[VA] SRC#006- Pi Day 2020 Special: A New Fast Way to Compute Pi
03-14-2020, 07:56 PM
Post: #1
[VA] SRC#006- Pi Day 2020 Special: A New Fast Way to Compute Pi
Hi all, welcome to my SRC#006- Pi Day 2020 Special: To commemorate Pi Day 2020 I'll give and comment here a new, extremely fast way to compute Pi to arbitrary precision, millions or billions of digits if desired, but first a little background of some of my recent posts on the subject matter. In the past I've posted here a couple of novel ways to compute Pi, quite unexpected but very slow. The first one, statistical in nature, was (HP-71B BASIC code): 1 DESTROY ALL @ RANDOMIZE 1 @ FOR K=1 TO 5 @ N=10^K @ S=0 2 FOR I=1 TO N @ IF NOT MOD(IROUND(RND/RND),2) THEN S=S+1 3 NEXT I @ P=S/N @ STD @ DISP N, @ FIX 3 @ DISP 5-P*4 @ NEXT K >RUN 10 3.000 100 3.360 1000 3.076 10000 3.125 100000 3.142 where the even/odd nature of the random-valued expression IROUND(RND/RND) is the key, no circles in sight at all despite what many believe to be always the case. The second one (posted originally here) was also incredibly simple and this was my implementation for the HP-71B as a user-defined function: 1 DEF FNP(N) 2 T = N 3 FOR I = N-1 TO 2 STEP -1 4 T = CEIL(T/I)*I 5 NEXT I 6 FNP = N*N/T 7 END DEF These are the function's values for N = 10, 100, ..., 1000000: DESTROY ALL @ FIX 5 FNP(10) -> 2.94118 FNP(100) -> 3.09215 FNP(1000) -> 3.13903 FNP(10000) -> 3.14133 FNP(100000) -> 3.14153 FNP(1000000) -> 3.14159 The limit for N -> Inf is exactly Pi, of course. As stated above, these methods are quite unexpected, very rarely seen (if at all), and interesting from a purely academic point of view but utterly impractical for computing Pi as they are unbearably slow, producing just 5-6 digits of Pi after millions of iterations. Even producing as few as 10 digits is probably out of the question. On the other hand, the method I'll introduce here is equally simple, perhaps even simpler in a way, but capable of producing millions, billions and even trillions of digits of Pi as fast or faster than other well-known methods, assuming of course the necessary hardware resources (fast processors, enough RAM) and multiprecision software are available. For starters, here is the HP42S version, just 7 steps (12 bytes) of RPN code, particularized to carry out exactly 3 iterations of the algorithm and requiring no user input at all (but make sure to set RAD mode). 01 3 02 ENTER 03 LBL 00 04 SIN 05 RCL+ ST L 06 DSE ST Y 07 GTO 00 When run in Free42, which allows for 34-digit precision, it will instantly produce this 34-digit value of Pi: [R/S] -> 3.14159265359 [SHOW]-> 3.141592653589793238462643383279502 which is the correct value of Pi when truncated to 34 digits. Should Free42 support more than 34 digits, say 100, 1000 or a million, this same code (trivially modified to perform more than 3 iterations) would produce the value of Pi to the maximum precision supported. The algorithm used is extremely simple, and it consists of the following steps: Step 1: Assign to x some approximation to Pi, say x = 3 will do. Step 2: Assign x += sin(x) . This new value will have at least 3 times as many correct digits of Pi as the previous value did. Step 3: Repeat Step 2 above until the desired precision is achieved (the number of iterations needed is easily computed in advance, see below). Now you may be thinking something like: "Hey, you're using a trigonometric function, namely sin(x), to help compute the value of Pi and that's circular [pun intended]. Come to that, you might simply compute Pi = 4*arctan(1), say." My reply is: first of all, arctan is an inverse function, namely the inverse of tan(x) which, as the inverses of sin(x) and cos(x) do, can produce Pi or rational fractions of Pi (say Pi/2, Pi/4, Pi/3, etc) for rational or algebraic values of their arguments. But sin(x) is not an inverse function like those and won't produce Pi or any fractions of Pi for any real rational or algebraic values of its argument. In other words, there's no rational or algebraic value x for which sin(x) = Pi/4 or Pi/6 or 2/3*Pi, etc. Secondly, what matters here is not which functions we do use but how fast can we implement them and how cleverly we can use them to compute Pi as fast as possible, so to be able to use this algorithm to compute Pi to millions or billions of digits, apart from suitable hardware we only need a fast sin(x) custom implementation, which only needs to be able to compute sin(x) for x in the very short range [3 .. Pi], say. Pi itself isn't needed in the implementation as no argument reduction is ever performed, which a general implementation of sin(x) would require. Further, our custom implementation can use a number of arithmetic tricks to reduce the argument to a suitably small value which might greatly speed the computation, say using the double-angle (half-angle) formulas three times in succession to reduce the [3 .. Pi] argument range to the still smaller [3/8 .. Pi/8] range. The question is then: how fast can sin(x) be computed ? In the paper "Fast Multiple-Precision Evaluation of Elementary Functions" by Richard P. Brent (Australian National University, Canberra, Australia) it is shown that sin(x) (and some other elementary functions as well) can be evaluated with relative error 0(2-n), in O(M(n)log(n)) operations as n tends to infinity, for any floating-point argument x in a suitable finite interval, where M(n) is the number of single-precision operations required to multiply n-bit integers. Thus, the main advantages of this algorithm can be summarized like this: 1) It's extremely simple, each iteration requires the computation of just one sin(x) function and one in-place addition, with no other operations or variables involved. Futher, the starting value for the very first iteration is simply the constant 3, no need to compute many-million-digit values for the starting parameters as other methods require. 2) It's extremely fast, the sin(x) can be performed in O(M(n)log(n)) operations, which is about as fast as it gets, and it can be optimized to work for just a very short range of x. 3) It converges cubically, i.e., each iteration provides a value of Pi which has at least 3 times as many correct digits as the previous iteration, so the number of digits obtained grows exponentially and thus computing millions, billions or trillions of digits requires very few iterations, namely: 13 iterations provide ~ 2 million digits 19 iterations provide ~ 1.4 billion (1e9) digits 25 iterations provide ~ 1 trillion (1e12) digits 4) It is self-correcting, if you're going to compute a million digits of Pi you don't need to use one-million-digit operations from the very first iteration. You can specify the level of precision increasingly for each iteration, namely 5 digit, 13-digit, 35-digit, 102-digit, 303-digit and 905-digit precision for iterations 1..6, respectively, which obviously increases speed enormously. How does it compare with the best-known methods ? In the paper "The Life of Pi: From Archimedes to Eniac and Beyond" of Jonathan M. Borwein, Frsc, Faa, we find this quartic method described: Being quartic, this method requires less iterations to achieve a given number of digits, namely 20 iterations to provide a trillion (1e12) digits vs. 25 iterations for the cubic method described here, 25 iterations to provide a quadrillion (1 e15) digits vs. 31, and 30 iterations to provide a quintillion (1e18 digits) vs. 37. As can be seen, there's no large increase in the number of iterations for practically feasible computations even as large as a quintillion digits so the speed advantage of being a quartic method instead of a cubic one is not crucial. Also, the method here requires just 1 sin and 1 addition per iteration and just one variable, x. On the other hand, Borwein's method requires about 2 raising-to-the-4th power operations, 3 multiplications, 1 squaring, 3 subtractions, 4 additions, 1 division, 1 fourth-root, and at least storing 3 intermediate values, all of it per iteration. Further all operations must be performed at full precision from the very first one, plus computing the two irrational initial values to full precision as well before even starting. This means that, in practice and for up to at least a quadrillion/quintillion digits, the method described here could be significantly faster if a suitably optimized, fast custom version of sin(x) is used. Now let's see the method in action by conducting an interactive session using a multiprecision environment. We'll use the environment's native built-in sin(x) as we aren't interested here in speed but in showing the accuracy obtained for an increasing number of iterations: > X=3 3 (starting value, 1 correct digit) > X+=sin(X) 3.141120008... (1st iteration, 4 correct digits) > X+=sin(X) 3.1415926535721955... (2nd iteration, 11 correct digits) > X+=sin(X) 3.1415926535897932384626433832795019759... (3rd iteration, 33 correct digits) > X+=sin(X) 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208 99862803482534211706785726... (4th iteration, 100 correct digits) > X+=sin(X) 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679821480865132823066470938446095505822317253594081284811174502841027019385211055596446229489549303819644288109756659334461284756482337867831 6527120190914564856692346034861045432664821339360726024914127340000... (5th iteration, 301 correct digits) > X+=sin(X) 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196442881097566593344612847564823378678316527120190914564856692346034861045432664821339360726024914127372458700660631558817488152092096282925409171536436789259036001133053054882046652138414695194151160943305727036575959195309218611738193261179310511854807446237996274956735188575272489122793818301194912983367336244065664308602139494639522473719070217986094370277053921717629317675238467481846766940513200056812714526356082778577134275778960917363717872146844090122495343014654958537105079227968925892354201995611212902196086403441815981362977477130996051870721134999999837297804995105973173281609631859502445945534690830264252230825334468503526193118817101000313783875288658753320 8381420617177669147303592553972... (6th iteration, 903 correct digits) and so on and so forth. Happy Pi Day ! V. All My Articles & other Materials here: Valentin Albillo's HP Collection |
03-14-2020, 11:29 PM
Post: #2
RE: [VA] SRC#006- Pi Day 2020 Special: A New Fast Way to Compute Pi
wonderful! thank you Valentin.
Cambridge, UK 41CL/DM41X 12/15C/16C DM15/16 17B/II/II+ 28S 42S/DM42 32SII 48GX 50g 35s WP34S PrimeG2 WP43S/pilot/C47 Casio, Rockwell 18R |
03-15-2020, 10:54 AM
Post: #3
RE: [VA] SRC#006- Pi Day 2020 Special: A New Fast Way to Compute Pi
Hi Valentin,
It's a pleasure to read you again in the forum! Your iterative algorithm is very clever, and is (as always with your contributions) the opportunity to think and learn new things. So basically, your iterative algorithm solves X=X+SIN(X) around X=3, that is SIN(X)=0 and the solution is of course X=PI. Now, let me discuss your claim that it is an efficient way to calculate PI: You anticipated the objections > Now you may be thinking something like: "Hey, you're using a trigonometric function, namely sin(x), to help compute the value of Pi and that's circular [pun intended]. Come to that, you might simply compute Pi = 4*arctan(1), say." and you justified your claim with: >we only need a fast sin(x) custom implementation, which only needs to be able to compute sin(x) for x in the very short range [3 .. Pi], say. Pi itself isn't needed in the implementation as no argument reduction is ever performed, which a general implementation of sin(x) would require. In the algorithms used by HP (and probably by others, but I know better the HP ones), there is an explicit argument reduction that used a stored value of PI. In the Saturn implementation, the PI value used for argument reduction is stored on 31 digits, as you known, and this is that permits to calculate SIN(3.14159265358) accurately as 9.79323846264E-12 (the next 12 digits of PI). The fundamental question is: is it possible to efficiently calculate the SIN(X) function around X=PI, actually closer and closer to PI at each iteration, without using argument reduction (that would require PI itself). You mentioned a reference to an article that states that sin(x) can be performed in O(M(n)log(n)) operations, but doesn't it assume explicitly or implicitly that the argument is reduced to a small range such as [0..PI/4], or if not that the PI value is known with the same n-digits precision? So here is the challenge I would like to propose: write an efficient program that calculates, for instance, the 2nd iteration starting from X=3+SIN(3)=3.141120008... and returns the result accurate to let's say 11 digits as: 3.1415926535(7) without using the PI value itself (so don't use trig operations). Here is my attempt on the 71B, based on the sin expansion series with a few refinements: the terms are stored in an array, then summed with 15-digit accuracy using the Math ROM DOT operation, starting from the smallest terms. Even with this refinements, I had to sum terms of the sin(x) expansion up to x^21 (11 terms). 10 ! 20 OPTION BASE 1 30 N=100 40 DIM A(N),B(N) 60 X=3 @ X=X+SIN(X) 70 S=0 80 X1=1 90 X2=X*X 100 MAT A=ZER 110 K=N 120 FOR I=1 TO 21 STEP 2 130 A(K)=X1/FACT(I) 140 K=K-1 150 X1=-X1*X2 160 NEXT I 170 MAT B=(X) 180 S=DOT(A,B) 190 DISP X;S;SIN(X) 200 DISP X+S > RUN 3.14112000806 4.7264551803E-4 4.72645512196E-4 3.14159265358 J-F |
03-15-2020, 10:55 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-15-2020 12:23 PM by Bernd Grubert.)
Post: #4
RE: [VA] SRC#006- Pi Day 2020 Special: A New Fast Way to Compute Pi
Hello Valentin,
Thanks for the interesting way to calculate pi. My HP 50G says, it could be interpreted as an application of the newton iteration method to the function: f(x) = c * sqrt((cos(x) + 1) / (cos(x) - 1)) This is the solution of y(x) / y'(x) = -sin(x). The Newton iteration is then: x_n+1 = x_n - y(x_n) / y'(x_n) = x_n + sin(x_n) with x_0 = 3. Is that correct? May be there are functions with an even faster convergence. Kind regards Bernd Edit: Corrections and additional explanations. |
03-15-2020, 11:35 AM
Post: #5
RE: [VA] SRC#006- Pi Day 2020 Special: A New Fast Way to Compute Pi
Very nice! I like the idea that sin() isn't actually too computationally expensive.
(For the rnd/rnd method I found I had to adjust the program - is there a typo in there? I adjusted it to print 1+4*s/n) |
03-15-2020, 02:29 PM
Post: #6
RE: [VA] SRC#006- Pi Day 2020 Special: A New Fast Way to Compute Pi
(03-15-2020 10:55 AM)Bernd Grubert Wrote: My HP 50G says, it could be interpreted as an application of the newton iteration method to the function: This is not how iteration X+=SIN(X) is derived. With guess X=3, X+ASIN(SIN(X)) = X+ASIN(SIN(PI-X)) = X+(PI-X) = PI ASIN(ε) = ε + ε^3/6 + 3ε^5/40 + ... = ε + O(ε^3) Thus, with guess X=3, X+=SIN(X), converge to Pi cubically. We can improve convergence rate with better estimation for ASIN Say, with Pade[2,2] of ASIN(ε) = ε/(1-ε*ε/6) > X=3 > Y=SIN(X) > X+Y 3.14112000806 > X+Y/(1-Y*Y/6) 3.14158996537 |
03-15-2020, 02:42 PM
Post: #7
RE: [VA] SRC#006- Pi Day 2020 Special: A New Fast Way to Compute Pi
(03-15-2020 10:54 AM)J-F Garnier Wrote: So here is the challenge I would like to propose: Below use multiple angle formula (4 times), \(\sin(5x) = 16 \sin^5 x - 20 \sin^3 x + 5 \sin x \) Code: 10 FNM(X)=X*(5-X*X*(4+16*(1-X)*(1+X))) >FNP(3) 3.14112000806 >FNP(RES) 3.14159265358 |
03-15-2020, 02:54 PM
Post: #8
RE: [VA] SRC#006- Pi Day 2020 Special: A New Fast Way to Compute Pi
(03-14-2020 07:56 PM)Valentin Albillo Wrote: Is there a way to calculate individual digits of PI without the use of an array? I've seen methods that use arrays but they limit you to the maximum size of an array in a particular language. Tom L Cui bono? |
03-15-2020, 03:21 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-15-2020 03:24 PM by J-F Garnier.)
Post: #9
RE: [VA] SRC#006- Pi Day 2020 Special: A New Fast Way to Compute Pi
(03-15-2020 02:42 PM)Albert Chan Wrote: Below use multiple angle formula (4 times), \(\sin(5x) = 16 \sin^5 x - 20 \sin^3 x + 5 \sin x \) Nice and compact solution ! I needed to calculate 11 terms in the form u(n)=x^(2n+1)/(2n+1)! each can be computed from the previous one by u(n) = u(n-1) * (x^2) / (2n*(2n+1)) that is 2 multiplications plus one division (I didn't optimized the factorial in my proposed solution). Total 33 mult/division operations. Your solution needs 5 multiplications for FNM(X), called 4 times, plus the 4 multiplications and some divisions in FNT(X). J-F |
03-15-2020, 06:08 PM
Post: #10
RE: [VA] SRC#006- Pi Day 2020 Special: A New Fast Way to Compute Pi
Slightly optimized version, using less operations.
Code: 10 FNM(X)=X*(5-X*X*(4+16*(1-X)*(1+X))) >FNP(3) 3.14112000806 >FNP(RES) 3.14159265358 |
03-16-2020, 04:12 AM
Post: #11
RE: [VA] SRC#006- Pi Day 2020 Special: A New Fast Way to Compute Pi
One problem with fast generation of the digits of Pi (or whatever) is that almost all the time is taken in the last step. Going through a quadratically convergent method to a quartically versions doesn't gain as much as one wants. The last step still uses full length arithmetic go get the whole digit string. (Assuming that one uses short approximations in the early stages as suggested above.)
03-16-2020, 09:34 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-16-2020 09:35 AM by EdS2.)
Post: #12
RE: [VA] SRC#006- Pi Day 2020 Special: A New Fast Way to Compute Pi
(03-16-2020 04:12 AM)ttw Wrote: One problem with fast generation of the digits of Pi (or whatever) is that almost all the time is taken in the last step...True for some methods, but there are spigot methods with the opposite property: they produce the digits successively, with the first digits coming slowly and the final digits coming very quickly. There's no full-width calculation other than the propagation of carries. See http://www.pi314.net/eng/goutte.php and the Gibbons paper too: https://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/jeremy.gibbons/p...spigot.pdf Here's a video with links in the description: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KXGFtDXOc8 |
03-16-2020, 11:15 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-16-2020 01:13 PM by J-F Garnier.)
Post: #13
RE: [VA] SRC#006- Pi Day 2020 Special: A New Fast Way to Compute Pi
(03-15-2020 06:08 PM)Albert Chan Wrote: Slightly optimized version, using less operations. Ok, now let's try the next iteration, on the 35-digits Decimal Free42. The program is easily ported to RPN, thanks to Albert's structured code: Code: # FNM(X)=X*(5-X*X*(4+16*(1-X)*(1+X))) xeq fnp 3,141120008059... xeq fnp 3,14159265357... xeq fnp 3,141592653589[636096612966527996358] 13 correct digits. Not accurate enough. Let's try with 5 calls to fnm: Code: lbl fns 3 xeq fnp xeq fnp xeq fnp 3,1415926535897932[28408529447963301] Still not accurate enough. Let's try to add 1 term in the sin expansion: Code: # FNT(X)=X*(1-X*X/6*(1-X*X/20*(1-X*X/42))) xeq fnp xeq fnp xeq fnp 3,14159265358979323846264[6911462229] 24 correct digits. Still not accurate enough. Let's try to add another term in the sin expansion: Code: # FNT(X)=X*(1-X*X/6*(1-X*X/20*(1-X*X/42*(1-X*X/72) ))) xeq fnp xeq fnp xeq fnp 3,14159265358979323846264338327[8692] 30 correct digits. Let's stop here. Total 9 + 5*5 = 34 mult/div operations, with optimizations (avoiding to calculate x*x several times) J-F |
03-17-2020, 07:43 PM
Post: #14
RE: [VA] SRC#006- Pi Day 2020 Special: A New Fast Way to Compute Pi
Hi, all: Thanks for your interest in my SRC#006, much appreciated. As for fast computation of sin(x), these papers and link are interesting and relevant: E. Karatsuba. "Fast evaluation of transcendental functions (1991)" B. Haible & T. Papanikolaou. "Fast multiprecision evaluation of series of rational numbers" Binary Splitting Remember that no general implementation of sin(x) is required, just an optimized one for suitably small x in a very short interval. EdS2 Wrote:For the rnd/rnd method I found I had to adjust the program - is there a typo in there? No, there isn't. I always check the code I post by keying it in anew from the [Preview Post] listing and running it, so that I can check the results before hitting [Post]. I did that once again and it runs fine so no typo. I suggest you check what you keyed in, if there's a typo it certainly is on your side. Also, I saw you mentioned my fast program here ... https://stardot.org.uk/forums/viewtopic....2&p=262553 ... but you modified the code to start from X0=1 as the first approximation, so it takes longer to converge. You shouldn't do that just because you feel like it, you should leave my original code alone and start from X0=3. The fact that it also converges when starting at X0=1 (albeit taking extra unnecessary iterations) is ancillary, the correct starting value X0 must be such that Abs(Pi-X0) < 1, and the simplest such value is X0 = 3. Arbitrarily chaging it to 1, as you did, does not meet the condition. In the future, I would appreciate it if, when giving me credit for some code I wrote, you don't modify my code in any way (apart from adapting it to some particular programming language) without clearly stating that you modified my original code and what modifications you made (in this particular case, changing the starting value, which I don't approve of). Thanks in advance. Regards. V. All My Articles & other Materials here: Valentin Albillo's HP Collection |
03-18-2020, 02:03 AM
Post: #15
RE: [VA] SRC#006- Pi Day 2020 Special: A New Fast Way to Compute Pi
Spigot methods are nice but generally give results in a fixed base. I'll check the literature to see if there is a spigot method for continued fractions.
03-18-2020, 09:51 AM
Post: #16
RE: [VA] SRC#006- Pi Day 2020 Special: A New Fast Way to Compute Pi
(03-17-2020 07:43 PM)Valentin Albillo Wrote: As for fast computation of sin(x), these papers and link are interesting and relevant:Thanks for the pointers! Quote:I saw you mentioned my fast program here ...Understood, apologies, and I've added a note to that post. It seems to me that any strictly positive starting value less than pi will converge to pi - is that not so? About the wonderful and unexpected rnd/rnd code: Quote:I suggest you check what you keyed in, if there's a typo it certainly is on your side.Hmm. I must be missing something. Here's your posted code: Code: 1 DESTROY ALL @ RANDOMIZE 1 @ FOR K=1 TO 5 @ N=10^K @ S=0 Code: 10 INPUT K @ N=0 @ FOR I=1 TO K @ N=N-MOD(IROUND(RND/RND),2) @ NEXT I @ DISP 1-4*N/K Code: 10 FOR K=1 TO 7 |
03-19-2020, 03:58 AM
Post: #17
RE: [VA] SRC#006- Pi Day 2020 Special: A New Fast Way to Compute Pi
Hi, EdS2: (03-18-2020 09:51 AM)EdS2 Wrote: Thanks for the pointers! You're welcome. I hope you'll find them interesting. Quote:Understood, apologies, and I've added a note to that post. Thanks. Let bygones be bygones. Quote:It seems to me that any strictly positive starting value less than pi will converge to pi - is that not so? Yes, and not only for such values less than Pi but also for values up to (but not including) 2*Pi. However, as the strictly positive starting value approaches 0, the number of iterations required to approximate Pi does increase (logarithmically) without limit, as can be easily seen this way: consider that for some epsilon > 0 we have eps+sin(eps) ~ eps + eps = 2*eps as the next value, which means that every iteration the initial eps value is approximately doubling, i.e., growing exponentially, so in a logarithmic number of iterations it will reach "macro" size (say 0.1, 0.2 ...) and afterwards it will converge cubically to Pi. Quote:About the wonderful and unexpected rnd/rnd code: [...] Hmm. I must be missing something. Here's your posted code: There are two possibilities. I'm not famiilar with BBC BASIC but it might be the case that integer variables (%) can only hold from -32768 to +32767, so 10^5, 10^6 and 10^7 wouldn't fit in N%. However, I assume that's not the case or you'd noticed pretty quickly. The second possibility is that you're not implementing the IROUND function correctly. I see you're implementing IROUND(x) as INT(x+.5) but that's not how IROUND works, which actually depends on the current OPTION ROUND setting, namely: OPTION ROUND NEAR/ZERO/POS/NEG. My code assumes the default setting, OPTION ROUND NEAR, which causes IROUND(x) to round x to the nearest integer and, in case of a tie, to the even value. Thus we have: IROUND(4.1) = 4 (4 is nearest) IROUND(4.6) = 5 (5 is nearest) IROUND(4.5) = 4 (both 4 and 5 are equally near, but 4 is even) IROUND(5.5) = 6 (both 5 and 6 are equally near, but 6 is even) This may or may not explain the difference but I have a question for you: have you entered my unmodified posted code in a physical or emulated HP-71B ? Does it produce the posted results ? If not, could you post the listing and the results you get ? Regards. V. All My Articles & other Materials here: Valentin Albillo's HP Collection |
03-20-2020, 04:08 PM
Post: #18
RE: [VA] SRC#006- Pi Day 2020 Special: A New Fast Way to Compute Pi
(03-15-2020 02:29 PM)Albert Chan Wrote: This is not how iteration X+=SIN(X) is derived. Thanks for the explanation. I was on the wrong track. |
03-21-2020, 07:21 PM
Post: #19
RE: [VA] SRC#006- Pi Day 2020 Special: A New Fast Way to Compute Pi
Hi Valentin (03-19-2020 03:58 AM)Valentin Albillo Wrote:Ah yes, good point.Quote:It seems to me that any strictly positive starting value less than pi will converge to pi - is that not so? Quote:Thanks for the thoughts, but I think it's something else.Quote:About the wonderful and unexpected rnd/rnd code: [...] Hmm. I must be missing something... Quote:This may or may not explain the difference but I have a question for you: have you entered my unmodified posted code in a physical or emulated HP-71B ? Does it produce the posted results ? If not, could you post the listing and the results you get ?I hadn't, but now I have! (I even found how to run at full speed.) And indeed, of course, your two programs both produce the hoped-for results. No typo. There remains the question of my understanding, which is still missing a piece. What's very curious to me is that you have two quite different final expressions in the two versions of the HP-71B rnd/rnd programs that you've posted. In the one-liner, you use the same form as my Basic port - you counted negatively and therefore perform a subtraction instead of an addition, but otherwise the same. In the multi-line version which you posted most recently, the final expression is quite different - and I don't (yet) understand why it should be. Your earlier program: 1-4*N/K My Basic port: 1+4*S%/N% Your recent program: 5-P*4 Cheers Ed |
03-22-2020, 11:09 PM
Post: #20
RE: [VA] SRC#006- Pi Day 2020 Special: A New Fast Way to Compute Pi
Hi, EdS2: (03-21-2020 07:21 PM)EdS2 Wrote: I hadn't, but now I have! (I even found how to run at full speed.) And indeed, of course, your two programs both produce the hoped-for results. No typo. Of course indeed, I told you as much. Quote:There remains the question of my understanding, which is still missing a piece. Let's see ... Quote:What's very curious to me is that you have two quite different final expressions in the two versions of the HP-71B rnd/rnd programs that you've posted. I didn't remember the exact earlier version, the one-liner I posted many years ago, but as I know the underlying theory I simply coded it again from scratch and came up with the second version, the 3-liner, which of course produces the exact same results. That explains why I posted two different versions. Quote:In the one-liner, you use the same form as my Basic port - you counted negatively and therefore perform a subtraction instead of an addition, but otherwise the same. In the multi-line version which you posted most recently, the final expression is quite different - and I don't (yet) understand why it should be. It's quite simple, actually. My recent program is this: 1 DESTROY ALL @ RANDOMIZE 1 @ FOR K=1 TO 5 @ N=10^K @ S=0 2 FOR I=1 TO N @ IF NOT MOD(IROUND(RND/RND),2) THEN S=S+1 3 NEXT I @ P=S/N @ STD @ DISP N, @ FIX 3 @ DISP 5-P*4 @ NEXT K which is computing the probability that the closest integer to A/B is even, where A and B are uniformly distributed random numbers in [0,1), as produced by the RND keyword. Each time the rounded value is even (i.e., it's 0 modulo 2) the number of favorable outcomes (S) is incremented by one (see line 2). After N tries have been sampled, the probability P for the even case will be the number of favorables outcomes (S) divided by the number of tries (N), thus we have the estimated probability P = S/N. But I know from theory that in the limit, for N -> Infinity, the exact probability P = (5-Pi)/4, so isolating Pi we have Pi = 5-P*4, which is displayed by the program in line 3 above. Now, my earlier program, the one-liner, namely: 10 INPUT K @ N=0 @ FOR I=1 TO K @ N=N-MOD(IROUND(RND/RND),2) @ NEXT I @ DISP 1-4*N/K is computing the probability that the closest integer to A/B is odd, where A and B are uniformly distributed random numbers in [0,1), as produced by the RND keyword. Each time the rounded value is odd (i.e., isn't 0 modulo 2) the number of favorable outcomes (N) is decremented by one, and after K tries have been sampled, the probability for the odd case will be the number of favorables outcomes (-N) divided by the number of tries (K), thus we have the estimated probability P = -N/K. As the probability of the rounded division being either even or odd is 1 (certainty), the probability for the odd case is 1 minus the probability for the even case, thus it's P = 1-(5-Pi)/4 = (Pi-1)/4, so isolating Pi we have Pi = 1+4*P = 1+4*(-N/K) = 1-4*N/K, which is then displayed by the one-line program. As you can see, the source of your confusion (sorry for it !) was due to the fact that I didn't remember my previous one-liner program posted many years ago and thus I simply created code anew based on the same theory, but as it happened the new code was a three-liner, used different variables for the number of favorable outcomes and the number of tries, and further it was using the probability for the even case to compute Pi instead of the probability for the odd case, as the one-liner did. I hope this explains the whole affair to you, and thanks for your interest. Regards. V. All My Articles & other Materials here: Valentin Albillo's HP Collection |
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