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HP 16c with 15c backplate
05-11-2022, 02:59 AM
Post: #1
HP 16c with 15c backplate

I was just checking out some calcs and I discovered I have a 16C with a 15C backplate. Iʻm guessing its a 15C backplate because it has a "MATRIX" column in the error section - I donʻt have a 15C. It also matches the backplate of one on ebay, so Iʻm fairly certain.

Has anyone ever heard if this is a common thing with the voyagers, or 16C in particular?

I know there are stories of HP using different backplates when repairing older calcs, but I donʻt know about them doing this with this series.

I think this one came from a friend of mine so I can likely ask him, and Iʻm curious about in general. Plus, he gave it to me over 20 years ago, so ...


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05-11-2022, 05:52 AM
Post: #2
RE: HP 16c with 15c backplate
You can find the back labels of all models:

[Image: 15cbk.jpg]

[Image: 16cbk.jpg]
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