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Senior Membership
03-12-2015, 04:19 AM
Post: #61
RE: Senior Membership
(03-11-2015 01:36 AM)Dave Frederickson Wrote:  
(03-10-2015 08:23 PM)Gerson W. Barbosa Wrote:  In case he doesn't like that simple expression, I would suggest him a slightly more complicated one: Smile

\[326\pi-\frac{1}{2}\left ( \frac{1}{\pi }+\frac{5}{\left \{\sqrt{5}\left [90+\pi ^{2}+\frac{1}{25\left ( 10+\frac{\pi }{2} \right )} \right ] \right \}^{2}}\right )\]

To be evaluated on the WP 34S (DBLOFF)

What did you guys do! 1024 is a nice, simple, power of 2. 10000000000b. You had to go and throw pi into it, no pun intended. What's pi in binary, anyway?? Oh well, it's Gerald's member number so I guess it's up to him. Smile

Near-integers are cool, especially if they're more compact than the number of repeated 0s or 9s in the result (not the case here).
Who's #3, BTW? I've found a beautiful one for 3 (beauty lies in eye of the beholder), involving the digits 1 through 4, (Not single digits, one even repeats itself ad infinitum. 3 appears only once, in the result, of course), two instances of e and an inverse trigonometric function.
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03-15-2015, 03:10 AM
Post: #62
RE: Senior Membership
And with this post (#300), I become a Senior Member.

Get off my lawn!

Ceci n'est pas une signature.
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03-15-2015, 04:39 AM
Post: #63
RE: Senior Membership
I wonder if there is a legendary member status for 106 posts Smile

- Pauli
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03-15-2015, 09:15 AM
Post: #64
RE: Senior Membership
(03-15-2015 04:39 AM)Paul Dale Wrote:  I wonder if there is a legendary member status for 106 posts Smile

- Pauli

With an average of 10 posts a day you need only 27 years to become an "elder member".


That's one small step for a man - one giant leap for mankind.
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03-15-2015, 09:25 AM
Post: #65
RE: Senior Membership
Hello posts counter,

Quote:PANAMATIK wrote:

With an average of 10 posts a day you need only 27 years to become an "elder member".

Please dont' open the doors for trolls and robots to reach such a status feature.
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03-17-2015, 12:25 PM
Post: #66
RE: Senior Membership
(03-08-2015 07:25 PM)Katie Wasserman Wrote:  
(03-08-2015 04:33 PM)Thomas Klemm Wrote:  Membership categories
I don't remember the numbers. Could be 300 for a senior.

Cheers and welcome to the club!

I'm pretty sure it's this:

Newbie - 0 posts

Junior Member - 1 to 49 posts

Member - 50 to 299 posts

Senior Member 300 and up

At this moment in time there are only 20 Senior Members, it's still a pretty small club.

I still have about 100 posts to go.
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