RE: User's Library: applications for MEDICAL calculus
You could look into the four HP-67/97 Medical Users' Library Solutions Books ( available here)
00097-14005 HP-67/97 Medical Practitioner Users' Library Solutions
- Blood Pressure Averages and Mean Arterial Pressure
This program calculates the mean arterial pressure of a given blood pressure reading and the averages of systolic, diastolic and mean arterial pressure for a group of readings.
- Pacemaker Rate and Interval Averager
A program to aid in accurate measurement of the pacemaker's rate and interval in the care of pacemaker patients. Rate, interval and statistics (mean and standard error of mean) are calculated.
- Blood Alcohol
The program calculates the approximate percent of alcohol concentration in the blood when the person's weight, amount of alcoholic beverage and time are known.
- Human Post-trauma Epilepsy Seizure Prediction
The probability of epileptic seizures within a given time for a patient suffering head injury is calculated by this program.
- Bedside Blood - gas Interpreter
18 Blood gas values are used to calculate alveolar - arterial oxygen difference, estimated venous admixture and acid-base values and corrections. Oxygen flow values for desired O2 concentrations are also calculated.
- Body Density - fat and Lean Mass from Skinfolds
Body density, fat and lean body mass are calculated by use of skinfold thickness measurements.
- Estimating Obesity - Body fat Surface Area &Total Body Water.
From body height and weight the program calculates whether or not the subject is obese. Body fat, body surface area and total body water can also be calculated.
- Fluid & Electrolytes/Body Burn Area
This program calculates the percent area of skin affected by a burn from estimates of burned areas of various body parts.
- Fluid & Electrolytes/Potassium Balance (Scribner)
The program relates serum potassium, pH and total body potassium reserves. It is particularly useful in correcting serum potassium in acid-base disorders.
- Anesthesiologyparameters
Body surface area, estimated blood volume, acceptable blood loss, normal and surgical fluid requirements and deficits and other parameters may be calculated with this program.
00097-14019 HP-67/97 Anesthesia Users' Library Solutions
- Anesthesia Parameters I
Body surface area, estimated blood volume, acceptable blood loss, normal and surgical fluid requirements and deficits and other parameters may be calculated with this program.
- Anesthesia Parameters II
This program calculates vapor pressures of volatile anestnetics using the Antoine equation. In addition, it calculates delivered concentration, and output and concentration of saturated vapor from the vaporizer.
- Pulmonary Medicine: Respiratory set up and Deadspace Adj
Calculates initial tidal volume for a ventilator patient, using the Radford nomogram with corrections for patient's temperature, altitude, activity level, presence of tracheostomy and metabolic acidosis in anesthesia. Deadspace required to normalize PC02 for a patient with respiratory alkalosis is estimated.
- Copper Kettle Anesthetic Regulation
This program uses anesthetic vapor pressure data to calculate flow settings for valves in the anesthesia machine and also calculates use rate of liquid anesthetic.
- Anesthesia: Antoine Values from Experimental Data
Vapor pressure of anesthetics as a function of temperature may be calculated from the Antoine equation. This program uses multiple linear regression to obtain Antoine constants for the desired anesthetic from tables of vapor pressure versus temperature.
- Vapor Pressure Program Comments
The following programs calculate vapor pressures, using the Antoine equation, for specific compounds of interest to anesthesiologists. In addition, estimates of atmospheric pressure and Gibbs - corrected vapor pressure are provided. Antoine constants are stored for use with the "Copper Kettle Anesthetic Regulation" program.
Anesthesia: Vapor Pressure of Water
Anesthesia: Vapor Pressure of Halothane
Anesthesia: Vapor Pressure of Diethyl Ether
Anesthesia: Vapor Pressure of Methoxyflurane
Anesthesia: Vapor Pressure of Enflurane
Anesthesia: Vapor Pressure of Fluroxene
Anesthesia: Vapor Pressure of Cyclopropane
Anesthesia: Vapor Pressure of Trichlorethylene
Anesthesia: Vapor Pressure of Ethyl Chloride
00097-14018 HP-67/97 Cardiac Users' Library Solutions
- Cardiac Program Series
A short note about use of this series of self-consistent programs.
- Virtual p02 and 02 Saturation and Content
This program calculates virtual oxygen tension, then uses it to calculate % oxygen saturation from the hemoglobin dissociation curve. Given the hemoglobin content it calculates the oxygen content of the blood.
- Body Surface Area for Cardio Pulmonary Programs
This program calculates body surface area by either the DuBois or Boyd methods. In addition it calculates cardiac index if cardiac output is known.
- Dye Curve Cardiac Output
The program calculates cardiac output from measurements made during a dye dilution cardiac output maneuver by ·the gamma variate method.
- Fick Cardiac Output
Cardiac output is calculated by the Fick method given the arterial and venous blood oxygen contents.
- Valve Area
This program calculates the areas of heart valves across which the pressure gradient has been measured.
- Anatomic Shunts
The program calculates right to left and left to right blood shunts by the method of allegations.
- Contractility
This program calculates indices of left ventricular contractility based on pressure rise durin9 isovolumetric contractility.
- Stroke Work
Stroke work and stroke work index are calculated with this program.
- Ejection Fraction, Ejected Volume, Cardiac Output
Ejection fraction, ejected volume and cardiac output are calculated from diastolic and systolic measurements.
- Calculation of Left Ventricular Functions from Angiographs
This program performs calculations of a number of left ventricular functions from angiographic data. Calculations may be performed by either the single plane or biplane method.
- Impedance Cardiac Outputi Systemic and Pulmonary Resistance
Stroke volume, cardiac output, cardiac index, and various total and vascular resistancesare calculated from impedance cardiograph data.
- Basic ekg Determinations
This program computes the mean electric axis and axis deviation of an electrocardiogram from lead I and III deflections. R-R interval (or heart rate) and normal Q-T interval may also be calculated.
00097-14037 HP-67/97 Pulmonary Users' Library Solutions
- Pulmonary Medicine/Male Spirometry Standards
This program predicts normal values and percent of predicted values for males in spirometric tests.
- Pulmonary Medicine/Female Spirometry Standards
This program performs the above calculations for female subjects.
- Pulmonary Program Series
A short note about use of the following series of self-consistent programs.
- Lung Diffusion
The program calculates lung diffusion capacity from the carbon monoxide diffusion test.
- Water Vapor Pressure and Respiratory gas Conversions
Conversions among three commonly used systems of respiratory gas volume measurement are made with this program. In addition the saturated vapor pressure of water at the given ambient temperature may be calculated.
- Ventilator Setup and Corrections (Radford)
Initial tidal volume is calculated (according to the Radford Nomogram) and corrected for dead space volume, activity, body temperature, altitude, use of a tracheotomy tube or metabolic acidosis.
- Arterial c02 Normalization
The program calculates necessary additional dead space to compensate for hypocapnia produced by hyperventilation of the patient.
- Blood Acid-base Status
This program calculates the total plasma C02 and base excess from PC02, pH and hemoglobin concentration.
- Virtual p02 and 02 Saturation and Content
This program calculates virtual oxygen tension, then uses it to calculate % oxygen saturation from the hemoglobin dissociation curve. Given the hemoglobin content it calculates the oxygen content of the blood.
- Anaerobic PC02 and pH Change
A program to correct PC02 and pH from 37°C to body temperature. It also converts PC02 and pH between any two temperatures.