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(25) Geotechnical Analysis
09-17-2019, 11:35 AM (This post was last modified: 09-17-2019 06:13 PM by SlideRule.)
Post: #1
(25) Geotechnical Analysis
An extract from Geotechnical Analysis on the Programmable Pocket Calculator, Gdalyah Wiseman, Geotechnical Research Center, Soil Mechanics Series No. 36, ISSN No. 0541-6329, September 1976

Methods of engineering analysis and problem solving have been changing rapidly in recent years. When I graduated from engineering school (1950), graphical methods of solving problems in structural engineering were very much in vogue. The ability to draw sharp lines, measure areas with a planimeter and to do accurate drafting rapidly were sought after and useful skills in the design office and were, hence, taught in engineering schools. With the advent of improved mechanical calculators, numerical methods became more popular. Engineering courses were redesigned around the use of these mechanical calculating machines …

With the advent of modern electronic digital computers, their general availability and increased accessibility, fundamental changes have taken place in the practice of engineering and in the curriculum of schools of engineering …

The development of programmable pocket calculators, is probably going to bring about a fundamental change in the relationship of the engineer to the problem solving process …

The computational routines presented in the following pages were prepared during the years 1974-1976 …

The list of programs presented is by no means a complete list of the possible uses of programmable pocket calculators in geotechnical analysis. They have primarily chosen because I needed them in my work. They do, however, represent a reasonable sampling of problems encountered in geotechnical engineering. It is hoped that they may be found useful to the profession."

PHP Code:
-25  HP-65  SR-52
Chapter 1. Terzaghi Bearing Capacity Factors                   7
,8           7,9
Chapter 2. Boussinesq 
Vertical Stress Corner,
Rectangular Area                                   11,12         11,13
Chapter 3. Coulomb 
Active Pressure Coefficient              15,16         18,19
Passive Pressure Coefficient             15,17         18,20
Chapter 4. Properties of Logarithmic Spiral
           Segments                                                  23
,24  25-27
Chapter 5. Horizontal Loading on Vertical Circular
           Reinforced Concrete Pile                                  31
,32  33-35
Chapter 6. Numerical One Dimensional Consolidation
           General Layered  
Case                              42,43
           Numerical Consolidation 
One  Layer                             47-49
           Numerical Consolidation 
Two Layers                             54-56
Chapter 7. Pile Driving Analysis by Wave Equation                           79
Chapter 8. Slope Stability 
Normal Method                                 101,102,
           Slope Stability 
Simplified Bishop                             101,102,
Chapter 9. Anchored Sheet Pile Wall 
Program A
(Moments about the anchor rod )                               119,120
           Anchored  Sheet  Pile Wall 
Program B
(Depth of PenetrationMaxMoment )                          121,122
           Anchored Sheet Pile Wall 
Program A and Program B                              126,127  123-125 

A story 'paralleled ⁄ identified with' by so many, myself included.


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