function init(system) {
let lim = 1.5;
xlimits(-lim, lim); // horiz limits for drawing
ylimits(-lim, lim); // vert limits for drawing
let sun = new Body(); // 'Sun'
sun.color = "#FE4"; // color
sun.r = 0.05; // radius
// using defaults for other sun parameters
let mars = new Body(); // 'Mars' body
mars.px = 1; // initial position, x component
mars.vy = 0.85; // initial position, y component
mars.r = 0.02; // radius
mars.m = 0.000001; // mass
mars.color = "#951"; // color
system.add(sun); // add Sun to system
system.add(mars); // add Mars to system
class Body {
constructor() {
this.px = = 0; // position
this.vx = this.vy = 0; // velocity = this.ay = 0; // acceleration
this.m = 1; // mass
this.r = 0.1; // radius
this.color = 'white'; // color
update(dt) {
this.vx += * dt; // acceleration affects...
this.vy += this.ay * dt; // ...velocity;
this.px += this.vx * dt; // velocity affects... += this.vy * dt; // ...position
draw() {
linecolor(null); // no line
fillcolor(this.color); // fill color
circle(this.px,, this.r); // circle
class BodySystem {
constructor() {
this.bodies = []; // array of bodies
this.G = 1; // gravitation constant
add(body) {
this.bodies.push(body); // add body to array
update(dt) {
// set all accelerations to zero
for (let i = 0; i < this.bodies.length; i++)
this.bodies[i].ax = this.bodies[i].ay = 0;
// calculate accelerations for pairs of bodies
for (let i = 0; i < this.bodies.length; i++)
for (let j = i+1; j < this.bodies.length; j++)
this.calcAcc(this.bodies[i], this.bodies[j]);
// update velocities and positions for all bodies
for (let i = 0; i < this.bodies.length; i++)
calcAcc(body1, body2) {
let dx = body2.px - body1.px; // distance x component
let dy = -; // distance y component
let d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy; // squared distance
let d = Math.sqrt(d2); // distance
let ux = dx / d; // unitary vector, x comp
let uy = dy / d; // unitary vector
let a1 = this.G * body2.m / d2; // scalar acc, body 1
let a2 = this.G * body1.m / d2; // scalar acc, body 2 += ux * a1; // body 1 acc, x component
body1.ay += uy * a1; // body 1 acc, y component += -ux * a2; // body 2 acc, x component
body2.ay += -uy * a2; // body 2 acc, y component
draw() {
for (let i = 0; i < this.bodies.length; i++)
let system = new BodySystem(); // Body System
function draw() { // draw function for ezdraw
clear('black'); // paint it black
system.draw(); // draw body system
system.update(deltatime()); // update positions in body system
redraw(); // request redraw