This program is by Tizedes Csaba and is used here by permission.
This program is supplied without representation or warranty of any kind. Tizedes Csaba and The Museum of HP Calculators therefore assume no responsibility and shall have no liability, consequential or otherwise, of any kind arising from the use of this program material or any part thereof.
Only one problem with it, it's solve JUST REAL ROOTS...
An example:
Solve this polynom with this program:
-2*x6 -6*x5 +82*x4 +174*x3 -800*x2 -888*x +1440 =0
A*X6 +B*X5 +C*X4 +D*X3 +E*X2 +F*X +G =0
In the program the coefficients are A, B, C, ... The limit of order N=12, because the 14th variable is N, and we use this variable for the order of solved polynom. If you replace it with Z, you can solve the 24th order of polynomials (if the memory is not full). And it's not a joke...
Now, start the program: [XEQ S] the calc prompting for order of polynom:
N? type 6 [R/S].
Then the program prompts for all of coefficients, type it in decrease order:
A? -2 [R/S] B? -6 [R/S] C? 82 [R/S] D? 174 [R/S] E? -800 [R/S] F? -888 [R/S] G? 1440 [R/S]
Then you will see the 'RUNNING/SOLVING' message, and the program stops with one of six roots: for example X=1. Press [R/S], and you'll see N=5 this mean, the polynom's got 5 root yet. Press [R/S] and repeat this method until all of roots founded.
When N=0 press [R/S], the 'flag1' anunciator set and program end. 'flag1' set mean, all of roots was real.
This polynom got 6 real roots: 1, -2, 3, -4, 5, -6, and the simplified form is: -2*(x-1)*(x+2)*(x-3)*(x+4)*(x-5)*(x+6)
If the program stops and 'flag0' is set, that means, the polynom got non real root(s). Number of it's are equal the last displayed N.
E01 LBL E #prepare of 'i' FIX 3 RCL N 1 + 1E3 ÷ 1 + RND STO i 0 E13 RTN P01 LBL P #the 'dinamical polynom' XEQ E H01 LBL H #Horner's method RCL × X RCL + (i) ISG i GTO H H06 RTN X01 LBL X #polynom solver SOLVE X GTO R #if found root goto 'R' SF 0 #no real root, set flag 0 X05 RTN D01 LBL D #decrement polynom order, XEQ E J01 LBL J #use a little modified Horner method RCL × X RCL + (i) STO (i) #overwrite coefficients ISG i #with decremented polyn.'s coefficients GTO J J07 GTO X S01 LBL S #start-routine CF 0 CF 1 INPUT N S05 XEQ E I01 LBL I #coefficient input-routine INPUT (i) ISG i GTO I FN= P I06 GTO X R01 LBL R #we found a root VIEW X 1 STO − N VIEW N #number of roots, what we dont found yet RCL N x≠0? #more root? GTO D #go decrement order, and solve again SF 1 #no more root, and all was REAL: set flag 1 R10 RTN The checksums: E:CK=0BE8 27.5 byte P:CK=E452 3.0 byte H:CK=3E78 9.0 byte X:CK=3894 7.5 byte D:CK=11DF 3.0 byte J:CK=C765 10.5 byte S:CK=BB8E 7.5 byte I:CK=32B5 9.0 byte R:CK=E775 15.0 byte
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