Repairing It Yourself
Disassembling HPs. (Brief instructions for most models)
- Batteries
HP 9810/9820 Card Reader Drive Wheel Repair
- Classic Series (HP-35, 45, 46, 55, 65, 67, 70, 80, 81, 91, 92 97)
A Common Woodstock Problem and Repair Suggestions
HP-19C printer overhaul discoveries
Spice Service Tips (HP-31E, 32E, 33E/C, 34C, 37E, 38E/C)
- HP-41 Series and Peripherals
Pioneer Repairs
ElectroStatic Discharge: a possible solution for the HP48
Opening a Voyager (HP-10C, 11C, 12C, 15C, 16C)
- For parts or manuals, try HP at: (800) 227-8164 or try the classified ads.
- For more help, try the HP Forum.
Having Someone Else Repair It
If you need someone to make repairs for you, you can try:
- For calculators that are still under warranty, please contact HP.
- In the past, we have listed Don Orourke at International Calculator in Florida, and Randy Sloyer at fixthatcalc. However, we have heard that both have been backed up with work and at least one is having health issues. At last check, neither website appeared to be accepting new work. If you have new ideas for calculator repair, please let the museum know.
For battery work specifically, you can also try:
- Mark Hoskins at or 630-372-7656 repairs/sells/rebuilds Classic batteries and 4-cell subC HP battery packs.
The Battery Station Has a good variety of batteries at good prices.
- Batteries Plus. Many U.S. locations including: Arizona at 800-677-8278 and South Dakota at 800-362-9833. Battery pacs are sometimes repaired while you wait. A recent repair of an HP-41C pac cost $12.
- Battery Works at 800-707-7000
- TNR Technical Inc at (800) 490-8418
- Mille Et Une Piles at 34 rue Delambre, 75014 Paris, France
- Hobby stores such as Tower Hobbies and Horizon Hobby often have extensive catalogs of batteries.
The Museum has not used any these services and can't recommend one over the others.
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