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(HP71B) ASM question
08-05-2024, 02:12 PM (This post was last modified: 08-05-2024 03:33 PM by J-F Garnier.)
Post: #21
RE: (HP71B) ASM question
(08-05-2024 04:21 AM)brouhaha Wrote:  
(07-30-2024 07:54 AM)J-F Garnier Wrote:  I didn't know the connection to the Fairchild PPS 25.
See my comment in the HP 9199A thread, and Steve Simkin's reply.

Thanks for linking to this thread !
As Kim, I missed it at the time, maybe I misread "9199" as a TI 99xx thing (a completely different story too).

Quote:Do you know where the Capricorn CPU architecture, used in the Series 80 and the 75C, comes from?
The HP Journal article KeithB mentioned explains their rationale for designing a custom architecture, namely BCD arithmetic and variable length data. It is unclear that any specific architecture(s) influenced it, other than the generalized influence of the BCD and variable length word of the calculator processors.
The earlier Fairchild F8 architecture (also used by Mostek 3870) was AFAIK the earliest microprocessor architecture to have 64 registers, but it doesn't really appear that it had a significant influence.

I can also think of the CDP 1802 with its 16 16-bit register bank (so only 32 bytes total).
As for the Capricorn, one of the register was acting as the program counter, but the subroutine mechanism was completely different and unusual.
Actually I used it for a project beginning of the '80s at about the same time I was discovering the HP-85 assembly language.
The 1802 was introduced in 1976, so I doubt it could have been a source of inspiration to HP.
The story of the 1802 is interesting too.

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08-17-2024, 08:46 AM (This post was last modified: 08-21-2024 03:09 PM by floppy.)
Post: #22
RE: (HP71B) ASM question
New word "X<0?" since it was not in the HP71B Forth standard word list but in the HP41. Variants of it with different P values will create the other missing X<=0? & X>0?
( the missing X#0? would be
X=0? NOT
in Forth therefore imho no urgent need so far to create an ASM Word for this ).

=XXYY   EQU #E212D            comparison of X and perhaps Y (or zero)
=CMPST  EQU #E216C            comparison operator routine
* X<0?  check if the value in X is <0 then put 0 (false) 
*   or -1 (true) into the integer stack
*   similar to HP41
*   no float stack change
*   tested 17Aug2024
       WORD 'X<0?'
       ST=1   0
       P=     1

UPDATE. All X comparison with 0 in a single file
* X<0?  check if the value in X is <0 then put 0 (false) 
*   or -1 (true) into the integer stack
*   similar to HP41; however use of an integer stack instead of
*   program counter jump or not (like the Forth word X=0?)
*   no float stack change
*   tested 21Aug2024
       WORD 'X<0?'
       ST=1   0
       P=     1
       GOTO   CMP0
* X<=0?
       WORD 'X<=0?'
       ST=1   0
       P=     3
       GOTO   CMP0
* X#0?
       WORD 'X#0?'
       ST=1   0
       P=     5
       GOTO   CMP0
* X>0?
       WORD 'X>0?'
       ST=1   0
       P=     4

Any remarks are welcomed for improvement or shortening of such suggested Forth words.

HP71B 4TH/ASM/Multimod, HP41CV/X/Y & Nov64d, PILBOX, HP-IL 821.62A & 64A & 66A, Deb11 64b-PC & PI2 3 4 w/ ILPER, VIDEO80, V41 & EMU71, DM41X
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08-17-2024, 01:40 PM
Post: #23
RE: (HP71B) ASM question
Lets give more flexibility in working with the float stack in Forth.

the entry point listed in the new words..
=OX     EQU #2FBD0            X address

* X<> exchange the value in the variable with the value in X like the HP41 command
*       use: FVAR1 X<>   tested 15july2024
       WORD 'X<>'
       P=     0
       LC(5)  =OX             put X-address into C(A)
       CD0EX                 exchange data pointer address D0 with C(A)
       R2=C                  save D0
       A=DAT0 W              A = value of X from its address in C(A)
       R0=A                  R0 = X
       C=DAT1 A              copy data at address in D1 into C(A)
       A=DAT0 W              copy data at address in D0 (in C(A)) into W in A
       R1=A                  R1 = Reg value
       P=     0
       LC(5)  =OX             put X-address into C(A)
       CD0EX                 exchange data pointer address D0 with C(A)
       DAT0=A W              X has now value of Reg
       C=DAT1 A              copy data at address in D1 into C(A)
       CD0EX                 exchange C(A) with D0
       DAT0=A W              value of X into reg
       D0=C                  restore D0
       D1=D1+ 5              return nothing on data stack

* X<>Z exchange the HP41 registers. tested 12 July 2024
       WORD 'X<>Z'
       P=     0
       LC(5)  =OX             put X-address into field A of register C
*                               low order 5 nibbles
       CD0EX                 put data pointer D0 into C(A)
       R1=C                  save D0 into R1
       C=DAT0 W              C = value of X (which is in D0)
       D0=D0+ 16             D0 has now Y addr
       D0=D0+ 16             D0 has now Z addr
       A=DAT0 W              put value of Z into A via addr in D0
       DAT0=C W              Z = value of X
       D0=D0- 16
       D0=D0- 16             D0 -> X
       DAT0=A W              X = value of Z
       D0=C                  restore D0

* X<>T exchange the HP41 registers, tested 12 July 2024
       WORD 'X<>T'
       P=     0
       LC(5)  =OX             put X-address into field A of register C
*                               low order 5 nibbles
       CD0EX                 put data pointer D0 into C(A)
       R1=C                  save D0 into R1
       C=DAT0 W              C = value of X
       D0=D0+ 16             D0 -> Y
       D0=D0+ 16             D0 -> Z
       D0=D0+ 16             D0--> T
       A=DAT0 W              put value of T into A
       DAT0=C W              T = value of X
       D0=D0- 16
       D0=D0- 16
       D0=D0- 16             D0 -> X
       DAT0=A W              X = value of T
       D0=C                  restore D0

* X<>L exchange the HP41 registers, tested 12 July 2024
       WORD 'X<>L'
       P=     0
       LC(5)  =OX             put X-address into field A of register C
*                               low order 5 nibbles
       CD0EX                 put data pointer D0 into C(A)
       R1=C                  save D0 into R1
       C=DAT0 W              C = value of X
       D0=D0- 16             D0--> L
       A=DAT0 W              put value of L into A
       DAT0=C W              L = value of X
       D0=D0+ 16             D0 -> X
       DAT0=A W              X = value of L
       D0=C                  restore D0(A) from C(A)

More words needed like example Z<>L ?
this word is
therefore Z<>L could be a new Forth word (lower need since this is a combination of the 3 above new words).

As usual, remarks are welcomed.

HP71B 4TH/ASM/Multimod, HP41CV/X/Y & Nov64d, PILBOX, HP-IL 821.62A & 64A & 66A, Deb11 64b-PC & PI2 3 4 w/ ILPER, VIDEO80, V41 & EMU71, DM41X
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08-22-2024, 09:32 AM (This post was last modified: 08-22-2024 12:15 PM by floppy.)
Post: #24
RE: (HP71B) ASM question
Since beeping is healthy, lets create the TONE word like in HP41.
Usefull? perhaps

Entry points
=ABS    EQU #E1A23            (n -- |n|)
=SAVEFP EQU #E717A            save Forth pointer
=HDFLT  EQU #1B31B            change hex integ A(A) to 12dig float in A(W) exit DEC mode
=MP2-12 EQU #0C432            12 digit * (A) * (C) result 15dig in (A,B) 
=RESD1  EQU #0E1EE            reduce (AB) in (C), dont alter D1
=AD2-12 EQU #0C35F            12 digit add = (A) + (C) 15dig result in (A,B)
=BP     EQU #0EADF            make beep float A HZ Float C duration sec pdf ids3 page 1625
=GETFP  EQU #E71A5            restore Forth pointers

* create HP41 like tone function with input 0 (low)..9 (high)
* input in the integer stack (in HP41 it is as a line command TONE x)
* ( n -- ) TONE
* 0 .. 394 Hz  >> Value 394 + (43.777 * N) 
* 1 .. 437.8
* ..
* 8 .. 744.2
* 9 .. 788 HZ
* length 0,28s
* however inputs higher than 9 will be accepted
* negative values -8 (example) will be taken as 8
* tested Aug22 2024
* use  5 TONE in Forth prompt
       WORD 'TONE'
       GOSBVL =ABS           for positive whatever input was
* not tested/completed; if bigger than 9, reduce with MOD 10
*       C=0    W
*       LCHEX  100000000000001  ? Integer format in integ stack?
*       D1=D1- 5
*       DAT1=C A
*       GOSBVL =MOD 
       A=DAT1 A
       GOSBVL =HDFLT          change A(A) to float A(W) 12 digits for further calc. exit with DEC mode
       C=0    S
       P=     0
       LCHEX  437777777777001 
       GOSBVL =MP2-12        result into (A,B)
       GOSBVL =RESD1         result into C
       C=0    S              S instead of W for less size?
       P=     0
       LCHEX  394000000000002
       GOSBVL =AD2-12        result into (A,B)
       GOSBVL =RESD1         result into C as 12 digit
       R0=C                  R0 Hz 
       C=0    W
       P=     0
       LCHEX  280000000000999 C duration
       GOSBVL =BP
       D1=D1+ 5              take the value out of the stack

UPDATE: missing entry points included

HP71B 4TH/ASM/Multimod, HP41CV/X/Y & Nov64d, PILBOX, HP-IL 821.62A & 64A & 66A, Deb11 64b-PC & PI2 3 4 w/ ILPER, VIDEO80, V41 & EMU71, DM41X
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08-23-2024, 07:37 AM
Post: #25
RE: (HP71B) ASM question
Question: what is the best method for creating PI in Forth/ASM?
Is there a memory optimized calculation procedure?

In HP71B, apart from using the BASICX command with PI as parameter in a Forth word, its possible to upload a constant; but perhaps not the best memory cautious method.

Comments/remarks are welcome.

Entry points
=SAVEFP EQU #E717A            save Forth pointer
=STKLFT EQU #E7320            Stacklift Forth OM page 609 pdf
=OX     EQU #2FBD0            X address
=GETFP  EQU #E71A5            restore Forth pointers
PI word
* PI : put PI into X in the stack. uplift the float stack. lastx not changed (like HP41)
* tested 23Aug2024
       WORD 'PI'
       C=0    S
       P=     0
       LCHEX  314159265359000
       R0=C                  R0 = Result
       D0=(5) =OX
       DAT0=A W              Result into X

HP71B 4TH/ASM/Multimod, HP41CV/X/Y & Nov64d, PILBOX, HP-IL 821.62A & 64A & 66A, Deb11 64b-PC & PI2 3 4 w/ ILPER, VIDEO80, V41 & EMU71, DM41X
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09-03-2024, 03:36 PM
Post: #26
RE: (HP71B) ASM question
Now, here is one new word written in ASM, like the HP41 function R-P, now for for HP71B Forth.
A warning is coming during the use WRN:
However the result is fine.
If anybody has an idea how to take this away, please contact me (the word works).

* R-P : Rad to Polar conversion
* see HP41 manual page 92
* 1.0 2.0 R-P gives 2.2361 (SQRT(5)) in X and 26.56° or 0.4636 Rad in Y
* change the output if use of the words RADIANS or DEGREES
* WRN: coming; reason unknown; however result ok
       WORD 'R-P'
       GOSBVL =uRES12        C = (A,B)
       A=C    W
       R0=A                  X in A and R0
       GOSBVL =MP2-12
       GOSBVL =uRES12        C = (A,B)
       A=C    W
       R2=A                  X**2 in A and R2
       P=     0
       LC(5)  =OY
       A=DAT0 W
       R1=A                  Y in A and R1
       C=R0                  X in C
       GOSBVL =DV2-12
       GOSBVL =ATAN15
       GOSBVL =uRES12        C = (A,B)
       A=C    W
       P=     0
       LC(5)  =OY
       DAT0=A W              copy data of A into Y
       C=A    W
       GOSBVL =MP2-12
       GOSBVL =uRES12        C = (A,B)
       A=C    W              Y**2 in A
       C=R2                  X**2 in C
       GOSBVL =AD2-12
       GOSBVL =SQR15

HP71B 4TH/ASM/Multimod, HP41CV/X/Y & Nov64d, PILBOX, HP-IL 821.62A & 64A & 66A, Deb11 64b-PC & PI2 3 4 w/ ILPER, VIDEO80, V41 & EMU71, DM41X
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