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HP HP-12C Platinum virtual calculator documentation - Printable Version

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HP HP-12C Platinum virtual calculator documentation - AnnoyedOne - 08-14-2024 05:52 PM

I have three HP "Virtual Calculators" that run on PC's (also Android versions of the first two from 2015). All were found on archive.org.

HP-15C v1.2 29th Nov 2012
HP-12C v1.2 29th Nov 2012
HP-12C Platinum v2.10 10th Dec 2012

The first two are essentially the same. However the last one (HP-12C Platinum) is different. Granted it emulates/simulates the SunPlus 6502 based CPU rather than the HP NUT of the other two (HP-15C/HP-12C) but it also has different menu options. I haven't been able to find any documentation to describe those. Perhaps only on CD supplied with a purchased calculator.


Does anyone know anything about this emulator/simulator or have a "manual"?
