This program is by Tizedes Csaba and is used here by permission.
This program is supplied without representation or warranty of any kind. Tizedes Csaba and The Museum of HP Calculators therefore assume no responsibility and shall have no liability, consequential or otherwise, of any kind arising from the use of this program material or any part thereof.
If you want to describe the distribution of grains in powders, you can use the Rosin-Rammler distribution:
R=100*EXP(-((X/O)N [CK=4AC8 22.5 bytes]
where X: size of grain (xi), O: characteristical grain-size (x0), N: degree of smooth (n). R is the residual on the xi hole-sized sieve (Ri).
And if you make a distribution analysis with sieves, your problem to quantify x0 (O) and n (N). The following program help to you:
LBL L #entering points INPUT X INPUT R 1/x 100 × LN LN x⇔y LN FS?0 RTN Σ+ RTN LBL D #deleting points SF 0 XEQ L Σ- CF 0 RTN LBL F #the constants m STO N VIEW N 1/x b × +/- ex STO O VIEW O RTN The checksums: L: CK=C686 21.0 bytes D: CK=A70E 9.0 bytes F: CK=E045 18.0 bytes
Usage: Clear the statistical variables, then to input a measure point (xi, Ri) press XEQ L. If you make mistake, press XEQ D, then type the mistaken data-point again. If you typed all data points, type XEQ F to see the x0 (O) and n (N).
An example: (hypothetical)
xi*106 [m] Ri [%] 100 96 200 90 400 78 800 55 1600 24 3200 3
You give n=1.2762 (N), and x0=1198*10-6 [m] (O)
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