XYZZY The Museum of HP Calculators

Downloadable HP-41 Programs


These programs were loaded into an HP-41C via magnetic cards or bar codes and then uploaded. At this time, no one has taken the time to rewrite the documentation for these programs as HTML pages. To use these programs, I suggest studying the listings, running them, and if they still fail to make sense, many, but not all, are documented on the Museum CD set. Please check the list of manuals before ordering. Volunteers to write up the documentation and to scan missing manuals are always appreciated. No support is available.

How to get these Programs to your Calculator

The following notes are for DOS and Mac users. Linux users should check into Tony Duell's LIF Utilities for linux.

If your browser attempts to display the .raw or .dat file when you click on it, right click on the link and then click on Save Target As... (in IE) or Save Link As... (in Netscape.)

There are six basic methods: You only need to do one of the 6. (The first three methods require an HP 82160 HP-IL interface in the calculator.)

  1. Download the Binary (.raw file), transfer to calculator via the HP 82973 PC HP-IL card. Requires appropriate PC software such as HPLink or Trans41. HPLink runs correctly only on older/slower computers such as 286 machines. These can be found in thrift stores, second hand stores etc. for very little money. Trans41 is a product by Eclipse Logic Inc and Tacit Logic Systems. This company seems to have disappeared but some HP collectors have the program and find that it runs well on fast PCs. (If you happen to have a contact for these companies, please let me know and I'll ask permission to post the software here.) Please see Leo Duran's User-Code File Converter / Compiler / De-compiler / Bar-Code Generator article and Dan McDonald's HP-IL Files: Where, What, Why, How, etc. article for details of the download. (These .raw files do not require you to remove the LIF file header before downloading.)
  2. Download the Binary (.raw file), transfer to calculator via and HP 9114 disk drive and LIFUTIL. The freely available LIFUTL allows the PC to read/write the disks read by the HP 9114. Please see Leo Duran's User-Code File Converter / Compiler / De-compiler / Bar-Code Generator article and Dan McDonald's HP-IL Files: Where, What, Why, How, etc. article for for details of the transfer.
  3. Download the Hexadecimal file (.dat) and transfer to the calculator via the HP82164 HP-IL to RS232 serial port interface. Requires a HP82164 HP-IL to RS232 serial port interface and an Extended I/O module. For instructions on the download via the serial interface, please see Tony Duell's Serial Port downloads article.
  4. Download the Binary, print barcodes, scan with the wand. You may use Leo Duran's User-Code File Converter / Compiler / De-compiler / Bar-Code Generator or Dan McDonald's HP-41C "Decompiler" and "BarCode Maker" to print bar codes which may then be scanned. Leo's program has the advantage of not requiring Excel but only runs on PCs. Dan's should run on anything that can run Excel and use TrueType fonts.
  5. Download the Barcodes in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format, scan with the wand. This option is available for a limited number of programs. If you don't have an Acrobat reader, readers for many platforms may be freely downloaded from Adobe.
  6. If you have none of the above hardware, key in the program from the listing.

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