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49 50 Ver6.09.hp Geodesic distance & Earth Euclidean distance calculator, bearing
02-25-2021, 01:01 AM
Post: #15
RE: HP49-50G Geodesic distance calculator
Small correction
in prog lat—>R

\<< "1 single Argument:
lat in D.mmss

To change a, b, INV.f
run before all C.abf
" DROP DEG DUP 'lat' STO HMS\-> \-> la
\<< '\v/(((a^2*COS(la))^2+(b^2*SIN(la))^2)/((a*COS(la))^2+(b*SIN(la))^2))' \->NUM "R Centre-Earth(" lat + ")" + \->TAG 'b/a*TAN(la)' \->NUM ATAN COS a * 2 * \pi * \->NUM "Circumf(" lat + ")" + \->TAG
You should have only one DROP instruction before DEG.

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RE: HP49-50G Geodesic distance calculator - Gil - 02-25-2021 01:01 AM

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