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(15C) Calculators in Astronomy (czech)
10-24-2019, 01:08 PM
Post: #1
(15C) Calculators in Astronomy (czech)
An extract from ŘÍŠE HVĚZD, 5-84 (pgs 105-109)

"Kalkulátory v astronomii
Calculators in astronomy
Komplexní program na zpracování pozorovani periodických proměnných hvězd metodou Nijlandovou-Blažkovou
Complex program for processing observations of periodic variable stars by Nijland-Blažková method

…Svou myšlenku i realizoval v podobĕ programu pro Tl-58. Autor tĕchto řádkű se tím inspiroval a sestavil analogickŷ program pro HP-15C (resp. HP-34) v inverzní polské logice.
He also realized his idea in the form of a program for Tl-58. The author of these lines was inspired and compiled a similar program for HP-15C (or HP-34) in inverse Polish logic."

The HP programs (A, B & C) pgs 106 -107 & partial 108.
The TI programs (A, B & C) pgs 108 & partial 109.

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10-24-2019, 06:39 PM
Post: #2
RE: (15C) Calculators in Astronomy (czech)
Thank you! I'll pass this along to my boss. He is a mathematician and I gave him an DM-15L for his birthday a couple of years ago.

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