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Earthquake: Earthquake Calculations
07-07-2019, 11:14 PM (This post was last modified: 07-08-2019 11:11 AM by StephenG1CMZ.)
Post: #1
Earthquake: Earthquake Calculations
Quake calculates M0, Magnitude and energy of a quake, and compares quakes.

All of the formulae here can be applied to earthquakes, many can also be applied to other planets.

Stephen Lewkowicz (G1CMZ)
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07-07-2019, 11:16 PM (This post was last modified: 07-08-2019 06:42 AM by StephenG1CMZ.)
Post: #2
RE: Quake: Earthquake Calculations
Quake Version 1.0 calculates M0, Magnitude and energy of quakes, and compares quakes.


 LOCAL CRID:="Quake V1.0: 2019 StephenG1CMZ"; 

  PRINT("Earthquake calculations are estimates");
  PRINT("and can be calculated differently.");
  PRINT("No liabilIty is accepted");


 EXPORT M0Nm(RigidityNm2,Aream2,Slipm)
 //Calculate SeismicMoment in Nm^2
 //=rigidity x area x slip
 //The rigidity of rock is a constant number based on the rock type. It has units of pressure. Typical assumptions are on the order of 3 x 10^10 N/m2.
 //Slip is a length and it is on the order of centimeters (meters for a great earthquake). 
 //Area is in units of length2 and is often on the order of km2. 
 //The units for seismic moment are then Nm (newton meters). 
 //As an example, the 2004 26 December Sumatra-Andaman earthquake had the following dimensions as reported by Lay et al. (2005): Its slip averaged about 5 m, its rupture length was about 1300 km and the fault width was between 160 - 240 km. Assuming a rigidity of 3 x 10^10 N/m2 gives us a seismic moment of 4.4 x 10^22Nm.
  LOCAL Rigidity:=RigidityNm2;
  LOCAL Area:=Aream2;
  LOCAL Slip:=Slipm;
  RETURN Rigidity*Area*Slip;

  //Calculate Mw = (2/3)*logM0 - 6.05
  LOCAL MM:=(2/3)*LOG10(M0)-6.05;

 EXPORT Magnitude(RigidityNm2,Aream2,Slipm)
  RETURN MW(M0Nm(RigidityNm2,Aream2,Slipm));
 //These magnitudes are approximations to Richter scale but not same
 EXPORT Magnitude_(M0)

 EXPORT EnergyJ(Magnitud) // //"Magnitude" is a reserved word or function
 // Calculate E, where Log10(E) = 5.24 + 1.44M
 //Empirical good for M>5
 //This estimates damaging energy
  RETURN ALOG(5.24+1.44*Magnitud);//J

 EXPORT EnergyH(Magnitud)
  RETURN EnergyJ(Magnitud)/HIROSHIMA;

 EXPORT Energyt(Magnitud)
  LOCAL TNT:=4.184ᴇ9;//J PER TONNE
  RETURN EnergyJ(Magnitud)/TNT;

 //Comparing Quakes

 EXPORT RelAmplitude(MagA,MagB)
 //Compare relative amplitude, any order 
  LOCAL BIGGER := 10^ABS(MagA-MagB);
  RETURN BIGGER; //unitless

 EXPORT RelEnergy(MagA,MagB)
 //Compare relative energy (damage), any order
  LOCAL BIGGER   := RelAmplitude(MagA,MagB);
  RETURN STRONGER; //unitless


  // Calculate upper and lower bounds for ex
  PRINT ({M0Nm(3*10^10,1300ᴇ3*(160ᴇ3),5),"..",M0Nm(3*10^10,1300ᴇ3*(240ᴇ3),5)," =4.4 x 10^22"}+" Nm ");

  PRINT ({MW(4.4ᴇ22),"=9.05"}+" Magnitude ");

  PRINT({EnergyJ(5.0),EnergyJ(6.0),EnergyJ(7.0),"=2.8ᴇ12 =7.8ᴇ13?? =2.1ᴇ15"}+" J ");
  PRINT({EnergyH(5.0),EnergyH(6.0),EnergyH(7.0)," "}+" Hiroshima ");
  PRINT({EnergyJ(9.05),"=1.84ᴇ18"}+" J ");
  PRINT({Energyt(5.0)}+" tTNT ");

  PRINT({RelAmplitude(7.1,6.4)," =5"});
  PRINT({RelEnergy   (7.1,6.4)," =11.2"});

 EXPORT Examples()
  PRINT("[=] signifies expected value");

  PRINT("M0Nm: M0 in Nm");
  PRINT("Magnitude: not exactly Richter");
  PRINT("Energy: in J, Hiroshimas or tonnesTNT");
  PRINT("Relamplitude: unitless");
  PRINT("RelEnergy: unitless ");
  PRINT(" ");

EXPORT References ()
 PRINT("formulae and examples-");


Stephen Lewkowicz (G1CMZ)
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07-08-2019, 01:01 PM (This post was last modified: 07-10-2019 06:57 AM by Gamo.)
Post: #3
RE: Earthquake: Earthquake Calculations
Was thinking that I read somewhere in the HP Calculator Owner's Handbook
about earthquake magnitude, later found that was from the HP-45 manual and
couple more User's Handbook.

Sample from the manual:

The 1906 San Francisco earthquake, with a magnitude of 8.25 on the
Richter Scale is estimated to be 105 times greater than the Nicaragua quake of
1972. What would be the magnitude of the latter on the Richter Scale?

The Equation is 8.25 - (LOG 105)

8.25 [ENTER] 105 [LOG] display 2.02 [-] display 6.23

Answer: rating on Richter Scale is 6.23

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07-09-2019, 02:43 PM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2019 02:58 PM by StephenG1CMZ.)
Post: #4
RE: Earthquake: Earthquake Calculations
Thanks Gamo.
It's good to see that my results match that example.

If you wanted to solve such a problem with this program - rather than directly using the HP solve on the relevant equation, here is how I checked those results.:





Actually that uses functions from my next version, which extend the comparison of two magnitudes to a list of values.

Stephen Lewkowicz (G1CMZ)
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07-09-2019, 03:34 PM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2019 03:38 PM by StephenG1CMZ.)
Post: #5
RE: Earthquake: Earthquake Calculations
Earthquake V 1.1
All functions can now handle lists of values.
Error handling improved.
A list of values can be compared for relative amplitude and energy.

 LOCAL MN:="Earthquake V1.1: ";
 LOCAL CRID:=MN+" © 2019 StephenG1CMZ"; 

 EXPORT RigidityTypical:=3ᴇ10; //FOR CONVENIENCE

  PRINT("Earthquake calculations are estimates");
  PRINT("and can be calculated differently.");
  PRINT("No liabilIty is accepted");


 // Calculations for a single quake
 // Parameters may be numeric or list
 EXPORT AnEarthquake__() //HEADER


 EXPORT M0Nm(RigidityNm2,Aream2,Slipm)
 //Calculate SeismicMoment in Nm^2
 //=rigidity x area x slip
 //The rigidity of rock is a constant number based on the rock type. It has units of pressure. Typical assumptions are on the order of 3 x 10^10 N/m2.
 //Slip is a length and it is on the order of centimeters (meters for a great earthquake). 
 //Area is in units of length2 and is often on the order of km2. 
 //The units for seismic moment are then Nm (newton meters). 
 //As an example, the 2004 26 December Sumatra-Andaman earthquake had the following dimensions as reported by Lay et al. (2005): Its slip averaged about 5 m, its rupture length was about 1300 km and the fault width was between 160 - 240 km. Assuming a rigidity of 3 x 10^10 N/m2 gives us a seismic moment of 4.4 x 10^22Nm.
  LOCAL Rigidity:=RigidityNm2;
  LOCAL Area:=Aream2;
  LOCAL Slip:=Slipm;
  RETURN Rigidity*Area*Slip;

  //Calculate Mw = (2/3)*logM0 - 6.05
  LOCAL MM:=(2/3)*LOG10(M00)-6.05;
   MSGBOX(MN+"MW:\n"+"LOG≤0: "+STRING(M0));

 EXPORT Magnitude(RigidityNm2,Aream2,Slipm)
  RETURN MW(M0Nm(RigidityNm2,Aream2,Slipm));
 //These magnitudes are approximations to Richter scale but not same
 EXPORT Magnitude_(M0)

 EXPORT EnergyJ(Magnitud) // //"Magnitude" is a reserved word or function
 // Calculate E, where Log10(E) = 5.24 + 1.44M
 //Empirical good for M>5
 //This estimates damaging energy
  RETURN ALOG(5.24+1.44*Magnitud);//J

 EXPORT EnergyH(Magnitud)
  RETURN EnergyJ(Magnitud)/HIROSHIMA;

 EXPORT Energyt(Magnitud)
  LOCAL TNT:=4.184ᴇ9;//J PER TONNE
  RETURN EnergyJ(Magnitud)/TNT;

 //Comparing 2 Quakes (unused)

 //Compare relative amplitude, any order 
  LOCAL BIGGER := 10^ABS(MagA-MagB);
  RETURN BIGGER; //unitless

 //Compare relative energy (damage), any order
  LOCAL BIGGER   := RelAmplitude(MagA,MagB);
  RETURN STRONGER; //unitless
 // Comparing a list of quakes

 EXPORT ComparingEarthquakes__() //HEADER


 EXPORT Amplitudes(Magnitudes,INDX)
 //Compare relative amplitude with indexed value=1
 //Errors return empty list (except LOG:LIMITED)
   IF TYPE(Magnitudes)=Type({}) THEN
    IF SIZE(Magnitudes)=0 OR INDX>SIZE(Magnitudes) THEN
     RETURN {};
    BIGGER := 10^(Magnitudes-MAG);
    RETURN BIGGER; //unitless
    RETURN {}; //{MN+"Provide a list"};

 EXPORT Energies(Magnitudes,INDX)
 //Compare relative energy (damage) with indexed value=1
 //Errors return empty list (except LOG:LIMITED)
    IF TYPE(Magnitudes)=Type({}) THEN
     IF SIZE(Magnitudes)=0 OR INDX>SIZE(Magnitudes) THEN
      RETURN {};
     BIGGER   := Amplitudes(Magnitudes,INDX);
     STRONGER := 10^((Magnitudes-MAG)/2)*BIGGER; 
     RETURN STRONGER; //unitless
     RETURN {}; //{MN+"Provide a list"};

  // Calculate upper and lower bounds for ex
  // Demonstrates mixing list and numeric
  PRINT ({M0Nm(3*10^10,{1300ᴇ3*(160ᴇ3),1300ᴇ3*(240ᴇ3)},5)," =4.4 x 10^22"}+" Nm ");

  PRINT ({MW(4.4ᴇ22),"=9.05"}+" Magnitude ");

  PRINT({EnergyJ({5.0,6.0,7.0}),"=2.8ᴇ12 =7.8ᴇ13?? =2.1ᴇ15"}+" J ");
  PRINT({EnergyH(5.0),EnergyH(6.0),EnergyH(7.0)," "}+" Hiroshima ");
  PRINT({EnergyJ(9.05),"=1.84ᴇ18"}+" J ");
  PRINT({Energyt(5.0)}+" tTNT ");

  PRINT({RelAmplitude(7.1,6.4)," =5"});
  PRINT({RelEnergy   (7.1,6.4)," =11.2"});
  PRINT(STRING(Amplitudes({7.1,6.4},2))+" =5");
  PRINT(STRING(Energies({7.1,6.4},2))+" =11.2");

 EXPORT Examples()
  PRINT("[=] signifies expected value");

  PRINT("All functions allow lists");
  PRINT("M0Nm: M0 in Nm");
  PRINT("Magnitude: not exactly Richter");
  PRINT("Energy: in J, Hiroshimas or tonnesTNT");
  PRINT("RelativeAmplitudes: unitless");
  PRINT("RelativeEnergies: unitless ");
  PRINT(" ");

 EXPORT References()
  PRINT("formulae and examples-");


Stephen Lewkowicz (G1CMZ)
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07-15-2019, 10:54 AM (This post was last modified: 07-15-2019 01:05 PM by StephenG1CMZ.)
Post: #6
RE: Earthquake: Earthquake Calculations
Version 1.2:
Estimates M0 and magnitude.
Estimates distance/time.
Compares relative size and strength.
Most functions allow lists of values.
In English, francaise and polskie.

 LOCAL VER:=" V1.2: ";
 LOCAL MN:="Earthquake"+VER; 
 LOCAL CRID:=MN+" © 2019 StephenG1CMZ";
 LOCAL LANGSE:={" English ",""," French ","","","","",""," Polish "};
 LOCAL LANGS :={" English ",""," français ","","","","",""," polskie "};

 EXPORT RigidityTypical:=3ᴇ10; //FOR CONVENIENCE
 //VELOCITY in unit/s (to match Centre distance)
 EXPORT VP; //TYPICAL 6 km/s OR 1.7*VS
 LOCAL MNF:={"Earthquake","","Tremblement de terre","","","","","","Trzęsienie ziemi"}+VER;
 LOCAL MAGT:={"Magnitude","","Grandeur","","","","","","Wielkość"};
 LOCAL RELT:={"Relative ","","Relative ","","","","","","względna "};
 LOCAL AMPLT:={"Amplitude","","Amplitude","","","","","","Amplituda"};
 LOCAL ENERGT:={"Energy","","Énergie","","","","","","Energia"};
  LOCAL ABT:={"Earthquake calculations are estimates and can be calculated differently. No liability is accepted.","",
   "Les calculs sismiques sont des estimations et peuvent être calculés différemment.  Aucune responsabilité n'est acceptée.","","","","","",
   "Obliczenia trzęsienia ziemi są szacunkowe i można je obliczyć inaczej.  Nie ponosimy odpowiedzialności."};


 // Calculations for a single quake
 // Parameters may be numeric or lists
 EXPORT M0Nm(RigidityNm2,Aream2,Slipm)
 //Calculate SeismicMoment in Nm^2
 //=rigidity x area x slip
 //The rigidity of rock is a constant number based on the rock type. It has units of pressure. Typical assumptions are on the order of 3 x 10^10 N/m2.
 //Slip is a length and it is on the order of centimeters (meters for a great earthquake). 
 //Area is in units of length2 and is often on the order of km2. 
 //The units for seismic moment are then Nm (newton meters). 
 //As an example, the 2004 26 December Sumatra-Andaman earthquake had the following dimensions as reported by Lay et al. (2005): Its slip averaged about 5 m, its rupture length was about 1300 km and the fault width was between 160 - 240 km. Assuming a rigidity of 3 x 10^10 N/m2 gives us a seismic moment of 4.4 x 10^22Nm.
  LOCAL Rigidity:=IFTE(RigidityNm2,RigidityNm2,RigidityTypical);//Use Typical value if none supplied
  LOCAL Area:=Aream2;
  LOCAL Slip:=Slipm;
  RETURN Rigidity*Area*Slip;

  //Calculate Mw = (2/3)*logM0 - 6.05
  LOCAL MM:=(2/3)*LOG10(M00)-6.05;
   MSGBOX(MN+"MW:\n"+"LOG≤0: "+STRING(M0));

 EXPORT Magnitude(RigidityNm2,Aream2,Slipm)
  RETURN MW(M0Nm(RigidityNm2,Aream2,Slipm));
 //These magnitudes are approximations to Richter scale but not same
 EXPORT Magnitude_(M0)

 EXPORT EnergyJ(Magnitud) // //"Magnitude" is a reserved word or function
 // Calculate E, where Log10(E) = 5.24 + 1.44M
 //Empirical good for M>5
 //This estimates damaging energy
  RETURN ROUND(ALOG(5.24+1.44*Magnitud),0);//J

 EXPORT Energyt(Magnitud)
  LOCAL TNT:=4.184ᴇ9;//J PER TONNE
  RETURN EnergyJ(Magnitud)/TNT;

 EXPORT EnergyH(Magnitud)
  RETURN EnergyJ(Magnitud)/HIROSHIMA;

 //Timing requires VP and VS to be set
 //Typically km/s but ensure these units match
 //VP VS (km/s) DISTANCE (km) TDELTA (s)
 //TYPICALLY 6km/s and ?
  LOCAL TTL:={"Enter Velocity of P and S waves","","Entrez la vitesse des ondes P et S","","","","","","Wprowadź prędkość fal P i S"};
  LOCAL LBL:={"VP","VS"};
  LOCAL HLPP:={"Primary wave (typically  6 km/s, 1.7*VS)","","Vague primaire (généralement 6 km / s, 1.7*VS)","","","","","","Fala pierwotna (zazwyczaj 6 km / s, 1.7*VS)"};
  LOCAL HLPS:={"Secondary wave (typically  3 km/s)","","vague secondaire (généralement 6 km / s)","","","","","","Fala wtórna (zazwyczaj 3 km / s)"}; 

 //Distance to centre-Local usable up To 100-250km.
 //Simple formula for constant velocity
 //TDELTA=(TimeS-TimeP) s (alt. to match VP VS)
 //RESULTS in m or km (ie. as VP VS) 
  IF VP-VS==0 OR VP==0 OR VS==0 THEN
  RETURN ROUND(DST,0);//unit matching VS//ROUND to km
 //These trivial distace-time-velocity formulae assume constant velocity 
  IF VP==0 OR VS==0 THEN
   MSGBOX(MN+"\n"+"VP/0 VS/0:"+STRING({VP,VS}));
 EXPORT AnEarthquake(Magnitud)
 //Describe an Earthquake
  PRINT(STRING(Magnitud)+" Magnitude");
  PRINT(" ");
  PRINT(STRING(EnergyJ(Magnitud))+" J");
  PRINT(STRING(Energyt(Magnitud))+" t(TNT)");  
  PRINT(STRING(EnergyH(Magnitud))+" Hiroshima");
 //Comparing 2 Quakes (unused)

 //Compare relative amplitude, any order 
  LOCAL BIGGER := 10^ABS(MagA-MagB);
  RETURN BIGGER; //unitless

 //Compare relative energy (damage), any order
  LOCAL BIGGER   := RelAmplitude(MagA,MagB);
  RETURN STRONGER; //unitless
 // Comparing a list of quakes

 EXPORT Amplitudes(Magnitudes,INDX)
 //Compare relative amplitude with indexed value=1
 //Errors return empty list (except LOG:LIMITED)
   IF TYPE(Magnitudes)=Type({}) THEN
    IF SIZE(Magnitudes)=0 OR INDX>SIZE(Magnitudes) THEN
     RETURN {};
    BIGGER := 10^(Magnitudes-MAG);
    RETURN BIGGER; //unitless
    RETURN {}; //{MN+"Provide a list"};

 EXPORT Energies(Magnitudes,INDX)
 //Compare relative energy (damage) with indexed value=1
 //Errors return empty list (except LOG:LIMITED)
    IF TYPE(Magnitudes)=Type({}) THEN
     IF SIZE(Magnitudes)=0 OR INDX>SIZE(Magnitudes) THEN
      RETURN {};
     BIGGER   := Amplitudes(Magnitudes,INDX);
     STRONGER := 10^((Magnitudes-MAG)/2)*BIGGER; 
     RETURN STRONGER; //unitless
     RETURN {}; //{MN+"Provide a list"};

 EXPORT Earthquakes(Magnitudes,INDX)
 //Describe relative earthquakes
 //Values onscreen need to be rounded to 9
 //to prevent occasional overlap. 
 //You may prefer to omit this rounding.
  LOCAL DP:=9;
  LOCAL SW:=320;
  LOCAL AMPLS:=Amplitudes(Magnitudes,INDX);
  LOCAL STRONGS:=Energies(Magnitudes,INDX);

  IF TYPE(Magnitudes)==TYPE({}) THEN
   FOR II FROM 1 TO MIN(SIZE(Magnitudes),10) DO //10-11 PER SCREEN:1SCREEN 


  // Calculate upper and lower bounds for ex
  // Demonstrates mixing list and numeric
  PRINT ({M0Nm(3*10^10,{1300ᴇ3*(160ᴇ3),1300ᴇ3*(240ᴇ3)},5)," =4.4 x 10^22"}+" Nm ");

  PRINT ({MW(4.4ᴇ22),"=9.05"}+" Magnitude ");

  //PRINT({EnergyJ({5.0,6.0,7.0}),"=2.8ᴇ12 =7.8ᴇ13?? =2.1ᴇ15"}+" J ");
  //PRINT({EnergyH(5.0),EnergyH(6.0),EnergyH(7.0)," "}+" Hiroshima ");
  //PRINT({EnergyJ(9.05),"=1.84ᴇ18"}+" J ");
  //PRINT({Energyt(5.0)}+" tTNT ");

  PRINT({RelAmplitude(7.1,6.4)," =5"});
  PRINT({RelEnergy   (7.1,6.4)," =11.2"});
  //PRINT(STRING(Amplitudes({7.1,6.4},2))+" =5");
  //PRINT(STRING(Energies({7.1,6.4},2))+" =11.2");

 EXPORT Examples()
  PRINT("[=] signifies expected value");

  LOCAL ALL:={"Most functions allow lists","","La plupart des fonctions permettent les listes","","","","","","Większość funkcji pozwala na listy"};
  LOCAL MAG:=MAGT(SL)+": "+{"Not exactly","","Pas exactement","","","","","","Nie dokładnie"}+" Richter";
  LOCAL UL:= {"Unitless","","Sans unité","","","","","","Bez jednostki"};
  PRINT(" ");
  PRINT("M0Nm: Nm");
  PRINT(MAGT(1)+": "+MAG(SL));
  PRINT(ENERGT(SL)+": J, Hiroshimas or tonnesTNT");
  PRINT("GetVPVS: km/s?");
  PRINT("CentreL: km  ? (≤100-250km");
  PRINT("Delay:      s?");
  PRINT(" ");
  PRINT("RelativeAmplitudes: "+UL(SL));
  PRINT("RelativeEnergies: "+UL(SL));
  PRINT(" ");

 EXPORT Languages()


References providing formulae and examples
1. - Earthquake magnitude and energy
2. - Relative strength of 2 earthquakes
3." - PDF - Earthquake location and speed

Stephen Lewkowicz (G1CMZ)
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07-12-2024, 11:03 AM
Post: #7
RE: Earthquake: Earthquake Calculations
There is now a Python implementation of this:
(It only compares 2 earthquakes, lists tbd)

Stephen Lewkowicz (G1CMZ)
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