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sub forum
10-29-2015, 01:00 PM
Post: #1
sub forum
I see on our forum many posts, in all domains, that remember me the very good old rubric "25 words (More or less)" of Mister Horn (the father) we be abble to read in old time in HP Keynotes. I was receiving this paper at home, in France, and always I was impatient to read FIRST this rubric ! I've so learned with her.

I wonder if it was not a good idea to do the same in our forum :

1/ Some records fall down because very hight optimisations from good programers
2/ All peoples that was afraid to write was learning fine routines, emulation...
3/ So many peoples have ideas that we don't have.
4/ With the news machines we don't have really owner manuals with examples.

Not for all thread but, like in this time ,after examen

I have had asked at Madam Kathie, but She no reply.


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10-29-2015, 04:38 PM
Post: #2
RE: sub forum
Bonjour Gérard,

Juste pour bien comprendre ce que vous suggérez pour notre forum...

Souhaitez-vous un espace où seraient stockés les trucs et astuces ? C'est ce que je comprends de vos propositions 1 à 3.

Pour la proposition 4, je crois comprendre que vous souhaiteriez des exemples commentés d'utilisation et de programmation des machines les plus récentes.

Nb : Le site n'a pas de droit de publication des manuels sous copyright HP pour les machines encore commercialisées.

Voilà ma compréhension de votre demande. Dites-moi si je suis "à côté de la plaque".

Merci et bien cordialement

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10-29-2015, 05:07 PM
Post: #3
RE: sub forum

Du français !!! Dingue je comprends tout, et parfaitement, sans aucun effort ni dictionnaire.
Non je ne cherche pas des modes d'emplois, on les a tous, mais avouons que par rapport aux 25, 55 ,65, 67, 41, 42, il n'y a plus vraiment d'exemples. Depuis la 48 en réalité. Certes nous avons internet...
Oui vous avez compris ce que je souhaiterais, sauf pour le point 4.
A titre d'exemple : J'ai soumis au forum un de mes "vieux" programmes HP41cx (YMD) traduit pour la WP34s en précisant que c'était programmé "à la 41",cf 'Not HP but related'. Nous en sommes à 2 pages d'optimisations! Ce qui permet de connaître de bien meilleures façons de programmer, c'était le but de cette rubrique du "HP Keynotes".
Je ne pense pas "changer la religion du Tribunal" comme l'on disait en droit, mais il me semble que beaucoup puîseraient là des façons de programmer, des trucs et astuces, etc. John DEARING a bien écrit il y a longtemps "Tips and Routines For the HP41", aussi le PPC Journal, etc.
Merci et bonne soirée,

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10-29-2015, 05:26 PM
Post: #4
RE: sub forum

Alors si j'essaie de résumer avant de repasser dans la langue de Shakespeare :-)

Suggestion 1 à 3 : Une rubrique Trucs et Astuces classées par modèle (différente de la rubrique Articles existante)

Suggestion 4 : Pour les nouvelles machines, des exemples de programmation.

Là, j'ai bon ????


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10-29-2015, 05:42 PM
Post: #5
RE: sub forum
10/10 ! Vous aviez déjà "bon"

En pièces jointes 2 livres, mais il y en a d'autres (je les ai quasi tous).



Ps : mon anglais doit être déplorable hein ?!!!

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10-29-2015, 06:24 PM
Post: #6
RE: sub forum
Ok, je comprends que c'est le type d'info de ces livres que vous souhaiteriez voir dans un sub-forum pour les machines récentes post-48.

Je vais essayer de mettre vos suggestions in English.

Votre anglais n'est pas "déplorable", mais des membres peuvent hésiter à répondre s'ils ne sont pas sûrs d'avoir tout bien saisi.

Et nous sommes nombreux ici à avoir une langue maternelle différente de l'anglais.


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10-29-2015, 07:11 PM (This post was last modified: 10-29-2015 07:12 PM by Etienne Victoria.)
Post: #7
RE: sub forum
Hi all,

After chatting a while (in french, sorry :-), below is what I believe is the bulk of Gérard's suggestions.

Through the various subforums, we see quite a bit of information regarding tips & tricks, routine optimizations, programming examples.

In the past (that is those glorious days without Internet) this kind of information was available in various books or dedicated magazines (such as Hp Keynotes, Tips and routines for the Hp-41)

Hence, Gérard's suggestion which is twofold :

- Would it be possible to create a subforum dedicated to "Tips and Tricks" sorted by model type (maybe a sticky thread per model) ?

- Would a subforum dedicated to "Programming best practices ; useful routines" for the more recent calculator models (that is post 48 series :-) be useful to the community ?

The two above sections would be separated from the Articles Forum which mixes various contributions addressing a wider scope (hardware, programming...)

The feeling is that this would be interesting to capture the above information to avoid the need to do a forum search to retrieve it.

I hope I have conveyed Gérard's suggestions adequately.

Best regards to all.

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10-29-2015, 07:31 PM
Post: #8
RE: sub forum

Merci beaucoup pour votre gentillesse.
Bin dites-donc ! Ca au moins c'est de l'anglais ! Je n'ai pas tout compris les mots, ni ma femme.

Merci et bravo encore.


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10-29-2015, 07:41 PM
Post: #9
RE: sub forum
10/10 ça mérite au moins....

Au cinquième : une image !

Vous n'avez pas connu ça vous, trop jeune mais en anglais un crack !



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10-29-2015, 08:54 PM
Post: #10
RE: sub forum
Gérard & Etienne,

First, thank you for that translation. Second, I did not previously see your previous request to me Gérard, did you PM me?

Now to the matter at hand.....

I think that your request makes sense, but that it is already at least partially accommodated by the HP Software Libraries forum. Much of what is there are tips and tricks for specific machines, but the grouping is perhaps not as finely detailed as you'd like. Still, in the General Software area most everyone seems to indicate which HP calculator their post is targeted to, if any. If it's a post about general "best practices" in general, I see no reason why it can't be placed in the general section.

Is there some reason why the Software Libraries Forum would not do for this?



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10-30-2015, 04:18 AM
Post: #11
RE: sub forum
Thanks for nailing down the particulars Etienne.

Gérard; I see Katie's point. While the Software Libraries forum is not exactly what you are looking for; there is enough overlap that people looking for something might find it either there or your proposed forum. Would a consensus among posters to use "Tips & Tricks" in the title do? If not then maybe your & Eteinne's idea of a sticky thread at the top limited to these posts is the answer. That way most relevant answers will show up on the same page.

Dave might have an idea or opinion here from his time studying flow in forums and how to set this one up. His decision is final, if for no other reason than that he has to do the work to implement any change. You can be assured by his time assembling the museum cd/dvd/thumb drives that he likes to document "old science" and give credit where credit is due.

One thing posters will have to be aware of is that we need to have permission to reproduce publications here. Everything on the Museum Document Set has written permission to be there. I don't know if anyone has ever not given permission, but sometimes finding them is the hard part.
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11-01-2015, 09:04 AM
Post: #12
RE: sub forum
Hi Etienne VICTORIA,

You know the last ? My son is in me (chez moi) for the week-end and he wrote to me on SMS textualy this :

"Hi dad ! When you're writing in english, I even hear you accent !"

My son ! Laufing at me like this, where is the respect from kids !!!!

Good sunday.


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