I am trying to port a deflate compression algorithm to the Prime's Python interpreter using
as a base. I have modified the code so that it only uses functions that are included in the calculator's small library. Running this code on my PC in CPython 3.8 gives the decoded string as desired, but on the calculator, it outputs nothing. (I noticed that the main generator stops iteration on its first call)
data = b'<redacted>'
def counter(s):
output = {}
for c in s:
output[c] += 1
except KeyError:
output[c] = 1
return output
def stream_inflate(chunk_size=65536):
length_extra_bits_diffs = (
(0, 3), (0, 4), (0, 5), (0, 6), (0, 7), (0, 8), (0, 9), (0, 10),
(1, 11), (1, 13), (1, 15), (1, 17),
(2, 19), (2, 23), (2, 27), (2, 31),
(3, 35), (3, 43), (3, 51), (3, 59),
(4, 67), (4, 83), (4, 99), (4, 115),
(5, 131), (5, 163), (5, 195), (5, 227),
(0, 258),
dist_extra_bits_diffs = (
(0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (0, 4),
(1, 5), (1, 7), (2, 9), (2, 13),
(3, 17), (3, 25), (4, 33), (4, 49),
(5, 65), (5, 97), (6, 129), (6, 193),
(7, 257), (7, 385), (8, 513), (8, 769),
(9, 1025), (9, 1537), (10, 2049), (10, 3073),
(11, 4097), (11, 6145), (12, 8193), (12, 12289),
(13, 16385), (13, 24577),
cache_size = 32768
return _stream_inflate(length_extra_bits_diffs, dist_extra_bits_diffs, cache_size, chunk_size)
def stream_inflate64(chunk_size=65536):
length_extra_bits_diffs = (
(0, 3), (0, 4), (0, 5), (0, 6), (0, 7), (0, 8), (0, 9), (0, 10),
(1, 11), (1, 13), (1, 15), (1, 17),
(2, 19), (2, 23), (2, 27), (2, 31),
(3, 35), (3, 43), (3, 51), (3, 59),
(4, 67), (4, 83), (4, 99), (4, 115),
(5, 131), (5, 163), (5, 195), (5, 227),
(16, 3),
dist_extra_bits_diffs = (
(0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (0, 4),
(1, 5), (1, 7), (2, 9), (2, 13),
(3, 17), (3, 25), (4, 33), (4, 49),
(5, 65), (5, 97), (6, 129), (6, 193),
(7, 257), (7, 385), (8, 513), (8, 769),
(9, 1025), (9, 1537), (10, 2049), (10, 3073),
(11, 4097), (11, 6145), (12, 8193), (12, 12289),
(13, 16385), (13, 24577), (14, 32769), (14, 49153),
cache_size = 65536
return _stream_inflate(length_extra_bits_diffs, dist_extra_bits_diffs, cache_size, chunk_size)
def _stream_inflate(length_extra_bits_diffs, dist_extra_bits_diffs, cache_size, chunk_size):
literal_stop_or_length_code_lengths = \
(8,) * 144 + \
(9,) * 112 + \
(7,) * 24 + \
(8,) * 8
dist_code_lengths = \
(5,) * 32
code_lengths_alphabet = (16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15)
# An object that can be seen as a "deferred" that can pause a generator, with
# the extra abiltiy to yield values by the generator "runner".
def get_iterable_queue():
iter_queue = []
it = None
def _append(iterable):
iter_queue[0:0] = [next(iterable)]
def _next():
nonlocal it
while True:
if it is None:
it = iter(iter_queue.pop, object())
except Exception:
raise StopIteration() from None
return next(it)
except StopIteration:
it = None
return _append, _next
# Low level bit/byte readers
def get_readers(it_next):
chunk = b''
offset_byte = 0
offset_bit = 0
def _has_bit():
nonlocal chunk, offset_byte, offset_bit
if offset_bit == 8:
offset_bit = 0
offset_byte += 1
if offset_byte == len(chunk):
chunk = it_next()
except StopIteration:
return False
offset_byte = 0
offset_bit = 0
return True
def _has_byte():
nonlocal chunk, offset_byte, offset_bit
if offset_bit:
offset_byte += 1
offset_bit = 0
return _has_bit()
def _get_bit():
nonlocal offset_bit
offset_bit += 1
return (chunk[offset_byte] & (2 ** (offset_bit - 1))) >> (offset_bit - 1)
def _get_byte():
nonlocal offset_byte
offset_byte += 1
return chunk[offset_byte - 1]
def _yield_bytes_up_to(num):
nonlocal chunk, offset_byte, offset_bit
if offset_bit:
offset_byte += 1
offset_bit = 0
while num:
if offset_byte == len(chunk):
chunk = it_next()
except StopIteration:
offset_byte = 0
to_yield = min(num, len(chunk) - offset_byte)
offset_byte += to_yield
num -= to_yield
yield chunk[offset_byte - to_yield:offset_byte]
def _num_bytes_unconsumed():
return len(chunk) - offset_byte - (1 if offset_bit else 0)
return _has_bit, _has_byte, _get_bit, _get_byte, _yield_bytes_up_to, _num_bytes_unconsumed
# Bit/byte readers that are DeferredYielder
def get_deferred_yielder_readers(reader_has_bit, reader_has_byte, reader_get_bit, reader_get_byte,
get_bit = (reader_has_bit, lambda: (), lambda: (0, 0), reader_get_bit)
get_byte = (reader_has_byte, lambda: (), lambda: (0, 0), reader_get_byte)
def get_bits(num_bits):
out = bytearray(-(-num_bits // 8))
out_offset_bit = 0
while num_bits:
bit = yield get_bit
out[out_offset_bit // 8] |= bit << (out_offset_bit % 8)
num_bits -= 1
out_offset_bit += 1
return bytes(out)
def get_bytes(num_bytes):
out = bytearray(num_bytes)
out_offset = 0
while out_offset != num_bytes:
out[out_offset] = yield get_byte
out_offset += 1
return bytes(out)
def yield_bytes(num_bytes):
def to_yield():
nonlocal num_bytes
for chunk in reader_yield_bytes_up_to(num_bytes):
num_bytes -= len(chunk)
yield chunk
yield_bytes_up_to = (reader_has_byte, to_yield, lambda: (0, 0), lambda: None)
while num_bytes:
yield yield_bytes_up_to
return get_bits, get_bytes, yield_bytes
def get_backwards_cache(size):
cache = bytearray(size)
cache_start = 0
cache_len = 0
def via_cache(bytes_iter):
nonlocal cache, cache_start, cache_len
for chunk in bytes_iter:
chunk_start = max(len(chunk) - size, 0)
chunk_end = len(chunk)
chunk_len = chunk_end - chunk_start
part_1_start = (cache_start + cache_len) % size
part_1_end = min(part_1_start + chunk_len, size)
part_1_chunk_start = chunk_start
part_1_chunk_end = chunk_start + (part_1_end - part_1_start)
part_2_start = 0
part_2_end = chunk_len - (part_1_end - part_1_start)
part_2_chunk_start = part_1_chunk_end
part_2_chunk_end = part_1_chunk_end + (part_2_end - part_2_start)
cache_len_over_size = max((cache_len + chunk_len) - size, 0)
cache_len = min(size, cache_len + chunk_len)
cache_start = (cache_start + cache_len_over_size) % size
cache[part_1_start:part_1_end] = chunk[part_1_chunk_start:part_1_chunk_end]
cache[part_2_start:part_2_end] = chunk[part_2_chunk_start:part_2_chunk_end]
yield chunk
def from_cache(dist, length):
if dist > cache_len:
raise Exception('Searching backwards too far', dist, len(cache))
available = dist
part_1_start = (cache_start + cache_len - dist) % size
part_1_end = min(part_1_start + available, size)
part_2_start = 0
part_2_end = max(available - (part_1_end - part_1_start), 0)
while length:
to_yield = cache[part_1_start:part_1_end][:length]
length -= len(to_yield)
yield to_yield
to_yield = cache[part_2_start:part_2_end][:length]
length -= len(to_yield)
yield to_yield
return via_cache, from_cache
def get_runner(append, via_cache, from_cache, alg):
is_done = False
can_proceed, to_yield, num_from_cache, return_value = None, None, None, None
def _is_done():
return is_done
def _run(new_iterable):
nonlocal is_done, can_proceed, to_yield, num_from_cache, return_value
while True:
if can_proceed is None:
can_proceed, to_yield, num_from_cache, return_value = \
next(alg) if return_value is None else \
except StopIteration:
if not can_proceed():
yield from via_cache(to_yield())
yield from via_cache(from_cache(*num_from_cache()))
can_proceed = None
is_done = True
return _run, _is_done
def paginate(get_bytes_iter, page_size):
def _paginate(bytes_iter):
chunk = b''
offset = 0
it = iter(bytes_iter)
def up_to_page_size(num):
nonlocal chunk, offset
while num:
if offset == len(chunk):
chunk = next(it)
except StopIteration:
offset = 0
to_yield = min(num, len(chunk) - offset)
offset = offset + to_yield
num -= to_yield
yield chunk[offset - to_yield:offset]
while True:
page = b''.join(up_to_page_size(page_size))
if not page:
yield page
def _run(*args, **kwargs):
yield from _paginate(get_bytes_iter(*args, **kwargs))
return _run
def get_huffman_codes(lengths):
def yield_codes():
max_bits = max(lengths)
bl_count = counter(lengths)
next_code = {}
code = 0
bl_count[0] = 0
for bits in range(1, max_bits + 1):
code = (code + bl_count[bits - 1]) << 1
except KeyError:
bl_count[bits - 1] = 0
code = (code + bl_count[bits - 1]) << 1
next_code[bits] = code
for value, length in enumerate(lengths):
if length != 0:
next_code[length] += 1
yield (length, next_code[length] - 1), value
return dict(yield_codes())
def get_huffman_value(get_bits, codes):
length = 0
code = 0
while True:
length += 1
code = (code << 1) | ord((yield from get_bits(1)))
return codes[(length, code)]
except KeyError:
def get_code_length_code_lengths(num_length_codes, get_bits):
result = [0] * num_length_codes
for i in range(0, num_length_codes):
result[i] = ord((yield from get_bits(3)))
return tuple(result)
def get_code_lengths(get_bits, code_length_codes, num_codes):
result = [0] * num_codes
i = 0
previous = None
while i < num_codes:
code = yield from get_huffman_value(get_bits, code_length_codes)
if code < 16:
previous = code
result[i] = code
i += 1
elif code == 16:
for _ in range(0, 3 + ord((yield from get_bits(2)))):
result[i] = previous
i += 1
elif code == 17:
i += 3 + ord((yield from get_bits(3)))
previous = 0
elif code == 18:
i += 11 + ord((yield from get_bits(7)))
previous = 0
return result
def yield_exactly(bytes_to_yield):
return (lambda: True, lambda: (bytes_to_yield,), lambda: (0, 0), lambda: None)
def yield_from_cache(dist, length):
return (lambda: True, lambda: (), lambda: (dist, length), lambda: None)
def inflate(get_bits, get_bytes, yield_bytes):
b_final = b'\0'
while not b_final[0]:
b_final = yield from get_bits(1)
b_type = yield from get_bits(2)
if b_type == b'\3':
raise Exception("Unsupported block type")
if b_type == b'\0':
b_len = int.from_bytes((yield from get_bytes(2)), byteorder='little')
yield from get_bytes(2)
yield from yield_bytes(b_len)
if b_type == b'\1':
literal_stop_or_length_codes = get_huffman_codes(literal_stop_or_length_code_lengths)
backwards_dist_codes = get_huffman_codes(dist_code_lengths)
num_literal_length_codes = ord((yield from get_bits(5))) + 257
num_dist_codes = ord((yield from get_bits(5))) + 1
num_length_codes = ord((yield from get_bits(4))) + 4
code_length_code_lengths = (yield from get_code_length_code_lengths(num_length_codes, get_bits)) + (
(0,) * (19 - num_length_codes))
code_length_code_lengths = tuple(
v for i, v in
sorted(enumerate(code_length_code_lengths), key=lambda x: code_lengths_alphabet[x[0]])
code_length_codes = get_huffman_codes(code_length_code_lengths)
dynamic_code_lengths = yield from get_code_lengths(get_bits, code_length_codes,
num_literal_length_codes + num_dist_codes)
dynamic_literal_code_lengths = dynamic_code_lengths[:num_literal_length_codes]
dynamic_dist_code_lengths = dynamic_code_lengths[num_literal_length_codes:]
literal_stop_or_length_codes = get_huffman_codes(dynamic_literal_code_lengths)
backwards_dist_codes = get_huffman_codes(dynamic_dist_code_lengths)
while True:
literal_stop_or_length_code = yield from get_huffman_value(get_bits, literal_stop_or_length_codes)
if literal_stop_or_length_code < 256:
yield yield_exactly(bytes((literal_stop_or_length_code,)))
elif literal_stop_or_length_code == 256:
length_extra_bits, length_diff = length_extra_bits_diffs[literal_stop_or_length_code - 257]
length_extra = int.from_bytes((yield from get_bits(length_extra_bits)), byteorder='little')
code = yield from get_huffman_value(get_bits, backwards_dist_codes)
dist_extra_bits, dist_diff = dist_extra_bits_diffs[code]
dist_extra = int.from_bytes((yield from get_bits(dist_extra_bits)), byteorder='little')
yield yield_from_cache(dist=dist_extra + dist_diff, length=length_extra + length_diff)
it_append, it_next = get_iterable_queue()
reader_has_bit, reader_has_byte, reader_get_bit, reader_get_byte, reader_yield_bytes_up_to, reader_num_bytes_unconsumed = get_readers(
get_bits, get_bytes, yield_bytes = get_deferred_yielder_readers(reader_has_bit, reader_has_byte, reader_get_bit,
reader_get_byte, reader_yield_bytes_up_to)
via_cache, from_cache = get_backwards_cache(cache_size)
run, is_done = get_runner(it_append, via_cache, from_cache, inflate(get_bits, get_bytes, yield_bytes))
return paginate(run, chunk_size), is_done, reader_num_bytes_unconsumed
def compressed_chunks():
# Iterable that yields the bytes of a DEFLATE-compressed stream
yield data
for uncompressed_chunk in stream_inflate()[0](compressed_chunks()):