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an elegant algorithm related to Ulam's spiral
01-23-2018, 06:04 PM (This post was last modified: 03-09-2019 03:52 PM by Don Shepherd.)
Post: #1
an elegant algorithm related to Ulam's spiral
Ulam's spiral is a simple structure with a couple of fascinating characteristics.


64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57
37 36 35 34 33 32 31 56
38 17 16 15 14 13 30 55
39 18 05 04 03 12 29 54
40 19 06 01 02 11 28 53
41 20 07 08 09 10 27 52
42 21 22 23 24 25 26 51
43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

The squares of odd numbers (1, 9, 25, 49) follow a diagonal path to the lower right; squares of even numbers (4, 16, 36, 64) follow a similar pattern to the upper left. There are many diagonal paths that include prime numbers. These are easily visible when you extend the spiral to higher values.

There is a very elegant algorithm for determining the non-trivial neighbors of a selected number that was shown to me by member Allen Thomson several years ago. For example, the non-trivial neighbors of number 22 are 7 and 45 (21 and 23 would be trivial neighbors of 22).

I have implemented this algorithm on the HP-12c, HP-17b solver, and the HP-65.

Here is the 17b solver solution. Enter a value for N and solve for ANS1 and ANS2.



Here is the solution for the 12c. Enter a value and press R/S. One solution will be displayed. Press X<-->Y for the second solution.


01 STO 2
02 4
03 X
04 2
05 -
08 2
09 X
10 STO 1
11 RCL 2
12 +
13 5
14 +
15 STO 3
16 RCL 1
17 RCL 2
18 4
19 X
20 6
21 -
24 2
25 X
26 X<=Y
27 GOTO 35
28 RCL 2
29 RCL 1
30 -
31 3
32 +
33 RCL 3
34 GOTO 00
35 -
36 X=0
37 GOTO 28
38 RCL 2
39 RCL 1
40 +
41 GOTO 31

edited on 3/9/2019 to add HP-65 solution

Here is the solution for the HP-65. Enter the value you want to check and press A. Then press B and C for the two answers.


01 LBL A
03 STO 1
04 4
05 x
06 2
07 -
10 INT
12 2
13 x
14 STO 2
15 RTN
16 LBL B
18 RCL 1
19 RCL 2
20 +
21 5
22 +
23 RTN
24 LBL C
26 RCL 1
27 4
28 x
29 6
30 -
33 INT
35 2
36 x
37 RCL 2
38 X>Y
39 GOTO 1
41 RCL 1
42 RCL 2
43 -
44 3
45 +
46 RTN
47 LBL 1
49 RCL 1
50 RCL 2
51 +
52 3
53 +
54 RTN
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