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Catalog instructions and skins ( hpprime (simulated) ) in n languages.
04-15-2016, 03:10 PM (This post was last modified: 04-16-2016 02:39 PM by compsystems.)
Post: #1
Catalog instructions and skins ( hpprime (simulated) ) in n languages.

Language support of the hpprime is partial, necessary to incorporate the translation of commands and functions as the Texas Instruments calcs

[Image: localization84_L.gif]

Language Localization App for the ti68k calculators; Features Summary
Your ti68k calculator can now help you translate languages.

This App will translate all prompts, error messages and most functions into the following languages:


PD: I follow an educational software that supports in n languages (Flowgorithm)
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04-15-2016, 03:15 PM
Post: #2
RE: Catalog instructions in n languages.
The HP Prime already does support multiple languages. As for commands, pressing the Help key will provide the actual documentation (in the proper language) for that command.

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04-15-2016, 09:28 PM (This post was last modified: 04-15-2016 09:42 PM by informach.)
Post: #3
RE: Catalog instructions in n languages.
Hi!, compsystems:

The HP PRIME GRAPHING CALCULATOR (Software Version: 2015 6 17 (8151), CAS Version: 1.1.2-11, Operating System: V0.037.526), too have helps, in various languages, as ... (see, image, from Android Emulator).

Chinese (traditional)

Except ...


You needed, press Shift Home, and go to Language (in you have, configurated English) and change, if necessary.

Kind Regards.

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04-16-2016, 02:25 PM (This post was last modified: 04-16-2016 02:38 PM by compsystems.)
Post: #4
RE: Catalog instructions in n languages.
but the commands are still in English, other calculators as CASIO, are expanding their products to different languages
Note that some functions of keyboard are in Spanish

[SEN] [arcoSeno] [COSENO] [arcoCoseno]

[Image: W9wPTxwt.png]

La primer calculadora del mundo que habla tu idioma ( Castillan (Espagnol), du Catalan et du Portugais, ) =)

I wish that at least the skins of versions (simulated) of the hpprime are in different languages, simply modify a BMP file
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04-16-2016, 03:50 PM (This post was last modified: 04-16-2016 03:51 PM by informach.)
Post: #5
RE: Catalog instructions and skins ( hpprime (simulated) ) in n languages.
Hi!, Compsystem:

You have reason, but what, is the problem ?. However, is very easy, equal, for the operation's.
HP, is invent !. Are created, for other's, more important's achievements.
In other words, or you stay at HP, or you can migrate, if you are, not convinced.

Kind Regards.
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04-16-2016, 04:06 PM (This post was last modified: 04-16-2016 04:08 PM by Tim Wessman.)
Post: #6
RE: Catalog instructions and skins ( hpprime (simulated) ) in n languages.
There are multiple problems with translation of language keywords, which is why it really is not done anywhere with regularity for any math/science/programming language or text.

1. Like it or not, english is the defacto language for math/science/programming at the moment.
2. Instead of now having ~1000 commands, you've now created 8000 or more. This means that the chances for collisions with reserved commands has gone way, way up. It makes writing user programs, and SHARING them much more difficult.
3. It makes it much more difficult to find help for the functions. You can no longer search "HP PRIME CHOOSE" and get help on the internet. Don't happen to have much localize help from others about that in your language? Too bad. You won't find it due to the "helpful" keyword translation.
4. Since no serious calculator has on-screen keyboards (classpad doesn't count, they are specifically banned most places due to this), optimizing for each language is essentially impossible. It makes it really, really bad to use for some languages. Things aren't ideal now, so why make it even worse?

Basically, though. It seems like it would be a good idea, but in reality isn't for these and several other reasons.

Maybe you should be asking the other manufacturers why no other calculator has integrated contextual help? Why they don't have about 300 pages of documentation built in for each language on each device at the touch of a button? :-)

Feel free to make your own skins. We made it really easy to do so...


Although I work for HP, the views and opinions I post here are my own.
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04-16-2016, 04:20 PM
Post: #7
RE: Catalog instructions and skins ( hpprime (simulated) ) in n languages.
(04-16-2016 04:06 PM)Tim Wessman Wrote:  ...
Basically, though. It seems like it would be a good idea, but in reality isn't for these and several other reasons.

I totally agree, also I don't see very useful if the commands are translated, and indeed, I think that would complicate my life. For example I hate the Spanish version of AutoCAD because the commands are different compared to those used in English, and the learning curve becomes even steeper and slower to go over.

Success is the ability to go from one failure to the next without any loss of enthusiasm.
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04-16-2016, 09:26 PM
Post: #8
RE: Catalog instructions and skins ( hpprime (simulated) ) in n languages.
Really? Spanish commands?

Non localized commands is a BIG plus for me in the Prime. I just can't imagine the mess due the inconsistencies. Just right now, with only the UI being translated when you switch to Spanish the whole thing is a mess. Tap things for more than ten seconds and you are going to find weird abbreviations, chopped strings, weird translations of the source:
[Image: 2016-04-16_1804.png] [Image: 2016-04-16_1804.png]
Soluc.? Explor.? please just made up new terms instead.

[Image: 2016-04-16_1805.png]
Me calculator, You human.

[Image: 2016-04-16_1807.png]

[Image: 2016-04-16_1808.png]
Beauty itself. Jony Ive would be jealous.

It is pretty much a real life representation of the result of the Chinese room experiment, but now with a Spanish dictionary. Now: try to wonder THIS current state, spread not only to aesthetic stuff but functional things. The calculator would barely 'turn on' because internally it would call some getExcited() syscall.


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04-16-2016, 09:29 PM (This post was last modified: 04-16-2016 09:33 PM by Spybot.)
Post: #9
RE: Catalog instructions and skins ( hpprime (simulated) ) in n languages.
I agree with mandresve and eried! I'm an Spanish speaker and I don't like Spanish versions of anything in my computer even the OS. Some things must remain just as they were originally created, I'm not a fan of translations.

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04-16-2016, 10:27 PM
Post: #10
RE: Catalog instructions and skins ( hpprime (simulated) ) in n languages.
The first multilingual thing I owned was TI92+, the Geometry-part was made to work in German, too. I tried that for not more than 5-10 minutes and then switched to English and never tried German on another calc. Sometimes I even am confused when I use Geogebra and must use German commands because my pupils do. At least at the moment English is the language to use, imho other languages can be omitted and freed memory has some better use.
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04-16-2016, 10:48 PM
Post: #11
RE: Catalog instructions and skins ( hpprime (simulated) ) in n languages.
(04-16-2016 10:27 PM)Arno K Wrote:  imho other languages can be omitted and freed memory has some better use.
Well, I agree that issue occurs in translation, maybe some language have more issue than other. but I would not like they remove translation to free memory. My daughter does not use hpprime in english, and it's very nice for her. Also I often switch to french, it's not that bad.

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04-17-2016, 01:15 PM
Post: #12
RE: Catalog instructions and skins ( hpprime (simulated) ) in n languages.
The mathematical packages translated into other languages, are very bad, because they are made by people who do not have extensive knowledge in mathematics.

As hpprime is an educational product, I insist that should be given the option of programming in native language (spanish, french, etc).

For example the following application for learning to program, 100% is encoded in spanish, has about ~20 thousand downloads per week
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04-17-2016, 03:14 PM (This post was last modified: 04-17-2016 03:15 PM by chromos.)
Post: #13
RE: Catalog instructions and skins ( hpprime (simulated) ) in n languages.
... and I want localized computer keyboard too! It would be very nice to have labels like "Zámek velkých písmen" instead of "Caps Lock", "Domů" instead of "Home", "Stránka dolů" instead of "Page Down" etc... How can I use computer with obscure english labels on keyboard? :-D :-D

Prime G2, 15C CE
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04-17-2016, 03:53 PM
Post: #14
RE: Catalog instructions and skins ( hpprime (simulated) ) in n languages.
I have never been a fan of translated commands into different languages.

It is still a mistery the reason why excel commands are language based. Anyway speaking about hp calculators and from a marketing point of view the only thing i would do is to have both the pdf and onboard manual in many languages.
The lack of manual in languages like italian prevent parents from buying a calc they couldn't explain to their 'kids' and scare students in case they are not able to fully understand the instruction.

If i buy a usb wall plug i don't mind about the language of the manual. A complex calculator for foreign students is even more difficult to understand if the manual has not been translated.

We are all conscious that english is the refence 'language' but in some countries english courses and math don't match in that way.

Then i understand that translating a manual in every la guage is a (huge) cost.


Giancarlo from Italy
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04-17-2016, 04:21 PM (This post was last modified: 04-17-2016 05:03 PM by Tim Wessman.)
Post: #15
RE: Catalog instructions and skins ( hpprime (simulated) ) in n languages.
(04-17-2016 01:15 PM)compsystems Wrote:  The mathematical packages translated into other languages, are very bad, because they are made by people who do not have extensive knowledge in mathematics.

Exactly. Translations are always done at the lowest bid (just like pretty much everything else with modern business unfortunately...). In our case, HP has a process the whole company uses, and we need to use it.

What if there was a tool packaged along with the connectivity kit that made it so interested users could modify and adjust the built in translations, share them, create new languages, etc? I'll start another thread discussing this.


Although I work for HP, the views and opinions I post here are my own.
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04-17-2016, 06:22 PM (This post was last modified: 04-17-2016 06:24 PM by informach.)
Post: #16
RE: Catalog instructions and skins ( hpprime (simulated) ) in n languages.

IMHO, what, I started, with ... HP67/HP41CV/HP28C/HP75C/HP48G+/HP49G/HP50G/HP PRIME GRAPHING CALCULATOR, never haven't problem's, with the interpretation, of commands and function's, for learn and use, in English Language, the Guides and helps.

Kind Regards.
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