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WTB Aluminum Bezel for HP-11 C
07-13-2019, 05:17 PM
Post: #1
WTB Aluminum Bezel for HP-11 C
Hey folks,
Any of you have any parts you are willing to part with before you toss it. I am WTB the aluminum bezel that holds the readout screen in place. Mine has some imperfections . Looks pretty easy to remove and replace with a new one . Unless you folks have ideas how to reinstall the new one and you wish to share better ideas. I am always looking to find better ways to do things such as this task.
Please send me cost as I can make payment using PayPal and I will need your email address.
With this said before you decide to toss your HP-11 C maybe you may have this piice I am wanting to purchase a new aluminum bezel..
Can any of you help me out . Please let me know .
Peter Unwin
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