More Slide Rules
A selection of slide rules at the museum which are not shown on other pages.
Arranged by company:
(AW) Faber Castel
Jensen Bros.
Lawrence Engineering
Scientific Instruments Corp.
Sun Hemmi
Circular Rules:
Peerless Pump Calculator
Special Purpose Slide Rules:
Pickett Electrical Engineer's Rule
Jensen Pump Calculator
Peerless Pump Calculator
Lawrence Flashslide rule
Dole Profit Calculator by Perrygraf
These Acu-Maths were made in U.S.A and have no copyright dates.
- Acu-Math 12
Compact light weight 5" white plastic simplex slide rule. Scales A, B, C, CI, D, L, K.
Picture (~35K)
- Acu-math No 130 log log decimal trig
10-inch duplex slide rule. Scales: A, B, C, D, CI, CIF, CF, DF, L, LL0, LL00, LL1, LL2, LL3, K, S, ST, T. White laminate over a dense black plastic-like material. Much more heavily built and expensive looking than the Acu-Maths below.
Picture (~28K)
- Acu-math 400
Simple single sided 10-inch plastic slide rule with scales: A, B, C, D, CI, L, K, S, T.
Picture (~22K)
- Acu-math 400 Student Mannheim
Very similar to the above except for the extra "Student Mannheim" label, moving of the end supports from the top to the bottom and a thinner cursor which hooked into grooves rather than surrounding the slide rule.
Picture (~22K)
- Acu-math 1240
Compact light weight 5" white plastic single sided slide rule. Scales A, B, C, CI, D, L, K.
Picture (~11K)
- Concise Circular Rule
White plastic 3.2" diameter slide rule. Scales C, D, CI, A, K. Marked Johnston Pump Company, Gendora, California. Conversion factors on back. Made in Japan.
Picture (~12K)
- Dietzgen Microglide Cat No. 1734 Decimal Trig Type Log Log
10" duplex slide rule with low glare plastic laminate over dark hardwood with nylon inserts surrounding the slide. Scales A, B, C, D, CI, CIF, DF, LL01, LL02, LL03, LL1, LL2, LL3, K, T<45, T>45, S, ST. Came with a plastic table of formulas and conversion factors to be kept in the case with the slide rule. Made in U.S.A.
Picture (~81K)
- Empire Pedigree
Inexpensive 5" plastic slide rule. Reversible slide printed in red. Scales A, B, C, CI, D, K, A, L, T Made in USA.
Picture (~24K)
(AW) Faber Castel
- AW Faber Castell 1/87
Nice older style 10" slide rule with an inch scale on the slanted top surface and a centimeter scale on the lower surface. The center slide could be used to extend the slide ruler thanks to an extension of the centimeter scale under the slide. Reversible slide with cos, sin/tg and ctg scales on other side. Plastic over medium colored hardwood. Marked "AW Faber Castell Pencil works Stein near Nuremburg 1/87 (syst. Reitz)" Made in Germany.
Picture (~81K)
Closeup on the cursor (~23K) showing hairlines labled s, KW, d and HP.
- Faber Castell 2/82
10" white plastic duplex slide rule with black and red printing. Scales A, B, C, D, CI, CF, DF, P, S, T1, T2, K, K1, ST, LL1, LL2, LL3, LL03, LL02, LL01 plus inches and cm. Golden colored end plates. Made in Germany.
Picture (~46K)
Jensen Bros. Mfg.
- Pump Calculator
White and clear 6" plastic slide rule. Computed production, static load, counterbalance load, horsepower etc.
Picture (~17K)
The following K&Es were all made in the U.S.A
- K&E N4053-2
8-inch older style slide rule with inch and centimeter scales. Engraved numbers. Scales A, B, C, D, CI, and K. This slide rule was shipped with its leather case (6 oz total) from New York to its owner in Oregon in 1943 for a postage of $.03.
Picture (~36K)
- K&E N4053-3
Like the N4053-2 above but in a 10-inch version. Engraved numbers. Scales A, B, C, D, CI, and K. Pat 1,934,232.
Picture (~29K)
Larger Picture (~54K)
- K&E 4081-3 Log Log Duplex Decitrig
10" white plastic over dark hardwood duplex slide rule. Scales A, B, C, D, CF, DF, CI, CIF, K, S, ST, T, LL01, LL02, LL03, LL1, LL2, LL3. (c) 1947. (The Curator's father's main slide rule.)
Picture (~28K)
- K&E Deci-lon 68 110
Complex wide plastic 10" duplex slide rule with low glare surface. Engraved ends of slide for easier gripping. Scales A, B, C, D, DI, CI, CIF, CF, DF, L, Ln 0, Ln 1, Ln 2, Ln 3, Ln-3, Ln-2, Ln-1, Ln-0, Sq 1, Sq 2, T, S, SRT, K. (c) 1947, 1961.
Picture (~31K)
Lawrence Engineering
All of the following inexpensive painted wood slide rules were made in U.S.A.
- Lawrence Engineering Service 10-B
Simple 10" slide rule. Scales A, B, C, CI, D and K. Dark Blue on white paint.
Picture (~25K)
- Lawrence Engineering Service 250-BT
Simple 10" slide rule with red and black printing on white painted wood. Single sided, scales A, B, C, D, CI, K .
Picture (~16K)
- Lawrence Engineering Service 6-0p "Flashslide rule"
This unusual 5" slide rule allowed the photographer to select an aperture that was appropriate for the shutter speed, type of photoflash lamp and film speed. (c) 1946.
Picture (~25K)
- Nestler No. 38
Nice older style slide rule with plastic laminate pieces screwed on to (see picture) medium colored hardwood. Numbers are deeply engraved and painted. Reversible slide. Conversion Chart on reverse compiled by C. N. Pickworth, Wh. Sc. Made in Germany.
Picture (~30K)
Peerless Pumps
- Pump Calculator
Circular cardboard calculator for Capacity, Horsepower, Efficiency, Cost etc. Copyright 1959.
Picture (~25K)
Perrygraf Corp.
- Dole Profit Calculator
Made for Dole by Perrygraf. Instructions on the back indicated that proper use of the slide rule would increase unit sales of all canned fruit by 5.5%, unit sales of pineapple by 12.3% and dollar sales of pineapple by 20.7% by making it easier for the shopper to select and buy more items. Two double-sided slides with scales: Percent profit of selling price, Multi-sell, Retail price, No. of cans per case, Cost per case, Profit per case, Percent profit and Canned fruit section size. Copyright 1967.
Picture (~63K)
The following were made in USA.
- Picket Model N4-ES vector type log log dual base speed slide rule
Another complicated (and wide) model closely related to the N3-ES shown on the slide rule instructions page. Scales A, B, C, D, CI, CF, DF, CIF, DI, CI, T, ST, S, cube root, square root, DF/M, CF/M, TH, SH, Ln, L, and double scales: LL1, LL2, LL3, LL4. Yellow metal 10" slide rule. (c) 1959.
Picture (~190K)
- Picket N-500-ES HI Log Log
10" yellow metal duplex slide rule. Scales A, B, C, D, CI, CF, DF, CIF, DI, K, T, ST, S, +LL1, -LL1, _LL2, -LL2, +LL3, -LL3. (c) 1962. (Inherited from the curator's grandfather.)
Picture (~25K)
- Picket Electronics model N-515-T
A 10" metal slide rule for electrical engineers. Scales: 1/((2π)2 × x2), x/(2π), xL or fR, xC, Ln plus the conventional A, B, C, D, CI and L. Electrical formulas on back.
Picture (~135K)
- Picket model 800-ES Log Log (Syncrho-Scale)
Yellow 10" metal duplex slide rule with stylish end plates. Scales A, B, C, D, DI, CF, CIF, CI, DF, K, L, LL1 (+0.01, -0.01), LL2 (+0.1, -0.1), LL3 (+1.0, -1.0), S, ST, T.
Picture (~25K)
- Picket & Eckel Model 1010
White 10" metal duplex slide rule. Scales A, B, C, D, CI, CIF, DI, DI, ST, S, T, L, K. (c) 1948 Pickett, A.F. Eckel.
Picture (~32K)
- Picket Model N902-ES Simplex Trig
Yellow 10" single sided metal slide rule. Scales A, B, C, D, CI, S, T, K, L.
Picture (~19K)
- Picket Model N902-T Simplex Trig
Like the N902-ES but in white.
Picture (~19K)
- Picket Microline 121
Molded White plastic 10" simplex slide rule. Molded grips on slide ends. Scales A, B, C, D, CI, K, S, T, L.
Picture (~35K)
- Picket Microline 140
Molded Yellow plastic 10" duplex slide rule. Molded grips on slide ends. Scales A, B, C, D, CF, DF, CI, CIF, K, LL0, LL00, S, ST, T, L, LL1, LL2, LL3. (This late model inexpensive slide rule was the curator's first slide rule.)
Picture (~32K)
(Frederick) Post
- Post Versatrig 1450
10" plastic over bamboo slide rule. Scales A, C, D, DI, CI, CIF, DF, R1, R2, L, T, Sec T, Cos S, K. Made in Japan (Hemmi).
Picture (~29K)
- Post Versalog 1460
10" plastic over bamboo slide rule. Scales C, D, CI, CIF, DF, R1, R2, L, K, LL0, LL/0, LL/1, LL/2, LL/3, LL1, LL2, LL3, T, Sec T, Cos. Made in Japan (Hemmi).
Picture (~32K)
Larger Picture (~67K)
Scientific Instruments Corp.
- Scientific Instruments No. 5510
5" plastic slide rule packed with scales A, B, C, D, CI, DI, CF, CIF, DF, LL-1, LL-2, LL-3, LL-0, LL0, LL1, LL2, LL3, K, S, ST, T. Copyright 1961. Made in Japan.
Picture (~32K)
- Sterling Precision
10" heavy white plastic slide rule with inch and cm scales on lowered edges. Reversible slide. Scales A, B, C, CI, D, K, S, T, L. Made in USA.
Picture (~30K)
Sun Hemmi
- Sun Hemmi NO. 34RK
This very compact 5" slide rule was made from plastic covered bamboo. It was built in the older style with an inch slide rule on the slanted top edge. Scales: A, B, C, D, K, CI.
Picture (~23K)
- Unsigned 5" slide rule
White plastic with inch and cm scales on lowered top surfaces. Scales A, B, C, CI, D, K.
Picture (~25K)
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