Test of Large Code Attachment
The Slate 7 is using Android 4.1.1, I've cheched but there is no update available.
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12-11-2013, 08:47 PM (This post was last modified: 12-11-2013 08:52 PM by Dave Hicks.)
Post: #18
RE: Test of Large Code Attachment
(12-11-2013 06:52 PM)Thomas Radtke Wrote:  Copying the code block to clipboard (to e.g. save it locally) is quite difficult, but I think there's no way around the scroll box.

The easiest way I know of right now is:

Click at top - of the scroll box
Shift-Click just below the bottom of the code box.

That works on Windows. Might need variations for other platforms.

You can even click above the scroll box if you don't mind the "Code:" being included.

(12-11-2013 08:45 PM)Didier Lachieze Wrote:  The Slate 7 is using Android 4.1.1, I've cheched but there is no update available.

The Galaxy is running 4.2.2 so perhaps they'll offer an update for yours soon. I really know nothing about tablet updates I'm afraid.
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12-11-2013, 10:57 PM
Post: #19
RE: Test of Large Code Attachment
(12-11-2013 08:45 PM)Didier Lachieze Wrote:  The Slate 7 is using Android 4.1.1, I've cheched but there is no update available.

I stopped by a store and played with one. Settings/Advanced/Auto-fit page causes this display behavior. Turn it off and the page displays normally.
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12-12-2013, 07:35 AM
Post: #20
RE: Test of Large Code Attachment
Thanks for the workaround, it's not very good for the overall browsing experience but it works for this issue.

The problem with Android is that if you don't have a Nexus you don't know if/when you'll get an update for your device Sad
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